Today marks the 'last' day of school for all j2s. We'll reappear after prelims somehow for more lessons no matter how unhappy we are... we got into a photo taking frenzy today.
We celebrated teachers' day during GP. Our plan was this: Adillia complains that she has stomach cramps and need to go sickbay with zheya accompanying her. Then she'll sneaked out of school to buy cake for mrs ho and run back.
Our plan nearly didn't manage to take place because mrs ho came into the class and announced "i'm not feeling well today. I think i'm going to throw up. I really can't teach you all. I'm feeling shivery all over. I'm going to pass you the entry proofs and i'll leave." the rest of us were dumbfounded. Quick thinking adillia and zheya decided to leave at the moment. Our plan was pushed forward. Time passed at snail's pace when they were gone. We started bombarding her with questions to make her stay. It was hilarious seeing the whole class suddenly so enthu in asking questions non stop and was united in our attempts to make mrs ho stay. quite sadistic come to think of it. we were like stopping a very sick person from going back to rest... opps! anyway it was worth it because mrs ho was touched. Even though she was ill, she was a good sport and still went around cheerily to take pictures.
After that, we went under lt1 to take class pics. We attracted alot of attention... we did this pic whereby everyone jumped at the same time. Cool right... too bad i don't have the pics with me now... a guy in my class looked like an idiot jumping so many times ALONE cause there were problems trying to take proper pics of him. He jumped too high out of camera's range i think... it was both embarrassing and fun! :)
No more pe ever after. I'll miss sports complex
Nice view!

'The Cosey 4' named by Grace. Stupid Junhan dangled his donut on top of me!!
He dangled his donut during econs lesson and threw ms wong into a laughing fits. The reason is simply, he looked stupid trying to dangle the little cute donut...
The cookies that i baked for the entire class. This is the sad looking one which i ate!
The smiley one!

SMile like the cookie!
The stressful period is going to begin... i'm starting to feel that my life is so bleak... Give me a cliff and i'll gladly jump down...