Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sick of BBQ
The point is, i think my fats going to spill out from my pores soon with all the bbq stuff that i had eaten... I'll most probably drown in my own fats or something...
I helped with the BBQ at home yesterday. I think i was given the most horrendously disgusting task...
I had to cut the whickers and the legs off the prawns cause we intended to barbeque those poor prawns. The prawns felt gooey, slippery and the worst of it stank like hell! I had to use my bare hands to hold onto the prawns and trim away their legs and whiskers. Eeyeew! i felt so evil... I felt a sense of remorse towards the prawns... i silently muttered to the prawns not to haunt me in my dreams at night...
The horror doesn't just end there. there's horror part 2. I had to use a toothpick, prick into the body of the prawn and dig out the string of black stuff in it... The black stuff is none other than the prawn's shit... sometimes, the shit did get stuck and refused to come out from the prawn's body and i actually had to gently pull it out in case the shit breaks halfway... I was totally grossed from inside out... Plus the fingernails on my right hand were long. A perfect hiding place for the prawn's shit! Wonderful! *puke*
The horror continues...
I had to poke a satay stick through the prawns' bodies so that they are straight and easier to barbeque. Imagine using the satay stick to poke through the already limbless/whiskerless/shitless prawns... I felt so barbaric doing that... In the name of my family, so that they can enjoy savouring the barbequed prawns, i told myself i had to do it... I simply love my family too much... So, i had no choice but to do the brutal task. And, i got poked by satay stick as retribution...
I'm so going to abstain from prawns for some time but not for long since i'm a foodie... No more bbq after tomorrow as well. i'm scared!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
I opened my window super wide yesterday, hoping that Santa Claus would come into my room through it and leave a humongous pretty present beside my bed... Apparently, my window wasn't big enough to fit Santa's butt so i didn't wake up to see a beautifully wrapped present beside me this morning... *sad*
Christmas is not a time for slimming. It's a time to get fat...
Had a BBQ at my house on Sunday... so many many delicious food that i nearly gorged myself to death. Fortunately, i didn't. If not, i won't be able to type this entry with the fats on my stomach. My tummy fats is so much that it covers the entire keyboard and it can type the keys. Cool huh?
Had BBQ chicken wings, otahs, sausages, beehoon dripping with fragrant and thick golden curry sauce, satays and prawns. On the healthier side, we had fruit salad and my all time favourite fruit--watermelon!! BBQ food is said to be heaty, hence, my aunt made gui ling gao--a black jelly that helps to get rid of heatiness. i like gui ling gao...
At the end of the day, i felt like a pig. Correction: a happy and satisfied pig!
Sunday: Party 2. My gugu (father's sister) invited us to her house for gorge-myself-to-death-part2. She cooked lovely food. Had popiah, honey roasted chicken, spagetti, fried rice. The popiah was supposed to be made by ourselves. Popiahs made by ourselves tasted nicer. Haha! So we children had a fun time crowding around the table, grabbing all the ingredients and stuffed it into our popiahs. My popiahs were quite nicely wrapped man! Too bad i didn't take photos of it. My popiahs were a fine creation of art! :)
Today: Stayed at home. Nowhere to go. I wanted to go shopping but scrapped the idea the moment i imagined the horrendous crowd of people shopping as well. Today's a publis holiday what. I don't want my pretty face to be shoved by others... So i ended up staying at home the whole day with my butt stuck on the sofa and my fingers busy flicking channels on the remote...Watched spongebob! yay! Spongebob's christmas special. That hilarious piece of sponge. Watched powerpuff girls, also christmas special. I love christmas and all the shows that revolve around the theme: christmas. Shows that are based on Christmas tend to be magical, light-heartening, intriguing, funny and have happy endings... I like!
How i wish it's christmas everyday. However, one can't be so greedy right? If it's christmas everyday, Christmas wouldn't be christmas and it'll be just like any other day. People will get sick of christmas and there won't be christmas spirit. The novelty wears off and slowly nobody will give a damn to christmas since it happens every single day... Santa claus will most probably become stick man cause he'll be wear to death. He'll have to send christmas gift to obedient and well-behaved children everyday. Reindeers will be exhausted to death and won't be able to fly as they have to ferry santa claus and the heavy heap of presents to the kids. I'll have to eat turkey everyday... (not that i hate turkey but i'll get sick of it right...). i'll have to spend money buying presents everyday. Wahaha! Hence, there's a reason why christmas happens only once a year. Only then will we be able to appreciate christmas!
Anyway, merry christmas to all my beloved friends! XOXO Hazel
Friday, December 22, 2006
4e2 reunion

An unfortunate thing was Shuyi sat opposite me and she didn't fail to irritate me. She said hi! to me 7 times. She gave the grumpy look when we were still pondering over what to eat... She took a photo with Arthi with one drop of slurpie on her lower lip. She broke a chain that was tied across the road. She wanted this particular flavour of slurpie known as 'Happy feet' but the machine was stuck and she couldn't get any. You won't be bored if you hang out with her cause she's one hilarious person...
Met shanelle at bedok int before proceeding to the cafe cartel. Shanelle was the one who provided directions cause i didn't know how to get there but now i DO! I miss Sha! She and i can share endless conversation...
I miss the whole bunch of sponges...
Our class motto: Outplay, Outlearn, Outsponge!
I was clearing my cupboard when my TK doll rolled out of it...

Monday, December 18, 2006
Mandai Zoo
Must be because of the heavy rain yesterday. I went to Mandai to visit my 'friends' like what Huichan had said... I went to accompany my cousins and aunties from Malaysia... They came here for holiday.
My dad rented a mini bus to ferry us to the zoo...
Pic spam begins!

The moment we reached Mandai, the rain started pitter pattering on us... What an unfortunate weather to begin with... I hate rainy days!
The kids started exclaiming tiger and the next question following up was... 'Why isn't the tiger orange?' It's the white tiger man! A rare tiger! Woo Hoo!!
Do you know that kangaroos do not walk, they hop! Yup they hop! They can jump up to 13 metres in one bound! Hazel: Definitely kena GOLD STAR for standing broad jump.
Elephant!! So cute!!
A big fat and white bird known as a pelican! For once i imagined it on my table for Christmas... a substitute for roast turkey?
My dearest pal... Snake! I think it's name is Cottontail... Hopefully i'm not wrong... I have this vague idea that it has an seemingly innocuous name... Cottontail!
I don't know what this is... It looks like a cross between monkey and racoon...Anyway, it's cute!
One super terrifying fat, long, humongous snake! It's the Anaconda!
Me posing with the Fatty Anaconda!
Then, it started pouring like hell around three pm... The whole gang of us had no choice but to seek shelter at one of the air conditioned shelter with other visitors... Imagine being soaked yet had to endure the freezing air con?
Decided to take some pictures to rid boredom...
Me acting cool...
Cousin and me
I'm trying to imitate Jay Chou... Do i look like him? Haha!! Look at the rain outside... It's damn heavy...
All the fun, excitement, rain made me sick AGAIN!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Niibori Guitar concert
The performer which left the deepest impression on me was LION KING!! That guy had a head of shoulder length golden hair that many girls like me will die for. He was totally into his world while playing the electric guitar and his expressions were darn hilarious. I think i did not even blink while watching him perform.The way he thrust his hair here and there, wow! I wish i can swing my hair like him. Maybe i should grow long hair again! Wahahaha!! Cherylene thought he was cute. I like the texture of his hair. Audrey went 'WHAT?!' when i said i think his hair was nice. Huichan -_-"
This is a rather short post cause i don't know what to add liao... Byebye!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Ice cream pig out

My family had ice cream cravings last night... Needless to say, we succumbed to our cravings and drove to Changi Airport for ice cream
Went to terminal one cause we thought the swensen's there was better. To our dismay, swensen's was gone. It had closed to make way for some office. (so people, if you want to go swensen's at changi airport, go to terminal two)
The whole gang of us took a skytrain to terminal two. I like taking sky train! :)
To our horror, there was a long long dragon of people waiting for seats at swensen's. I volunteered to be part of the dragon. (so noble!) Ice cream is important and worth waiting. So waited for about half an hour till we got seats. Anyway, patience is a vitue and swensens ice cream is worth waiting...
Ordered earthquake, kids' meals, US fries and soup of the day...
I like ice cream! Ice cream tastes good partly because it's meant to be shared. Don't you find it weird that food tastes better when it's shared?
Cool right? Yummy!
Poof! It's gone! It's so clean, i don't think it needs to be washed...
walked around after pigging out in a bid to burn the fats that we had accumulated.
Took random pictures and was chided by Dowager for being a 'mountain tortoise'.
Cannot take pictures meh?
So many human beans!
Aeroplane! Yippie!!
I'm so envious of those pulling their luggage at the airport. They get to go overseas while i don't. Hahaha!! i want to go overseas as well.
Saw pretty SIA stewardess and handsome stewards. Wanted to take pictures of them but before i managed to brandish out my phone, they were gone like a breeze. They sure walk fast. Hehe!! (too bad no eye candies to look at)
Anyway, i want to learn how to roller blade! I'm going to trash my piggy bank to buy rollerblades so that i can learn! lalala!!
*holds onto a hammer*