We had a pre-camp briefing yesterday at Vivo City. Was told to meet outside Marche. Ruiying (same group as me) and me thought that we'll be having lunch at Marche. Have lunch and talk at the same time. Who knows that we have to meet at the grand stand and there wasn't any lunch. We were super famished man.
So what did we do at the grand stand? Self intro and all the usual stuff. We had to memorise each others' names. 8 people turned up btw. Personally, i think chinese names are very difficult to memorise. And, we had ice breakers and slapped the neighbour beside you if her/his name was being called. The guys beside me never even once touched me. *Laugh* Even though my thighs were heavily padded by my jeans. And, because i'm a shu nu, i only gave a half-hearted slap on my neighbours' thighs.
And then we proceeded to make small talks. It was pretty awkward... After that we have to share with the whole group what we had known about our neighbours. 3 interesting facts. I told the guy beside me that i 'like to stone'. which he really went and tell the whole group... gosh! And when it was my turn to share things about my neighbour, i remained silent because i was recalling... My ogl said "so it's stoning time now..." something like that... i was recalling ok!
And we also did cheers which i though was ... AWKWARD. Imagine cheering at VIVO?!?! 0.0 plus i wasn't in the mood ok....
Hopefully, i won't die at the sea because there's rafting and i can't swim. Overall,i think my OG is ok. In the sense i feel at ease and stuff. Kind of lighten abit of my pre-occupations on orientation and stuff. However, i still don't like to get dirty and unglam during orientations. AND i seriously do not want to die in pool games or out at sea...
Tonight will be my first night staying at the hostel. We had a hard time cleaning the room ok. It was super duper dirty. Some places was covered in 0.3 cm of dust. yuck! My window faces a forested area. that's not the best thing. The head of my bed faces the door, the foot of my bed faces the window. Gosh! How lucky can my life be. Hopefully, the headless ghost won't come floating outside my window. Hopefully, the ghost dog won't come scratching my door in the middle of the night.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Byebye to my room
If someone shoves a mic into my face and asks me whether i'm looking to staying in a hostel, my answer is NO! My house and room is too comfortable. All the food that i like are neatly stashed in the cupboard in the kitchen. Open the freezer and the tantalising ice cream awaits me. Toilet is just right beside my room. My humble abode, is sufficiently equipped to my needs.
If another person shoves another microphone into my face and asks me whether i'm looking forward to school reopen, my answer is 'i don't know'. i think i WAS looking forward but now, i'm just not sure. The idea of slogging again and burying myself under layers and layers of notes and books makes me shiver all the way to the ends of my hair. However, another part of me likes the idea of getting integrated into uni life, do some fruitful things and stop slacking. Start moving those lazy bum of mine.
If another another person shoves another another mic into my face and askes me whether i'm excited about hall camp, my answer is 'N-O !!!!!!!!!!' (exclamation marks included) I'm just not cut out for orientations. I'm far from enamoured to be dunk into some filthy algae brimming pond or pass food mouth to mouth or go on an Amazing Race, running around like a headless chicken. Most of my friends had commented that i'd looked very 'fierce' during tj's orientations or 'sian' especially when we had to do stupid things or the mass dance. These are just my friends being polite and nice. Personally, i think i look like a grouchy, grumpy, querulous, arrogant black faced bitch during orientations. Although, i like to think that i'm nice when there's no orientations. ( don't puke.) No offense but i think i'll fare better without orientations. As in i think i'll integrate into the environment better without some morbid camp activities. No offense though. Ok. Maybe it's for offensive purpose.
I'm plagued by insecurities now...
I'm worried i can't adapt. What if i cry under my blankets every night (although i know i won't) but there's always a 'what if'. I'll miss my bed, tv, dvd player, radio blah blah blah... and most importantly, my family members. I'll miss irritating them...
Anyway, i think i just go to the camp and be myself. If i don't like then don't play. They can't force me. If they force me, i'll go Nanyang lake, scoop up plastic bag full of algae and dump at them... no joke. I'm dead serious. like dead dead serious. (must emphasise because whenever i say i'm serious, people will laugh immediately after that. )
If another person shoves another microphone into my face and asks me whether i'm looking forward to school reopen, my answer is 'i don't know'. i think i WAS looking forward but now, i'm just not sure. The idea of slogging again and burying myself under layers and layers of notes and books makes me shiver all the way to the ends of my hair. However, another part of me likes the idea of getting integrated into uni life, do some fruitful things and stop slacking. Start moving those lazy bum of mine.
If another another person shoves another another mic into my face and askes me whether i'm excited about hall camp, my answer is 'N-O !!!!!!!!!!' (exclamation marks included) I'm just not cut out for orientations. I'm far from enamoured to be dunk into some filthy algae brimming pond or pass food mouth to mouth or go on an Amazing Race, running around like a headless chicken. Most of my friends had commented that i'd looked very 'fierce' during tj's orientations or 'sian' especially when we had to do stupid things or the mass dance. These are just my friends being polite and nice. Personally, i think i look like a grouchy, grumpy, querulous, arrogant black faced bitch during orientations. Although, i like to think that i'm nice when there's no orientations. ( don't puke.) No offense but i think i'll fare better without orientations. As in i think i'll integrate into the environment better without some morbid camp activities. No offense though. Ok. Maybe it's for offensive purpose.
I'm plagued by insecurities now...
I'm worried i can't adapt. What if i cry under my blankets every night (although i know i won't) but there's always a 'what if'. I'll miss my bed, tv, dvd player, radio blah blah blah... and most importantly, my family members. I'll miss irritating them...
Anyway, i think i just go to the camp and be myself. If i don't like then don't play. They can't force me. If they force me, i'll go Nanyang lake, scoop up plastic bag full of algae and dump at them... no joke. I'm dead serious. like dead dead serious. (must emphasise because whenever i say i'm serious, people will laugh immediately after that. )
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Pesky fly
I'm pestered by a pesky annoying bugger-housefly. This bugger is irritating me all the way to the nuclei of my cells. While i'm typing this blog entry, the bugger is stationing itself at my study lamp, in blithe disregard of the bothersome buzzing sound it's making by its wings. ARGH!! Tried to slap it using NTU's freshmen booklet but missed. I hate beetles, cocokroaches, ants, termites, moths, houseflies, while anything with six legs. Oh ya! Not to mention, i hate reptiles too. The bugger is now resting on my laptop's screen . I hope it'll die of radiation. I hope my study lamp/tanning machine(to the housefly) will burn it to crisp. That bugger is bloody annoying. ARGH!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Funny Vs Freakish Moments
One funny incident which i want to share. One fateful day, my cousins and i decided to go for a walk around our friendly neighbourhood when we saw a frenzied dog dashing out of the gates of a house and ran quickly like a chicken which is about to face the slaughterhouse. The owner shouted its name but the dog didn't even bother to give a backward glance. It just kept dashing about like a headless chicken much to our amusement. Other dogs cooped up at homes started barking at it, obviously jealous of its new found freedom. The owner still continued to scream its name "icy" but the dog was deaf or pretended to be deaf in its ears. The three of us continued with our walk, finding the dog very amusing. My personal guess is that the dog must have felt oppressed at home and went crazy when it saw the gates open wide enough for him to fit through, it immediately seize the opportunity to escape and ignore its owner's calls. A mutinous dog...
However, it soon got to our worries. It had ran a fairly great distance away from its home. The owner had managed to get the maid to chase after the dog. The maid was lagging behind, calling "Icy" in between those huffings and puffings. Beside the dog, was a long flight of stairs. We were worried the dog would run down the stairs to the busy road and it would be mission impossible for the maid to ever succeed in getting the dog back in one piece. I nudged my sis for advice on what we should do. The dog was a Golden Retriever which is a large breed. (picture below) I didn;t have the courage to catch it even though i was fully aware that Golden Retriever belongs to a gentle breed. Guess i was intimidated by its size.
Desperate to help and prevent the dog from its further escape, i called its name "Icy". Its ears perked up and it dashed towards the three of us. My feather weighted bro dodged away while i stood rooted to the ground, don't know what to do except to cover my knees with my hands while my sis clutched onto me and screamed.
The dog's big ok.
Melancholic looking baby version... Cute!
However, it soon got to our worries. It had ran a fairly great distance away from its home. The owner had managed to get the maid to chase after the dog. The maid was lagging behind, calling "Icy" in between those huffings and puffings. Beside the dog, was a long flight of stairs. We were worried the dog would run down the stairs to the busy road and it would be mission impossible for the maid to ever succeed in getting the dog back in one piece. I nudged my sis for advice on what we should do. The dog was a Golden Retriever which is a large breed. (picture below) I didn;t have the courage to catch it even though i was fully aware that Golden Retriever belongs to a gentle breed. Guess i was intimidated by its size.
Desperate to help and prevent the dog from its further escape, i called its name "Icy". Its ears perked up and it dashed towards the three of us. My feather weighted bro dodged away while i stood rooted to the ground, don't know what to do except to cover my knees with my hands while my sis clutched onto me and screamed.
The dog just charged towards us and his head bumped into my hands which were covering my knees and i felt moisture on the backs of my hands since the dog 'kissed them'. My cousin screamed somemore because the dog swept her with its thick furry tail. Then the dog ran past us and the maid and we don't know what happened to it after that.
In my opinion, the dog's a goondo ok. Can't it even discern a stranger's voice? Just dashed madly towards us. What if we were some heinous dog kidnappers? Ok. we didn;t look like la... But the dog really gave us a shock when it came charging towards us. All that i could think of at the back of my mind was 'golden retriever is a gentle breed, golden retriever is a gentle breed, golden retriever is a gentle breed. IT DOESN"T BITE!!'
Another goondo freakish reptile-house lizard came uninvited to my house. It was humongous OK!! As long as the plastic 15 cm ruler. And not to mention freakish looking. It came through my windows and scurried to the back of my cabinet, rendering it impossible to catch or chase away. How dare that impertinent lizard came into my room!! Lizards are disgusting. I complaint to my aunty and she said that it's not her first time the lizard came into my room. She had seen it once or twice before in my room. The freakish goondo cold blooded slimy asshole is a regular visitor of my room and i had zero idea of it. All the while i was changing in my room, who knows whether the lizard was hiding behind the cupboard, staring at me and i was blissfully unaware. Ohgodwhatthehelleatshit! What if the lizard treats my room as a public toilet and start pooping everywhere in my room or pee. Do lizards pee? Anyway, i dislike the idea of having those blackish little balls of lizard's shit lurking around in my home. Imagine i try to throw my shit at the lizard's house. They'll surely die of suffocation. I hate lizards...
In another 1 week plus time, i'll be off to Pulau NTU to face perhaps more lizards. That's when i'll truly go berserk. In the meantime, i shall be a gracious host to the lone lizard and let it poo in my room. Trying to preserve my sanity... Till then...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I got bored...
You Are Classical Music |
You are a somewhat serious person who enjoys studying subjects deeply. Art of all kinds interests you, and a good piece of art can really effect you emotionally. You are inspired by human achievement, and you appreciate work that takes years to accomplish. For you, the finer things in life are not about snobbery - they're about quality. |
You Are 36% Emo |
You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
SEE!! I'm not an emo kid...
You Are an Emo Rocker! |
Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing. That doesn't mean you don't rock out... You just rock out with meaning. For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding. |
And Look at what the other test says about me...
What Your Taste in Music Says About You |
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. |
'intense and rebellious' ??
Your EQ is 147 |
You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. You are warm and open. Even when life gets you down, you're unafraid of the world and its challenges. You are comfortable with who you are. And you accept your weaknesses - as well as the weaknesses of others. While you are quite stable, you don't respond perfectly to every bad situation that comes up. But you have enough emotional intelligence to know when you need a course correction. |
I though my EQ sucks or something since i'm so cynical. Haha!!
This test may not be accurate...
That's all...
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
NTU snubbed me. Haha!! Ok. I'm just trying to dramatise the entire thing. My application for the camp was rejected. When i first received the sms from the person in charge, my first reaction was to whoop in joy. It shouldn't be like this right?? I should feel sad and disappointed or even vehement and call the person in charge and demand that i be squeezed into the camp. Instead, i hurried and showed Chan Mali the sms, a grin plastered on my face and i still high-fived with Jieying who was also rejected by NBS camp.
Now, i have more time to pack my barang barang for hostel. It's like moving house ok. I realise i have a humongous truckload of things to bring. No camp means i can spend more time at home and lap up every single moment of it while i still can. Haha! No camp, means i have an extra five days to watch TV/American drama serials and go around calling people 'dudes'. No camp means i don't have to be at the camp and do stupid things and risk getting ridiculed by those perverse, psychologically abnormal, idiosyncratic, mentally de-wired seniors. MUAHAHA!!
I sound so facetious saying these stuff. Some of my friends are going to the camp. Anyway, on the negative side, it means i've lost a perfect opportunity to have fun and make friends. It's not like everyday we get to do fun and silly things with a bunch of people and getting stuck in the same predicament. Think positively, it may actually be fun and i'll be missing all the fun. That's depressing...
Went to NTU medical centre for check up. Met Lina and friend on the way. Lina's going to take the same course as me. Yay!! The four of us managed to find our way to the place. Saw two Cheena girls carrying their cups of pee out of the toilet and to the person in charge. Apparently, they didn't read instructions.
After that, i went to Jurong Point to have lunch with Mel. Had a great time chatting with her. To Mel: if you're reading this, just want to tell you let's meet for lunch cum catching-up session in NTU in future.
Badminton in the morning. Met Mr Low and friends for lunch. Mr Low treated us to Fish & Co. Very generous of him. Had a great time chatting up with him. After that, we went to IKEA. My friend, yiwei, confided that she actually had a dificult time choosing between accountancy and pharmacy. She finally decided to take up pharmacy instead because she has a passion for it although accountancy may land her a fatter salary in future. She decided to take up pharmacy after reading my blog which i had written some time ago that it's better for one to stick to studying a subject that he/she has a passion in. Glad my blog provided some help for her. Honestly, it was her own efforts in deciding the path to take. I admire her courage for sticking to the 'passion' and spurned the 'money' aspect. I sincerely wish her all the best! Jiayou Yiwei!!
According to Henry Ford, "There is no man who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can do."
Do not underestimate your abilities. For those who have reservations about whether they can survive in unis and stuff, it's alright to feel this way. I'm included too. Fretting over whether i'll be able to survive in uni and have a smooth transition and stuff. However, stories on Helen Keller jolted me to have a more sanguine view on things.
Helen Keller lost her sense of sight and hearing when she was only a toddler. Yet, that did not stop her from being one of the successful writers ever. She managed to overcome her disablities which i find it highly worth applauding.
Another story on Franklin Roosevelt who contracted polio and lost the ability to walk normally. Despite that, that man managed to grit his teeth and overcame much adversities to become the president of United States.
Hence, i believe everyone can do well as long as we give our best. Let's not plague ourselves with self doubts and look forward to a brighter future instead. Yippee!!
Now, i have more time to pack my barang barang for hostel. It's like moving house ok. I realise i have a humongous truckload of things to bring. No camp means i can spend more time at home and lap up every single moment of it while i still can. Haha! No camp, means i have an extra five days to watch TV/American drama serials and go around calling people 'dudes'. No camp means i don't have to be at the camp and do stupid things and risk getting ridiculed by those perverse, psychologically abnormal, idiosyncratic, mentally de-wired seniors. MUAHAHA!!
I sound so facetious saying these stuff. Some of my friends are going to the camp. Anyway, on the negative side, it means i've lost a perfect opportunity to have fun and make friends. It's not like everyday we get to do fun and silly things with a bunch of people and getting stuck in the same predicament. Think positively, it may actually be fun and i'll be missing all the fun. That's depressing...
Went to NTU medical centre for check up. Met Lina and friend on the way. Lina's going to take the same course as me. Yay!! The four of us managed to find our way to the place. Saw two Cheena girls carrying their cups of pee out of the toilet and to the person in charge. Apparently, they didn't read instructions.
After that, i went to Jurong Point to have lunch with Mel. Had a great time chatting with her. To Mel: if you're reading this, just want to tell you let's meet for lunch cum catching-up session in NTU in future.
Badminton in the morning. Met Mr Low and friends for lunch. Mr Low treated us to Fish & Co. Very generous of him. Had a great time chatting up with him. After that, we went to IKEA. My friend, yiwei, confided that she actually had a dificult time choosing between accountancy and pharmacy. She finally decided to take up pharmacy instead because she has a passion for it although accountancy may land her a fatter salary in future. She decided to take up pharmacy after reading my blog which i had written some time ago that it's better for one to stick to studying a subject that he/she has a passion in. Glad my blog provided some help for her. Honestly, it was her own efforts in deciding the path to take. I admire her courage for sticking to the 'passion' and spurned the 'money' aspect. I sincerely wish her all the best! Jiayou Yiwei!!
According to Henry Ford, "There is no man who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can do."
Do not underestimate your abilities. For those who have reservations about whether they can survive in unis and stuff, it's alright to feel this way. I'm included too. Fretting over whether i'll be able to survive in uni and have a smooth transition and stuff. However, stories on Helen Keller jolted me to have a more sanguine view on things.
Helen Keller lost her sense of sight and hearing when she was only a toddler. Yet, that did not stop her from being one of the successful writers ever. She managed to overcome her disablities which i find it highly worth applauding.
Another story on Franklin Roosevelt who contracted polio and lost the ability to walk normally. Despite that, that man managed to grit his teeth and overcame much adversities to become the president of United States.
Hence, i believe everyone can do well as long as we give our best. Let's not plague ourselves with self doubts and look forward to a brighter future instead. Yippee!!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
His last outfit in the movie totally ruined his image ok!
He was dressed in a flowery grannie-ish shirt and at the same time,
a cheerleader wannabe with that awful looking skirt.
New fashion statement or sth?
Anyway, totally gross...
I watch...
She has beautiful features and gorgeous bod.
However, i think her ability to see ghosts is very much disturbing...
Totally love it when the handsome duo kick the ass of some
freaking disgusting grotesque monsters/demons/ghosts etc...
Basically, it's about this group of FBI agents who go around scouring
for 'missing' people. Realistic and captivating.
Some stories were quite touching.
Judging from the number of my exclamation marks.
It's a subtle way of showing my love for it.
I don't mind working in a lab in future.
Examining blood samples/fingerprints/bits and chunks of brain matter etc...
I think it'll be fun.
I've finished "House" seasons 1 to 4.
He's clever but has annoying quirks,idiosyncrasies,eccentricities.
A misanthropist also. Can't deal well with people.
Sarcastic but funny.
I like his brain man...
The cast...
I think my brain is going to fry up. TV is supposed to have pernicious effect on people right? It's like a passive activity that doesn't require much output from the brain. Although i would like to argue that shows like 'without a trace', 'CSI', 'house' etc aren't because take for example 'CSI' keeps you sitting at the edge of the couch trying to figure out the actual killer while trying not to bite the whole of your fingers off while speculating. 'House' provides useful and insightful medical related knowledge which serves to broeaden our knowledge ok. 'supernatural' erm... handsome actors erm... visual stimulation so that we won't get lazy eyes easily... erm... stimulates the production of saliva too as we watch the handsome duo in action and drool. Saliva kills bacteria in our mouth ok... I'm trying to defend that the shows i watch do not have detrimental effects on me. SO, i shouldn't worry too much about my brain degenerating from too much TV. However, the exposure to radiation from the TV is another matter. Which means TV on the whole still harmful.
Ahem!! Where am i?? Why am i launching into a self debate of the pros and cons of TV. I'm a TV junkie and i'm proud of it.
I hope school doesn't open so early so that i can watch more TV.
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