Monday, May 15, 2006


I kena-ed slapped not once, not twice but thrice todae. Once is frm this really childish irritating guy frm my class hu i guess enjoys agonising ppl n twice frm none other than... HuiChan!! Wahahaha!! Child abuse sia... wahahaha!! Im motivated to cum up wif a proposal to maintain the momentum of keeping child abuse to the minimum. Wow!! tt's so PW-ish. Yuck! Shant tok abt PW anymore.

Guitar hastings n stuff.. Each n every guitar members gotta run for at least two positions. First, they made it compulsory for everyone to run for Exco, Nxt, they told us to run for at least two positions. But really, if u really go n examine the positions available for the Exco, they arent many positions actually... ... So, i see no rationale behind this. Need enlightenment. I guess i will be running for treasurer n secretary. Woo!! Treasurer cos i gotta collect lotsa money! $.$ Wahahaha!! Hmm.. as for secretary, im not exactly an organised person... :P

Stayed back a while to help beetsie wif sum college day thingy. Was supposed to check the names on the plaques but they arrived late. I left the moment they arrived. Poor Huichan had to wait for me. Saw my ogl there as well. I tot he was a quiet person but i was wrong. He craps alot as well. Totally changed my perspeactive i had of him. So, once again, it has proven tt the theory not to judge a person by his/her looks is correct.

Oh man! im starting to get sick of sch once again. Test, tests to many many tests. My life is such a misery... ...

I haf this guts feeling tt i will fail my econs test this wed. Wahahaha!! So, is this reason sufficient enuff to not study for it? :P

The craving continues... I feel like eating xiao long baos + oreo cheesecake. yippee!

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