Went to watch the forbidden kingdom starring Jackie chan and Jet li...
It was a stupid movie in my opinion. I watched mainly because the movie has two of my favourite actors-Jackie Chan and Jet li. first time both martial arts experts are collaborating. Not to be missed. The fighting scenes were beautifully choreographed. I'm a die hard fan of action packed movies... I never fail to watch Jackie chan's movies.. yay!!
However, the plot was just plain lame. Even Jackie chan himself had admitted it was a trashy movie but he decided to film anyway because Jet li was also starring in it... The first problem is why would Sun wu kong leave his staff to an angmoh who doesn't know kongfu and obviously can't speak chinese. OK OK it's a hollywood movie right?? So must have angmoh. And can you believe that people from ancient China can speak english?? even sun wu kong can speak english. Maybe those people who worship sun wu kong should erect a temple in an angmoh country or something...
I burst out laughing when the bai fa mo nu (white-haired ghostly looking lady) acted by Li bing bing scolded golden sparrow (another female character) 'orphan bitch'. i mean i can't fathom people in ancient China scolding each other 'bitch'... It's like totally cannot fit in right?
Anyway, for this movie, just watch with half of brains will do. Don't confuse too much with the facts you'd learnt in history lessons... Just imagine that scholars and deities in ancient china can speak english. Period... I watched for the fghting scenes. super duper cool!! Kept me sitting at the edge of my seat and my adrenaline hoolappitying...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
eulogy to my bestest companion
This is finally the end... My beloved bestest companion has left me... I'm writing an eulogy for it...

I'm getting abit emotional because this particular Nike Bottle has braved much hardship and obstacles with me. Even during those torturous gruelling PE lessons in TJC, Nike bottle had not forsaken me and was always stuck to me rain or shine. It provided me immediate solace whenever my throat became dry, my voice raspy, i was on the verge of collapsing due to dehydration/heat stroke. My Nike bottle would act as superman to save me by providing with water to pull through all sorts of difficulties. Whenever i was sick, my Nike bottle would be there to remind me to drink more water. And when i was studying, my Nike bottle would sit patiently on the study table and offerred me its mental support. Its patient companion spurred me to carry on studying no matter how boring or mind boggling things could be... When i get restive, i would simply drink from it and it would cheer me up by making squishy screechy sounds in a bid to make me laugh at the ridiculous sounds it had made.
I'm not deliberately trying to personify my bottle but it had really accompanied through thick and thin. I'm a sentimental person who doesn't bear to throw things away but i had no choice because Nike bottle had become decrepitated due to old age. The black plastic cover was peeling as though some rats had chewed on it and the body had become super cloudy like cataracts in old people. In order to shorten its agony in this world, i decided to send it off to a better place by giving it a proper burial at SIngapore's rubbish dumpsite...
I sincerely thank Nike bottle for sticking by me though thick and thin. I will always remember you... Farewell my friend...
sheesh... gotta buy another water bottle....
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i wanna roar!!
I'm so hateful that my voice has decided to forsaken me. I tried chasing after it like a spurned lover but to no avail. I sound like a transvestite now... When's my beautiful voice coming back?
Yesterday, i was savouring the sweet cup of Meiji yoghurt when my lil cousin returned home and the moment he came in through the door, he fell flat onto the ground. It was super funny cause it happened in slow motion. However, i was too shocked to laugh. It was unfathomable how he could have fell... His embarrassment quickly turned into anger and he chided me for eating yoghurt without asking my mum for permission. (my mum was the one who bought the youghurt) he said that my mum had warned us not to eat her yoghurt but then... i never listen to my mum anyway... hehe!!
I always have weird weird dreams when i'm sick. The day before yesterday, i dreamt that i went shopping with a green basket like the ones you see at supermarkets. The problem was i wasn't shopping at supermarkets. I dreamt that i was toodling around with the green basket at Toy's'rus... Dots... I remember i had grabbed some stuff off the shelves and threw them in the hideously green basket. When it was time to pay, i u-turned and placed all the items in the basket back to the place i had previously took them from... 0.0
Fortunately, it was just a dream... I mean... I would have gone to see a shrink if i'd done that in real life... haha!!
I wish my voice will come back because my job is dependent on my beautiful voice...
Yesterday, i was savouring the sweet cup of Meiji yoghurt when my lil cousin returned home and the moment he came in through the door, he fell flat onto the ground. It was super funny cause it happened in slow motion. However, i was too shocked to laugh. It was unfathomable how he could have fell... His embarrassment quickly turned into anger and he chided me for eating yoghurt without asking my mum for permission. (my mum was the one who bought the youghurt) he said that my mum had warned us not to eat her yoghurt but then... i never listen to my mum anyway... hehe!!
I always have weird weird dreams when i'm sick. The day before yesterday, i dreamt that i went shopping with a green basket like the ones you see at supermarkets. The problem was i wasn't shopping at supermarkets. I dreamt that i was toodling around with the green basket at Toy's'rus... Dots... I remember i had grabbed some stuff off the shelves and threw them in the hideously green basket. When it was time to pay, i u-turned and placed all the items in the basket back to the place i had previously took them from... 0.0
Fortunately, it was just a dream... I mean... I would have gone to see a shrink if i'd done that in real life... haha!!
I wish my voice will come back because my job is dependent on my beautiful voice...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I so deserve to die...
When 5 strepsils did not do their job, i knew i was in serious trouble. My throat hurts like hell like somebody used a scalpel to scrape the lining of my throat. Swallowing becomes a painful ordeal and somehow, the temperature seemed to miraculously dipped to 16 degree celsius. My head throbbed like hell, my whole body ached like how the bones of old ladies suffer when it's raining. I covered myself from neck to toes with a blankie and yet was still shivering rock and roll... My eyes were puffy and my face was pale that even the mirror complaint... That's when i knew, i was sick...
Oh shucks!! I hate being sick. Spent one miserable day, huddled under my miserable crumpled blanket, shivering miserably and not to forget, feeling miserable for myself. Thankfully, my throat doesn't hurt that much anymore. It hurt so much that i couldn't sleep at night. Now, my nose is all clogged up, my body still aching, i seemed to have heard few coughs here and there BUT, at least my throat doesn't hurt that badly anymore. I can't do my job-telemarketing cause still sound like a choked up toilet bowl with a faulty flushing system.
AND, i so deserve to die because i forgot yesterday was Audrey's birthday!!! AH!!! I'm not fit to be Audrey's friend... I'm such a loser. I'm a miserable BOOBOO!! Please, anyone, banish me to some horrendous place named "i'm-not-fit-to-be-anyone's-friend" . I'm going to beg for Audrey's forgiveness... Audrey, please forgive me... *Tears and mucus start welling in my eyes and nostrils respectively*
Oh shucks!! I hate being sick. Spent one miserable day, huddled under my miserable crumpled blanket, shivering miserably and not to forget, feeling miserable for myself. Thankfully, my throat doesn't hurt that much anymore. It hurt so much that i couldn't sleep at night. Now, my nose is all clogged up, my body still aching, i seemed to have heard few coughs here and there BUT, at least my throat doesn't hurt that badly anymore. I can't do my job-telemarketing cause still sound like a choked up toilet bowl with a faulty flushing system.
AND, i so deserve to die because i forgot yesterday was Audrey's birthday!!! AH!!! I'm not fit to be Audrey's friend... I'm such a loser. I'm a miserable BOOBOO!! Please, anyone, banish me to some horrendous place named "i'm-not-fit-to-be-anyone's-friend" . I'm going to beg for Audrey's forgiveness... Audrey, please forgive me... *Tears and mucus start welling in my eyes and nostrils respectively*
Friday, April 11, 2008
what's wrong with ITE?!
There was this gathering for relatives and as usual, conversations that revolve around studies popped up. I dont understand... can;t they just give us a break? I mean can't they ask other stuff like what are you doing now? Are you doing anything enjoyable? Frenzy paper chase whatsoever.
I have this cousin who's going to ITE. I see no wrong with ITE. I don't understand why people have to make studying in ITE sounds like the end of the world? I admit i used to have a jaundiced view of ITE but that view has changed. ITE has its own qualities too and i don;t know why people have to demean students who are studying there.
From my relatives' tone, i could sense they were kind of scornful of my cousin who's going to ITE. They disguised their comments in a 'diplomatic' way as not to sound too demeaning and stuff but anyway, it still sounded sarcastic and insensitive to me. They were giving advice to my cousin not to mix around with those gangs and blah blah blah... I couldn't stand it and burst out saying something like "Go ITE also not bad ma... why have to make it sound like he's (my cousin) going to a point of no return." AND THEN, the situation was reversed and i was targetted by my older cousin who said "so what do you intend to study? Aiyah! People like you definitely will want to go university... JC student ma... " His comment was dripping with sarcasm. Like i'm dying to go to university. Like i can't survive if i don't go to university. Fortunately, i'm sarcastic myself and i said "oh... not exactly la... I intend to look for a rich boyfriend, hurry up get married and be a tai tai. " together with a i-don't-give-you-a-damn look.
Somebody gently pulled me aside and chided me for being disrespectful because i sounded rude and whatever shit. I mean people who know me should know i don;t give much damn about academics. Character development is more important to me. such gathering like this is like Singapore Fashion Festival but instead of showcasing clothes, those people like to fluff their feathers and show off their children's academic results. Fortunately, my close/immediate family doesn;t pressurise me to do that. i'm given room to do whatever i like. *thank god* Those people have eyes on the top of their heads. I hope they won't crash into the lamp-post someday...
No matter what, even if we tried to talk about other stuff, those peacocks (because they are as proud as peacocks) will still walk the conversation back to the ITE topic. They are like dwelling on it too much up to a point whereby they are using my cousin as a comparison to their children to feed their gargantuan egos.
Thankfully, i don;t see them often. Throughout, i was like sitting on a bed of needles and feeling constipated. *rolls my eyes*
I have this cousin who's going to ITE. I see no wrong with ITE. I don't understand why people have to make studying in ITE sounds like the end of the world? I admit i used to have a jaundiced view of ITE but that view has changed. ITE has its own qualities too and i don;t know why people have to demean students who are studying there.
From my relatives' tone, i could sense they were kind of scornful of my cousin who's going to ITE. They disguised their comments in a 'diplomatic' way as not to sound too demeaning and stuff but anyway, it still sounded sarcastic and insensitive to me. They were giving advice to my cousin not to mix around with those gangs and blah blah blah... I couldn't stand it and burst out saying something like "Go ITE also not bad ma... why have to make it sound like he's (my cousin) going to a point of no return." AND THEN, the situation was reversed and i was targetted by my older cousin who said "so what do you intend to study? Aiyah! People like you definitely will want to go university... JC student ma... " His comment was dripping with sarcasm. Like i'm dying to go to university. Like i can't survive if i don't go to university. Fortunately, i'm sarcastic myself and i said "oh... not exactly la... I intend to look for a rich boyfriend, hurry up get married and be a tai tai. " together with a i-don't-give-you-a-damn look.
Somebody gently pulled me aside and chided me for being disrespectful because i sounded rude and whatever shit. I mean people who know me should know i don;t give much damn about academics. Character development is more important to me. such gathering like this is like Singapore Fashion Festival but instead of showcasing clothes, those people like to fluff their feathers and show off their children's academic results. Fortunately, my close/immediate family doesn;t pressurise me to do that. i'm given room to do whatever i like. *thank god* Those people have eyes on the top of their heads. I hope they won't crash into the lamp-post someday...
No matter what, even if we tried to talk about other stuff, those peacocks (because they are as proud as peacocks) will still walk the conversation back to the ITE topic. They are like dwelling on it too much up to a point whereby they are using my cousin as a comparison to their children to feed their gargantuan egos.
Thankfully, i don;t see them often. Throughout, i was like sitting on a bed of needles and feeling constipated. *rolls my eyes*
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Last Saturday, qijiemeis met at Vivo to celebrate Jieying's birthday...
Darling and me so lovey dovey... The rabbit with a red heart is actually hopping after another rabbit in front of him... So sweet... aww...
We went to Toy's'rus. Meet my friends, from left, big bird,elmo and spongebob.
Barney who brought me joyful memories of my childhood

It's lunchtime and i'm slacking. I can't stand telemarketing but i just have to grit my teeth and continue doing. My mum said i'm not polite enough when i'm talking to customer. Instead of asking "may i know what's your name?" I was too straightforward and simply shot off 'what's your name". erm... but the tone of my voice was at least polite to me... I mean, it just a slip of my tongue what... It's a waste of my breath to say "may i know"... so duh~ but ... hai~ ok. i shall endeavour my best to be polite. *rolls my eyes*
The In thing to talk about is rising price of rice. It rhymes leh... My aunt makes sure we finish all the rice on our plates. Can't even leave a grain of rice behind. The rising price of the rice has dashed all my dreams of having five kids in future. I won't have enough money to buy rice to feed my kids. So, i have to be realistic and not have too many kids. (hope that the price will not increase any further)
I like this ...
Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.
~source unknown~
Anyway, nothing lasts forever, not even troubles so jiayou everyone!!
I'm going to buck up on my telemarketing skills...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
First day working at home
I've gotten a new job. I'm working as a telemarketer. Recommended by my darling. Telemarketing is a super dry dry dry and boring boring boring job. I don't like telemarketing but the good thing is that i can work in the comforts of my home. I sound so anti-social sia... Cooped up at home. And, the job only lasts for one month and shouldn;t be much of a problem... i'm currently slacking now since i'm obviously blogging. My self imposed lunch time. Hey!! People need to rest one leh... The people i'm calling wouldn;t like to be disturbed during the well-deserved lunchtime after slogging for hours in the chilly office. Imagine them trying to talk to me with fishball in the mouth or curry rice splattering out of the mouth. The former is dangerous as fshball can block the windpipe, resulting in a symptom known as choking. The latter is disgusting and i pity his colleagues sitting near him. So, i'm being considerate.
Some people i'd called were nice and patient.Some were quite rude. But who cares... Got one super funny guy. He kept laughing at himself. Not me. I was serious. He laughed and i laughed and we laughed over the phone. Very cuckoo hor? I laughed because he laughed and not because he said something funny.
HAI~ anyway, i'm sick of the job and it's only my first day... just bear for another one month. Alternatively, i can finish up calling all the people and slack after that. hai~
Some people i'd called were nice and patient.Some were quite rude. But who cares... Got one super funny guy. He kept laughing at himself. Not me. I was serious. He laughed and i laughed and we laughed over the phone. Very cuckoo hor? I laughed because he laughed and not because he said something funny.
HAI~ anyway, i'm sick of the job and it's only my first day... just bear for another one month. Alternatively, i can finish up calling all the people and slack after that. hai~
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