Saturday, June 13, 2009

BS 201 Physiology

The lectures will cover mainstream topics in human physiology including nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, skeletal and muscular system and reproductive system. Emphasis will also be given to the concept of homeostasis and how the body systems work together to maintain a dynamic steady state within the internal environment.

my view: shld be interesting.

BS 202 Microbiology

general introduction to microbiology with a special focus on the impact microorganisms have in our life. The lectures will cover introduction to microbiology, microbial metabolism, microbial molecular biology and genetics, diversity of microbe, ecology and symbiosis, microbial diseases and their control, immunity to microorganisms, industrial application of microbiology.

My view: hai...

BS 203 Advanced cell biology

This course will further advance the learning of basic cell biology taught in Year 1 by covering in-depth the mechanisms of cellular development, cell signaling and cell-environmental interaction. The lectures will cover stem cell biology, cell receptor and signaling biology, extracellular matrix biology, apoptosis.

My view: bet is going to be another killing topic

BS 204 Experimental Molecular & Cell Biology

This course gives a comprehensive overview of methodologies and techniques in molecular and cell biology research. The lectures will start with the introduction to standard molecular tools and techniques such as restriction endonucleases, vectors, cloning, PCR, sequencing, mutagenesis, and libraries, followed by the applications of radio- and non-radiolabeled tracers. Students will also learn different protein expression systems, protein purification and detection methods, protein nucleic acids/protein interaction analyses and the application of cell and tissue cultures. Students will actively participate in quizzes, which will be held after a series of lectures.

My view: Look at the sentence in bold and i go... WTF!

BS 205 Biostatistics

This course gives an overview of the importance of biostatistics in the scientific design of experiments and in the objective collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and communication of scientific investigations in the life sciences. The lectures will cover descriptive statistics, data summary using statistical indices and diagrams, probability and probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis-testing, basic tests of significance involving means, proportions, measurement of relationships between variables using correlation and regression and non-parametrics methods.

My view: HYPO TESTING HYPO TESTING HYPO TESTING! I seriously think this is the topic that i'll meet my fate and die.

BS821 Lab 3

HW102 The Art of Academic Writing

This course is designed to help science students with their academic writing. Style and Strategy: Using organization and style appropriate to scientific writing. Critical Review: Reading and responding critically to scientific texts. Analytical Writing: Explaining by means of extended definitions, process analysis, compare-contrast and/or cause-effect analysis. Academic Arguments: Learning the rhetoric of academic argument, its purpose, forms and structures of reasoning. Research Writing: Learning important research skills such as identifying research questions, gathering information and data, integrating and documenting information and reporting research findings. Revising and Editing: Ensuring clarity, coherence and correctness in writing.

My view: another crap mod.

I'm still thinking of taking another elective. Either business law or an art elective. Reason simply, i'm feeling suicidal and want to fill every inch of my time with endless mugging. OH GOSH! How i love mugging...

Ok... i'm so sarcastic that i hate myself for being so sarcastic. I want to clear my electives so that i can nua abit in my later years. Can't stand electives man. Can't the school supply more interesting, fun, un-stressful, non-examinable electives?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that there's a special theory about academic writing. FTR, Anthony Serafini in his book THE EPIC HISTORY OF BIOLOGY argues that academic writing is just another word for "bad writing."

Any thought?