i'm back from the world's end... it's like johnny depp in POC. execpt his was filled with weird looking white coloured shell crabs while mine was filled with study notes... it was very nightmarish!! Life turns black when there's tests... i bet my life will be shortened by 5 years if jcts were to extend up to one month.i guess my wish is going to come true cause that's what going to happen for a levels... yee... i see black and red spots just trying to picture how life would be when a levels say hi! to us... eee....
My grandma's so funny and irritating at the same time. I'm so unfillial... but she's really irritating in a funny way... so actually, i don't feel that irritated la...more of bemused... she's paranoid about mosquitoes... she gets frantic when she sees one puddle of water here and there. she's goes into a frenzy when a mosquito flies into our house uninvited. It sets her crazy when she's bitten by a mozzie.
i woke up early on yesterday's morning and saw her cause she's up early usually
Ah ma: did u know that mosquito can kill... just one bite u can die!
Me: ya.. dengue ah?
Ah ma: ya!! the lao zao bos at my workplace told me... they read the news... those kena are in sixty plus yrs old... old ppl always kena this and that...
Me: immune system low ma... u mus becareful...
ah ma:u also...
then my mum came down from her room for work
ah ma: ehh...mosquitoe can kill... one sixty plus person died... mosquito bite...
(she repeats the story again)
it was aunty's turn to come out of the room
Ah ma: ehh... news said got one person died of mosquitoe's bite....
(story repeated for the third time)
my grandma is very very very worried about mosquitoes... she frets over them too much...
Can anyone give me tips on how to wipe out mosquitoes or maybe at least prevent mozzies from intruding our house cause my grandma is getting on everyone's nerves...
how i wish i can stay home every morning and witness funny conversations like these...
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
i think macdonald's sucks
i think macdonald's sucks.... the one at changi airport terminal sucks cause it's not study friendly... the manager or who so ever chased us out while we were trying to study there. it's not as though we never buy food to eat what... plus i saw quite a few empty seats... plus plus the who so ever's tone of voice just wasn't right... can use better tone not?
don't mac know that they are actually honoured that so many students pick that place to study...they are actually contributing to the society by providing food to nourish the brains of the young and a revenue where they can feel at ease to mug their lives out... who knows...maybe a top notch politician/doctor/lawyer will be produced through all that hard work put in while slogging their asses off at macs... and who knows maybe that top notch person will give a speech in future and attribute his success to all the mugging sessions at macs. That would definitely bring glory to macs...
i'm flirting with the idea of being an entrepreneur in future. I'll either open a cafe that sells desserts or a candy shop. for the cafe, i'll have one area specially catered for students to mug. students will have to come at first come first serve basis to 'book' the limited seats... the rest of the cafe will be for regular patrons. no studying allowed... i want to give back to the society who knows maybe one famous doctor will give his speech on national broadcast and thank me... " i would like to attribute my success to hazel lim, the founder of hazel's cafe. The cafe is study friendly, very cosy and there's delicious food that also whet up my appetite for knowledge. The owner is extremely kind, helpful , encouraging and pretty which also makes it another contributing factor why i'm able to make this speech today..." imagine i switch on the tv and i see this speech dedicated just for me... can u imagine?! i'll fly to heaven ...
i don't like macs now... to show my distaste, i'm going to boycott mac for the rest of the year... im dead serious even though there's delicious hotcakes but then... i'm going to boycott still (firm!)
i think macs sucks, i think my bum's too big, i think i'm weird, i think tests suck. most importantly, i think guitar rocks!!! i'm entitled to think what i like. Blog hopper has the right to think whatever he/she likes. I don't mind seriously... also, i think it's cowardy not to reveal your real name and use a pseudonym ... hazel thinks whatever way she likes and she's proud of it.... WHY?! this is a democratic country and there's freedom of speech duh~~~~ anyway, i think kayaking is so-so... flying fox is much nicer...
don't mac know that they are actually honoured that so many students pick that place to study...they are actually contributing to the society by providing food to nourish the brains of the young and a revenue where they can feel at ease to mug their lives out... who knows...maybe a top notch politician/doctor/lawyer will be produced through all that hard work put in while slogging their asses off at macs... and who knows maybe that top notch person will give a speech in future and attribute his success to all the mugging sessions at macs. That would definitely bring glory to macs...
i'm flirting with the idea of being an entrepreneur in future. I'll either open a cafe that sells desserts or a candy shop. for the cafe, i'll have one area specially catered for students to mug. students will have to come at first come first serve basis to 'book' the limited seats... the rest of the cafe will be for regular patrons. no studying allowed... i want to give back to the society who knows maybe one famous doctor will give his speech on national broadcast and thank me... " i would like to attribute my success to hazel lim, the founder of hazel's cafe. The cafe is study friendly, very cosy and there's delicious food that also whet up my appetite for knowledge. The owner is extremely kind, helpful , encouraging and pretty which also makes it another contributing factor why i'm able to make this speech today..." imagine i switch on the tv and i see this speech dedicated just for me... can u imagine?! i'll fly to heaven ...
i don't like macs now... to show my distaste, i'm going to boycott mac for the rest of the year... im dead serious even though there's delicious hotcakes but then... i'm going to boycott still (firm!)
i think macs sucks, i think my bum's too big, i think i'm weird, i think tests suck. most importantly, i think guitar rocks!!! i'm entitled to think what i like. Blog hopper has the right to think whatever he/she likes. I don't mind seriously... also, i think it's cowardy not to reveal your real name and use a pseudonym ... hazel thinks whatever way she likes and she's proud of it.... WHY?! this is a democratic country and there's freedom of speech duh~~~~ anyway, i think kayaking is so-so... flying fox is much nicer...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The portions of food were huge. Can't be blamed since it's an western restaurant... i was too engrossed in eating that i forgot to snap photos of the food. It was after i've finished the food then i remember 'oh shit!' to take photos of the food but *shrug* it was too late anyway...
went taka to shop!! whee!!
It's really really really delicious k. drop dead delicious... yum!
i'm shocked, amazed and disgusted...
saw a message on friendster...
this guy left a message " u r beautiful..would like to know u. be waiting for ur reply ..pls leave ur email address as well..."
erm... let me make this clear... i'm not trying to show off or boast whatsoever...
i'm bemused by the fact that the person must be somewhat blind or something. i'm beautiful? wahaha!! *rolls onto the floor and laugh*
i don't even know who the hell is he...
somehow the cynical part of me believes that he's just trying to pull my leg and to increase the number of friends he has on friendster like what some people do...
anyway, i think that when u wanna know a person right... don't start off with 'you're beautiful' cause it really turns people off. Or maybe it's just me la. So damn cheesy can. "u r beautiful" think u're james blunt is it?! plus 'u r beautiful' sounds so superficial la... even though ya..looks do play a part in the attraction factor, plus at least try to mask it la... say something like 'i like to know you cause we share the same interests'. I know it's equally cheesy but at least it won't make me roll onto the floor and puke...
OMG! this is so funny that i'm going to write in my diary so that i recall and tell my grandchildren in future... must teach them the art of making friends man...
I'm cynical right?
Thursday, June 07, 2007
POC!! Whee!!
POC 3 At world's end
Ok!! I admit Will Turner appears hotter in Pirates 3. Especially sizzling hot when he was made captain of flying dutchman. He had a scar across his chest which made him appealing to me... wahaha!
Cute pair!! *gushing over them*
The way they walk... damn sey!

No matter how hot will turner is, he's not as hot as the guy above, shrouded by heavy mist which adds to the air of mystery. *WOW!*


No matter how hot will turner is, he's not as hot as the guy above, shrouded by heavy mist which adds to the air of mystery. *WOW!*

Monday, June 04, 2007
Kindness goes a long way
Like my new blog skin? :)
I like to tell everyone a secret... shh... i won't mind you you you telling others about this secret if you happened to chance upon my blog... The secret is : (actually it's an open secret la! everyone knows...) Hazel is a kind soul!! wonderful right?!
Let me take a break to burst out laughing (wahahaha!!)
three days ago, i found a mickey plus minnie mice wallet at loyang point while i was about to go home from grocery shopping. I picked the wallet and opened the wallet to see what's inside. I saw alot of cards and though they were phone cards and guessed the wallet belonged to some ridiculous kid who is obsessed with cards... I opened another compartment and found money inside!! rough estimation: 70 plus bucks. So i went to open the other compartment with all the cards and realised they weren't just phone cards. There were NTUC link card, ez link card,77th street and minitoon discount cards, credit cards, IC, driving license... There were like 20 plus cards in total. The cards which i thought were phone cards were not phone cards!! IC,credit cards and driving license are important!! so i sacrificed 15 minutes of my youth loithering near the place were i found the wallet, praying the person who lost it would return to claim her wallet. (i know it's a her cause i saw the IC)
Did i mention i was eating hello panda biscuits that are meant to be dipped into creamy cheese? It works like yan yan biscuits whereby you dip the rod like biscuits into chocolate before chomping on it. So, my hands were greasy and cheesy while i was clutching the wallet. wahaha!! Anyway, this isn't the issue. The owner of the wallet was 10 years older than us. Yet she still used a mickey mouse + minnie mouse wallet (giggles) . that's why at first glance, i thought it was some careless gin na (hokkien for kid) who had lost the wallet... Plus for goodness sake, can't the person don't bring so much cards out. Those discount cards can be kept at home la... only serves to make the wallet heavier...
15 minutes of my youth was wasted and the person wasn't back yet. I looked at the address on the IC and saw that the owner lived in pasir ris. I discussed with my aunty and we made an honourable decision to deliver the wallet back to her house as we lugged all the grocery bought along and having no idea where exactly her house was...
we asked a few people and got a rough idea where her house was. Rough idea meaning which direction we should head and that's all... we were on some 'adventure' ...
our energy and enthusiasm were sapped dry after walking for 15 minutes and there was still no sight of the block!! We paused to take a breather and that was when we made the second important decision whether to continue with the hunt... since we are already halfway there, must as well finish off with our kind act right? so we both pitiful souls continued to lug, drag, pull, toss, kick our baggage of groceries and fight on!
at long last, we managed to find the block!! went up to her unit. pressed the door bell and the owner's ( of the wallet) mum opened the door, carrying the careless woman's baby... the baby very cute sia... chubby. we passed the wallet to her mum and guess what... no thank you!! Not even a smile k... nothing... whatever. I do kind act not for the sake of receiving acknowledgement also la... but still... a sore nagging part of me thinks it would be better if the mum at least said a thank you since i walked like 3o minutes to her house. ai ya!!
my aunty and i left and walked another 30 mins home. on the way home, both of us were disappointed and complaint the lack of basic courtesy... OK la!! both of us weren't like begging for a thank you but somehow, it'll make us feel better if we got some kind of acknowledgement ma... we're humans anyway. even though we may say we don't do act if kindness of any reward but at least some kind of acknowledgement will warm one's heart right?
we met a blind woman on the way. wanted to help her home was she was insistent that she could get back on her own as she did that everyday. i'm awed by the blind woman...
Upon reaching home, i realised that i shouldn't fret over the no thank you thing. I'm proud of myself! i didn't keep the wallet and not return. it proves to me that i'm a law abiding, kind, considerate, thoughtful, helpful samaritan! I hiked all the way to her house despite the time cause i thought the woman would be worried sick for her wallet.
Hazel's such a kind soul !! (that's self affirmation)
oh ya!! Audrey's voice rang in my head on my way home. she always says 'kindness goes a long way". That quote rang in my mind in a ghostly audrey's voice. Well indeed! Kindness does go a LONG way. (had to walk for so damn long)
Opps! did i mention that i forgot to clean the wallet after eating the cheesy biscuits? i bet the wallet would be oily and reek of cheese. Opps!
I like to tell everyone a secret... shh... i won't mind you you you telling others about this secret if you happened to chance upon my blog... The secret is : (actually it's an open secret la! everyone knows...) Hazel is a kind soul!! wonderful right?!
Let me take a break to burst out laughing (wahahaha!!)
three days ago, i found a mickey plus minnie mice wallet at loyang point while i was about to go home from grocery shopping. I picked the wallet and opened the wallet to see what's inside. I saw alot of cards and though they were phone cards and guessed the wallet belonged to some ridiculous kid who is obsessed with cards... I opened another compartment and found money inside!! rough estimation: 70 plus bucks. So i went to open the other compartment with all the cards and realised they weren't just phone cards. There were NTUC link card, ez link card,77th street and minitoon discount cards, credit cards, IC, driving license... There were like 20 plus cards in total. The cards which i thought were phone cards were not phone cards!! IC,credit cards and driving license are important!! so i sacrificed 15 minutes of my youth loithering near the place were i found the wallet, praying the person who lost it would return to claim her wallet. (i know it's a her cause i saw the IC)
Did i mention i was eating hello panda biscuits that are meant to be dipped into creamy cheese? It works like yan yan biscuits whereby you dip the rod like biscuits into chocolate before chomping on it. So, my hands were greasy and cheesy while i was clutching the wallet. wahaha!! Anyway, this isn't the issue. The owner of the wallet was 10 years older than us. Yet she still used a mickey mouse + minnie mouse wallet (giggles) . that's why at first glance, i thought it was some careless gin na (hokkien for kid) who had lost the wallet... Plus for goodness sake, can't the person don't bring so much cards out. Those discount cards can be kept at home la... only serves to make the wallet heavier...
15 minutes of my youth was wasted and the person wasn't back yet. I looked at the address on the IC and saw that the owner lived in pasir ris. I discussed with my aunty and we made an honourable decision to deliver the wallet back to her house as we lugged all the grocery bought along and having no idea where exactly her house was...
we asked a few people and got a rough idea where her house was. Rough idea meaning which direction we should head and that's all... we were on some 'adventure' ...
our energy and enthusiasm were sapped dry after walking for 15 minutes and there was still no sight of the block!! We paused to take a breather and that was when we made the second important decision whether to continue with the hunt... since we are already halfway there, must as well finish off with our kind act right? so we both pitiful souls continued to lug, drag, pull, toss, kick our baggage of groceries and fight on!
at long last, we managed to find the block!! went up to her unit. pressed the door bell and the owner's ( of the wallet) mum opened the door, carrying the careless woman's baby... the baby very cute sia... chubby. we passed the wallet to her mum and guess what... no thank you!! Not even a smile k... nothing... whatever. I do kind act not for the sake of receiving acknowledgement also la... but still... a sore nagging part of me thinks it would be better if the mum at least said a thank you since i walked like 3o minutes to her house. ai ya!!
my aunty and i left and walked another 30 mins home. on the way home, both of us were disappointed and complaint the lack of basic courtesy... OK la!! both of us weren't like begging for a thank you but somehow, it'll make us feel better if we got some kind of acknowledgement ma... we're humans anyway. even though we may say we don't do act if kindness of any reward but at least some kind of acknowledgement will warm one's heart right?
we met a blind woman on the way. wanted to help her home was she was insistent that she could get back on her own as she did that everyday. i'm awed by the blind woman...
Upon reaching home, i realised that i shouldn't fret over the no thank you thing. I'm proud of myself! i didn't keep the wallet and not return. it proves to me that i'm a law abiding, kind, considerate, thoughtful, helpful samaritan! I hiked all the way to her house despite the time cause i thought the woman would be worried sick for her wallet.
Hazel's such a kind soul !! (that's self affirmation)
oh ya!! Audrey's voice rang in my head on my way home. she always says 'kindness goes a long way". That quote rang in my mind in a ghostly audrey's voice. Well indeed! Kindness does go a LONG way. (had to walk for so damn long)
Opps! did i mention that i forgot to clean the wallet after eating the cheesy biscuits? i bet the wallet would be oily and reek of cheese. Opps!
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