An unfortunate thing was Shuyi sat opposite me and she didn't fail to irritate me. She said hi! to me 7 times. She gave the grumpy look when we were still pondering over what to eat... She took a photo with Arthi with one drop of slurpie on her lower lip. She broke a chain that was tied across the road. She wanted this particular flavour of slurpie known as 'Happy feet' but the machine was stuck and she couldn't get any. You won't be bored if you hang out with her cause she's one hilarious person...
Met shanelle at bedok int before proceeding to the cafe cartel. Shanelle was the one who provided directions cause i didn't know how to get there but now i DO! I miss Sha! She and i can share endless conversation...
I miss the whole bunch of sponges...
Our class motto: Outplay, Outlearn, Outsponge!
I was clearing my cupboard when my TK doll rolled out of it...

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