Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I know people are wishing for the opposite but then...
i wish that promos will come earlier so that i can die an earlier death for promos and therefore, get reincarnated earlier.......
Sounds very morbid right? Wahahaha!! That's what preparations for promos has done to me. Made me sadistic and morbid. Hehehe!!
Anyway, results ain't everything.
Of course, we have to aim to do our best. So long as we have done our best, that's sufficient. It applies to me. So, i'll just try to do my best. Whether i die a pretty hazelnut or an ugly hazelnut... ehh... i've done my best and just accept things as they are...
As i'm blogging, i feel like going on a date with golden crisp tempuras, thick and chewy udon, sweet and salty teriyaki chicken... grilled salmon with honey sweet chocolate colour sauce poured over it is also not bad... Woo La La!! i've been having this craving for japanese food for days... Maybe it's bacause i'm feeling deprived of worldly stuff... wahahaha!! Hence explains why i'm craving for some enjoyment through food... ...
I think my butt is going to grow pimples and bigger cause i have to force myself into sitting at the study desk and study. Whether or not things go into my brain is another matter... but my butt is pitiful enough... ...
AHH!!! Organic chem is so bloody difficult to study. It's a study-and-forget-the-next-day kind of affair... The things just refused to be retained in my brain... Oh gosh!! Biology... is like hell. So many damn stuff to memorise. Genomics is enough to kill me not once but twice. So, it's something like kena killed once, get reincarnated, wake up and attempt to study again, get killed by the overwhelming load of information...
Tao Suan nearly puked during GP lessons today. She blamed it on the room... i'm still trying to figure that out as well. Why the room will make her feel like puking? wahahaha!! She asked for a sweet and i offerred her my sweet abeit rather hesitantly. Hehehe!! No lah! i'm such a nice person. I gave her sweet so that she won't puke and leave me feeling disgusted for the rest of the day....
J twos are back from their prelims... which means... we had to share the canteen with them. I know i sound like a selfish nut but then... tj's canteen is so microscopic sia... But at least, it's more full of life with the j2s. But then the sad thing was, i was relegated to one pathetic corner beside temasnack. It's actually considered outside of the canteen and i just stood at that corner and drank a packet of Vitasoy grumpily cause i couldn't get my butt to kiss the canteen chair...
The dowager groped my butt today!! wahahaha!! Anyway, i groped hers back. an eye for an eye? (am i correct?) Ah... pardon my english...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Moping at home!!
But then, promos is coming up in one week's time and looking at the situation... ... i doubt i can finish studying everything tested during promos... hai~
Depressing depressing depressing....
I'm going out tonight to celebrate my uncle's birthday... Yay!! At least get the chance to say bye bye to my notes and go out...
I sound so deprived.
I am deprived...
I think i always kena bullied...In the past... (in tkgs lah) nobody dared to bully me cause everyone thinks i look scary, dao, fierce and whatsoever. The situation changes now in tjc... People bully me leh... hahahaha!
Huichan likes to poke, pinch, slap and tickle me... eeee... My friends know i'm ticklish. Wahaha!! Even the normally docile and mild mannered RY and MY pair up to tickle me. There was once, they tickled me while i was walking past their seats in the LT. I nearly fell back and crushed the innocent person in front of me if they didn't clutch my hand in time...
Even that half of the two XY chromosomes in class knows that i'm ticklish. He used his stupid pencil to poke me...
Ai yo!! Is it part of some genetic thingy that i'm ticklish? My mum isn't scared of tickle... MUST BE MY DAD LAH!!
During chemistry yesterday, i was diligently copying notes on my worksheet when the darn XY chromosome squirted water at me using MY nike water bottle. Wah lao!! Of cause i was shocked and gasped lah! (pretty loudly though) People sitting in front of me turned back and stare at me... I wished i could jump out of the window at that time and hopefully nobody will remember that hazel ever exists... Mr Lim was nice and didn't scold me for distracting others. instead, he thanked me for the distraction. ?! He must be affected by promo as well...
The story doesn't end here. That XY chromosome irritant shot me using a rubber band, kicked me and drew on my notes. Wah lao!! One fine day, wahahaha!!, i shall pour 7/11 slurpie over his head, throw ants at him and stay at one corner to pray that he itches for the whole day...
That will teach him not to bully the innocent, adorable, kind, helpful, understanding me....
oh ya!! Did i mention he slapped me? wah lao!
When he went up to ask teacher one question. I vandalised his notes.wahahaha!! Wrote big big somemore. waste his pencil lead and eraser...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Basically, i wasn't in the mood to do so plus i'm sick of studying... Life's is such a misery. So, i decided to take a break from studying and do nothing except for making people's life a bigger misery than mine. Wahaha!! So, here am i, being hit by guilt. I don't think i can finish swallowing all the notes in time for promos lah. There's so much shitload of stuff to study... wah lao!
But then, i shall quit moping. It's essential to have some break in between so that we can get recharged and go a longer way right? (indulging in self comforting) Ai ya!!
I think i'm leading a sedentary life... study, eat, attend lectures, stone, bury myself under notes etc. I wanted to go jogging but on second thoughts, i'll be having PE tomorrow. I shall leave the torture to be done by the pe teachers... In the end, i decided to go cycling. Whee!! I like the excitement of cycling down slope. It zooms down the slope super fast, making you feel duper exhilarted. Adrenaline pumping... yeah! Cycling upslope was tedious but a great work out. Exercise my thighs...
I've discovered a new way to relieve stress that is to go around disturbing others. That was what i've been busied with the whole day. Trying to mould myself into an obnoxious nut... wahaha!!
The Dowager(mummy): Oi! I wanna buy a table lamp for you, choose one colour..
Me: wah? So good ah? (doubtful)
Dowager: I have vouchers lah! Go choose and dump a brochure on me...
Spent minutes looking at the brochure...
Dowager: which one?
Me: Hello Kitty.
Dowager: Siao ah?
My cousin: Childish!
Me: Cannot meh? Hello kitty cute what...
Anyway, they made me choose again...
Dowager: Hao le mei you (chinese)
Me: Coro Coro Kuririn
For those who doesn't know what is Koro Koro Kuririn eh... it looks abit like Hamtaro lah. Maybe it's a character from Hamtaro. I'm not too sure myself. Anyway, the table lamp was super cute... It has a adorable hamster! Yippee!! Plus, it's green and yellow in colour...
I know World cup is long over but then that doesn't mean that i can't continue to support Brazil right? Yellow and green nice what...
Cousin: So old liao still want those cute stuff.
Dowager: (nodded in agreement)
Me: Wah lao! 17 yrs old very old meh... 17 yrs old cannot have koro koro kuririn table lamp meh? U all very biased leh...
I was forced to settle for a cheaper and boring looking lamp instead after being pinched, glared, scolded and cursed...
My mother decided to buy a table lamp hoping that i'll save electricity as table lamp requires lesser electricity to operate. Not like the 55 Watts light mounted on the ceiling which Dowager likes to emphasise it wastes electricity...
Spent the whole day teasing my cousin as well...
I have two cousins btw...
The youngest one didn't shut the door properly while he was bathing. You know kids have a thing or two with ghost kind of things... I think he's scared of ghost suddenly pop into the bathroom and scare him while he was bathing. He left the door slightly opened so that he can dash out faster if a ghost really does so...
I pretended to peep into the toilet and exclaimed: I saw something!
The older cousin (his sister) : saw a bird?
Me: wahahaha!! (clutching my stomach cause i was dying of laughters)
Cousin(one bathing): Ya! I saw a cuckoo bird flew past...
Me and his sis rolled onto the floor. We needed oxygen mask cause we were nearly out of breath.
His sis: does he know what's he saying?
Me: Obviously not...
Lalalala!! anyway, my cousin came out of shower damn pissed at me for peeping at him. Hey! I pretended only lah!
I went to irritate my mum at her room...
Me: I think you have grown fatter...
Dowager: (ignores me)
Me: Pui Zao bo (fat woman in hokkien)
Dowager: (pretends that i do not exist)
Me: Pui zao bo! Wow! Kind of suits you (trying to irritate her further)
Dowager: (trying hard not to hear me)
Me: Pui Zao bo! Oh man! i'm addicted to calling you pui zao...
Before i could finish with the 'bo' one lighter comes zooming past me and went piack! on the floor. I had infuriated Dowager! opps! Fortunately, she has poor aiming skills which explains why i can still sit here and blog about it. She ran up to me and threatened to burn my shorts and slapped me twice on my butt. wahaha!!
In case you're wondering... i have a pretty weird family which is amusing in a way... That's how my family works... We can call each other names regardless of age, gender or erm... seniority? (got such a word) We get along pretty fine anyway....
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I bet everyone is feeling exactly the same sentiments.... because promos is coming... AHHH!!!!
I want to get promoted but a gut feeling tells me i'll die a horrible guresome mangled death for promos... ...
So many things to do yet so little time... It's pretty cliche i know but it kind of reflects the situation i'm stuck with...
Can't believe i'll be having promos in less than two weeks time. and i doubt i've finished even 10 percent of the things that are supposed to be studied and locked up in my puny brain...
I know i'm not supposed to whine about life. I ought to feel grateful that i'm healthy and kicking blah blah blah but then if i'm deprived of whining about my life... How can i go on??
I need to complain to get off the frustrations in my chest... (which means i'll have a deflated chest after getting rid of my frustrations... wahahaha!!)
I can't believe that i'll be J2 next year. (Provided that i get promoted in the first place) seniors of the school. Eeee... makes me sound so old... I can vividly remember the first day in school... all the stupid orientations and initial awkwardness (cause i hadn;t know my classmates yet). Stupid as in ...orientations always compel people to do stupid stuff isn't it? But somehow, i miss orientations. I don't mind doing stupid stuff as long as i can turn back the clock back to the good old days we had in first three months...
Somehow i always have this persistent question bugging me ...' maybe i should have gone to poly instead'. I don't want to regret making some decisions lah.. I don't like to regret but then... it's a natural thing that comes haunting me and set me thinking. At the end of the day, i'll still arrive with the conclusion that maybe Jc life is more suitable for me and i'll just leave it hanging until the next round of the same question comes haunting me...
I like biology lah but not molecular basis of biology where we get to study all the DNA , replication and what genome shit ... The high and mighty people decided to change the syllabus i guess.. I rather much prefer to study circulatory system or homeostasis blah blah blah... Not on the molecular level. I heard from one of my friends that the bio stuff we're studying now was actually for university level. freak!
I don't really like physics and i hate memorising too... My puny brain isn't spacious enough to hold or retain information... Ah!! Life is full of dilemmas!!
Had group pe today, Mr GOLD sai (shit in hokkien) was im a PMS-ie mood again! We got to play games lah... but then he din allow my class to play together. He claimed that we had too many people. 23 only what...alot meh? We're playing full court what so should be ok plus we played together so many times before. Stupid SAI!! He sent ten of us to play netball. Wao lao! So little people, how to play and enjoy?
Then when we tried to merge our class together by telling to sneak to the basketball court, coincidentally, the SAI decided to roll over and release a horrendous stench. He caught us on our act! Naturally we got scolded lah. He scolded us for not asking permission. We asked him at the start but was denied the chance to play as a class. Plus, as though asking for permission helps. As though the GOLD sai will agree to our request. He threatened to punish us as a whole CG if we do it again...
The problem is... why was he so rigid? So shitty annoying...
AHHH!! Whatever!
My second attempt in jumping into Tj's fish pond had failed once again...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I packed my table today. wiped the dust and whatsoever bacteria living on my table. What a miracle!! I was reluctant to clean my table at first cause the mere look at it really put me off. It was hard work packing my table. The enormous gigantic gargantuan amount of notes can break one's skull if i throw everything at them...
While i was packing, i found a photo taken at the impromptu class party in sec 4. We had a class party smacked right in the middle of the circular block. Yup! the middle of the circular block was a circular patch of grass. The whole class just plonked our butts onto the grass patch and whipped out all the tidbits, chocolates, any edible thing we had brought. We sat in a circle on the circular field at the circular block and passed all the edible food around in circles. Wow!! No need to say, we attracted quite alot of curious stares from other green peers but we couldn't be bothered. That's probably one of the gungho spirit 4e2 had. We were atrracting attention but at the same time, we were enjoying ourselves. Even Ms Hamidah though it was a cool idea to have a class party in the middle of circular block...
Looking at the photo makes my eyes brim with tears... Oh man... I'm feeling so emotional now... Emo Hazel... *sniff sniff*
I miss 4e2... ...
It's an ironic thing but yes i kinda miss tkgs although i was full of complaints of it when i was there. But, that doesn't mean i dun like tkgs what... fours years stuck there definitely will develop some feelings for the school lah...
Friday during chem tutorial:
Mr Lim asked me to go to the whiteboard and write my answer to a question. anyway, the main thing was, he praised that i had nice handwriting. Wow! I replied "I think so too!" and the whole class burst out in laughters... I didn't know what made me say that anyway thinking of it, it was pretty bu yao lian of me to say that. I could see a classmate of mine making a look suggesting he was having morning sickness when mr lim praised my handwriting. But, i think he was just plain jealous that never in his life will he be able to emualate my nice handwritings...
My mummy made pizza for lunch today! Wow!! I don' t think i need to order from pizza hut cause i think my mummy makes wonderful pizzas... Yay!! I love pizzas!!! Lalalala~
While i'm blogging, i feel like eating char kway tiao... black sweet steaming hot char kway tiao... *salivating*
Ah!! I also don't know why i feel like eating char keow tiao. I've always felt like a pregnant lady with incessant cravings...
My neighbours are having a party. I wish i can sneak into their house and grab food off their barbeque pit... Whee!!
I feel like donating my notes(all subjects) to SPCA. The animals in there will be so happy as they can be kept entertained by chewing up those pile of notes... At the same time, can sharpen their teeth so that they can bite people who attempt to bully them. Ya! Those poor little cats should have flashed their claws and scratched or gorged out the eyes of their abusers. Although i'm not a cat lover but i'm against ill treatment if animals. On a personal level, i thought that infamous cat abuser should get a longer jail term for hus brutal treatment against cats...
My classmate wanted a foolscap paper during econs lesson and i told him "one piece for ten cents" I was joking btw. He being the ever so hao lian person left ten bucks on the table prompting me to accept it. I couldn't stand his haughtiness so i took the ten bucks in a bid to make his pocket burn. I wanted to return him the money at the end of the day but i forgot. Hahaha!! Maybe i should just accept the money as my own for all the psychological trauma he had inflicted on me by his tauntings and bullies...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Suay Me
My heart has been beating faster than normal since after break. It's not because i'd met a tall lanky and handsome guy in school. It's all because of excessive indose of caffeine... I had been drinking Nescafe coffee two days' in the row. Considering the fact that i'm not a habitual cofferr drinker. Coffee definitely makes a huge impact on me. Besides feeling more awake, the side effect is that i feel my heart is pumping alot more faster. Must be higher metabolic rate induced by the coffee. I had been feeling hyper in school and was rambling nonsense all day long...
One suay thing...
another suay thing is that while i was playing guitar, the D string decided to snap and i was whacked by the string on my finger. It was horrendously painful because of the immense tension. I've broken my guitars' strings like so many times till i've lost count of it... AH!!
The string just snapped...suay ... maybe it's some premonition thing which is trying to inform me that i'll most probably die for promos...
So, that makes two suay things which had happened on me
A lizard about the size of a 15 cm ruler decided to pop a visit on me in my room. It a super fat lizard. I guess it's because there's no slimming centres for lizards but anyway, it was GROSS!!! (hair stands up) I screamed my head off for help. The lizard climbed up onto the ceiling so my aunty had to use a broom to sweep it down. She's afraid of lizard as well. The moment the stupid disgusting sickening lizard landed on the floor, she screamed with me and together we formed the screaming duet. Fortunately, my gungho grandma was around. She used a plastic bag to catch the unwelcomed reptile. Phew!
My future boyfriend/husband must be as gungho as my grandma. He must be able to catch lizards and cockroaches and beetles and other disgusting creepy crawlies... ...
I stayed awake till one am last night just to finish maths tutorial on differential eqn, sacrificing my beauty sleep and dreams, tearing nearly the whole population of hair on my head only to have my maths teacher not going through it. *wails loudly* I felt like an idiot... I looked like a panda for the whole day in school... HuiChan had to stay awake with me as well... Hai~
That sums up to four suay things which had happened to me...
I was feeling stressed today that i attempted to jump into tjc's fish pond under LT 2. I could have succeeded if HuiChan didn't attempt to pull me back... :P
I ponned econs quiz today. It's going to leave a black mark on my record. i've aways been a super guai student. Model student sia... But today i chose to pon cause it made no sense to stay back to watch three contestants doing the quiz... Like what's the point of looking at those three engage in the competition with me sitting there and stone? I can also stone pretty well in the vicinity of my home what...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Stupid maths
I've never liked maths since i was in upper primary. Maybe it's because i'm too lazy to think lah... plus it takes me donkey years to understand even fundamental maths concepts... AHHHH!! Maths doesn't seem to want to be my friend...
I had horrible experiences in the SBS bus two days in the row... It's not that SBS bus was dirty, crowded, infested with cockroaches and all sorts of rubbish. It's because of inconsiderate students... Wao Lao!!
Yesterday, i took bus 12 home. Went up to the upper deck of the bus and found that many seats were occupied by students from St Pats. (I don't give a damn in revealing the school...) They could have taken up fewer seats if they sat together. I don't understand people... Those boys were each occupying two seats. They obviously know each other, why not just stick their butts side by side. There would be more seats available. There was this st pats guy sitting in front and left his bag on the seat beside him while his friend sat behind him doing exactly the same thing. (Shit them!) Hallo!! They pay $0.45 for the bus ride which means their butt is entitled to one bloody seat. They can feel free to let their bloody hell bags occupy one seat each if they pay $0.45 more. That, will be another issue.
The boy had to turn his head each time to talk to his friend. I was secretly wishing that he would sprain his neck. Stupid inconsiderate st pats guys. I'm not trying to be a pedantic young lady here. It's ok to occupy two seats so that you have more space and can stretch and breathe more air but then be mindful of the number of passengers in the bus. If there's alot of passengers, please kindly move your ass so that you occupy one seat only.
Another annoying thing that a cuckoo st pats guy did was to switch his audio system to the maximum so that the passengers were blasted by his noisy banging music. I'm not against such music. I can appreciate such music under certain circumstances. definitely not after a bloody day spent in school. I don't need to be blasted by such loud music!! Wao Lao!! I nearly went to the guy and trampled over his stupid ipod/walkman/handphone. Whatsoever that was making the bloody noise. That guy obviously does not embrace men's greatest invention-- ear phones. The use of ear phones is to allow you to appreciate the music without disturbing others especially in a SBS bus. I felt like sticking the ear phones into the st pats guy's nostrils since he doesn't know how and when to use it.
Today's experience in the bus was equally bad...
Five bimbotic KC (For those who don't know, KC is located near st pats. They are separated by the road only.) girls who shrilling their heads off in the bus. They screamed at super high pitch that i felt it was a pity SCDF isn't using human alarm sirens. They voices were totally qualified to be a alarm siren. all that they lack was flashlights. Just hang light bulbs around them and they will look and sound like an alarm siren. Plus they can also be used as christmas tree during festive occasions just by painting them green...
They didn't scream once but four/five times in total. Those ear piercing screams which made me cringed and threatened to burst my ear drums. I was feeling hot and frazzled after PE and those alarm sirens nearly made me explode!! Wao Lao!!
Let me make things clear, i'm not against people from either boys' nor girls' school. I was from a girls' school for goodness sake...
But since five years ago, both schools that i had mentioned failed to make laudable impressions on me. The situation hasn't changed even though i'm not studying in a school in Marine Parade now...
Now i know why both the schools are loctaed in close proximity cause they can 'emulate' from each other.
Now i know why st pats guys like to date KC girls because they are like two peas in the same pod...
Last but not least, i hope i won't offend any people.
Not all KC or st pats guys stick out like sore thumbs. I heard there are nice ones...
It's just that there are black sheep lurking amongst them...
Brainless cuckoo black sheep...
Monday, September 11, 2006
A sms from her read: "Hazel you're the love of my life!"
I'm not kidding. I copied, typed and pasted exactly what she had sent to me via sms.
I was in the bus on my way home after the performance at Far East when i saw that sms...
I nearly dropped my lover (guitar) onto the floor. I was grasping my chest cause i felt suffocated when i saw that sms. My heart was thumping like hell...
I thought...after four years of knowing each other, Audrey had finally mustered the courage to profess her love for me. Even though she's one of my best friends, i couldn't help feeling super freaked out... Hehe!!
Apparently, i was told later by Audrey the highness that it was HuiXian who dared her to do so. Actually i knew it lah! Cause Audrey has alot of boyfriends which proves that she's straight... (Audrey the highness will turn red again)
Yeah!! I managed to get Jay Chou's newest CD without parting with my beloved money... I thought i was going to go broke. Jay and Fei Yi Ching make an amusing duo... They totally belong to differnet genre but somehow they managed to swim towards each other and found a common platform.
I think the newest CD by Jay Chou is so so lah! The previous one was so much better. Maybe it's because i haven't listen to the songs enough yet... It takes time to appreciate a song.
Koped from Reader's Digest:
Smell play a big role in how women choose their mates (men, no surprise, focus more on outward sex appeal). "Women are first attracted to a man visually and then by how agreeable he is. But when they become more intimate, smell becomes a factor," says Dr Rachel Herz, a Brown university researcher who studies smell and behaviour.
The rest just touches on how woman is able to detect special odours from a man which signals to the woman whether the man's gene is compatible to the woman's and stuff...
I didn't know women are blessed with such exceptional ability! Wow!
In future, i'll not look for a boyfriend, i'll sniff for a boyfriend like JJ next dog (JJ's a dog).
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Guitar festival
The freaky thing was the microphone was placed right in front of me during the performance. The AV man shifted it right in front of my fretboard which was difficult to hear my atrocious playing cause the sound i supposed, is louder near the hole. The AV guy should just dump the mic into the hole of our guitars. Whee!! I wanted to shift the mic lower nearer to the hole using my legs. I analysed and concluded that it would be pretty unglam if i did so... imagine the audience watching intently at us playing and then one stupid performer go and use her legs to shift the mic while trying to play at the same time.
Another freaky thing was my guitar was pretty much out of tune before the dry run and i had a hard time trying to tune my guitar. Wao lao...all the sweat sia... I couldn't tune using elaine's nor cherylene's tuners... the notes were jumping here and there. i had to use the $67 one. I managed to tune using the 67 dollah one but not without screaming and cursing both the guitar and tuner... I looked pretty much like a siao zao bo attempting to tune my guitar while walking. Cursing everything, screaming to vent my frustrations, nearly sat on the floor and bawled and clutching my guitar in a weird manner cause it was threatening to fall out of my grasp... Hai~ Managed to tune it anyway. The power of the 67 dollah tuner...
My aunty walked to the bus stop to fetch me home after the guitar thingy... So sweet! I was so damn touched. My cousins didn't want to tag along with my aunt to bring me home cause they were plain lazy... but who cares? I'm contented with my aunt... :D
Holidays over!! AWWWW.......... (kick table, curse, bang my head against the wall,throw tantrums) I don't want to go back to school. I don't want to be constantly reminded that promos coming and i'll have to get my ass off the computer and do some serious mugging... BOO HOO HOO!!!
I think i hadn't done anything that is deemed fruitful during this holiday. I studied only an ant hill compared to the mount everest of stuff i'm supposed to study for promos. I want to get promoted but i'm scared i can't be promoted then i'll be stuck with that sickening green uniform for three years...
Just felt like doing that for no apparent reason...
Pimples popping out myforehead and i blamed it on the durians... durians are supposedly heaty and i suspect they cause pimple outbreak as well...
Me: Wao lao! I have alot of pimples leh!
Aunt: Can u be more ladylike and don't use the crude language!
Me: Must be the durians' fault. Wao lao!
Me: Opps!
Aunt: Don't blame the durians... (protective tone)
You see... my aunt totally worships the king of the fruit empire....
But, i still think it's durians' fault....
Me: VJC people call themselves Victorians... What are we called?
Huichan: (pensive expression)
Me: Temasnacks
Huichan:(same time as me) Tjcians
(burst out laughing)
i blamed it on the lack of sleep. I actually wanted to say 'temasekians' but i learnt from Ah Chan ater that it was for temasek sec. " Ya...remember now... tjcians... it's so not innovative lor. Plus it sounds like tkgians. I still have problems with it....
I remember the first day in school, Ah Loke was addressing us... she still wasn't used to saying tjcians... She nearly blurted out tkgians i guess.
Ah loke: Good morning T(short pause) Jcians....
Wahaha!! I remembered laughing at her...( i'm evil right? I know...)
All of a sudden, a deafening noise sounded. It was my stomach growling...
Oh! I feel like eating Old Chang Kee's curry puff... (lick my lips)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I love Taka's basement!! It's oozing with delicious food. There are plenty of stalls selling pretty and sexy brownies. Woo! Staring at those brownies is sufficient to make my eyes pop and roll out just to get a taste of the gorgeous brownies of display. I live brownies!! yay!! dripping with chocolate, rich with nuts, soft, spongy, chew on it, more chocolate inside, surprise!! ur mouth is filled with chocolate mixed with saliva... Hehe!! (the saliva part kinda spoil the climax)
Blizzards from DQ. Left belongs to Huichan--chocolate almond. The right is obviously mine--hazelnut oreo!!
There's no after photo because Huichan and i swallowed everything including the cups. Maybe i should go for a endoscopy (spelling mistake?) and show you the images later.
Me smiling gleefully while savouring my ice cream... This pic is kinda qian bian lah!! I know... hahaha!
We went window shopping at Far East. the venue which we gonna perform this friday. Oh man!! Scary!! We spotted a banner outside the mall which was advertising on the upcoming guitar festival. Guitar club will be performing at 7 pm this friday and it's FOC!! yay!! Inside the shopping centre, we saw a board also advertising the same thing. There was a photo of guitar club taken during the concert in april or was it may? Geex...memory's failing... The photo was super minute and blur. They must have shrank and compressed everybody which made it blur! But, i still managed to spot the little me in the little pic. I could even spot little huichan in the little pic as well. This is so amazing. So people, if you are able to open your eyes wide enough, u might be able to see me in that pic in Far East. It's small. But anyway, i still feel like a star. Wow! *burst*
Huichan claimed that she will grow fat if she hangs around too much with me. Reason is simply i love to eat. Yet, i don't enjoy eating alone. It makes me feel so isolated, lonely, so detached from the rest of the world by eating all by myself as though i'm living in my own bubble. Normally, i'll drag my friends by the roots of their hair to eat with me.. (kk! im joking seriously!) We ate mac's breakfast--Hotcakes for me!! I'm in love with hotcakes!! Had one pretzel from auntie anne's and ice cream...
Life is short what...must eat lor...Look at the poor croc guy who was killed by stingray. He will be missed... I enjoyed his shows... *sniff sniff* This incident serves to remind us the fact that life is fragile and unpredictable. Treasure what we have now... *sniff sniff* That stupid stingray!
So, i'm not going to spend my life counting calories... just eat what i enjoy eating... hehe!! ( i never did count calories in the first place..:P)
managed to find a better place to put stylo milo 2. stylo milo 1 is hanging on my bag. I like turtles cause i think they are cute. it looks happier now or so i assume. It's better than letting it dangle at the top of my blog. turtles are afraid of heights... (another assumption)
Am i overly dramatic? it seems that quite a few of my friends had surfaced to me that i'm a dramatic person... woo!! Is this a good or bad thing?
The lump of fat had decided to go running again!! A miracle!! But the lump of fat only managed to run for a short while before the acute pain at the sides struck and the lump of fat had to stop running and chose to roll instead...
I feel like eating brownie now...
Monday, September 04, 2006
Had to go to school this morning. My cousin assumed she had to reach school by 8.30 am (same time as me). She's P6 this year which explains why she had to go back to the the dreaded school. So, i managed to get a free ride to school from my uncle. When we were near RSS (my primary school as well), my cousin took out a crumpled piece of paper (which i assumed to be rubbish at first) and started shouting the word "S**T". She thought that her lesson starts at 8.30 but apparently, she was wrong. Her lesson was supposed to start at 8am!! looking at the my watch, it was 8.10am at that time. Our car stopped near the traffic light and she alighted, cursed somemore, slammed the door, through the window, i could lipread and saw her scolding the word 'shit' again and dash with all her might to school. I was left feeling kind of amused in the car. It's not that i'm feeling happy that she was late or something. I was just thinking, it wasn't a good start of the day to be late. Plus, how could she not refer to the timetable? The crumpled piece of rubbish. *shakes my head*
I swear i'm gonna kill the dog which barks at 7 am every morning. It's not just one or two barks, it's a continuous series of barks which can last till i'm finally awake. Even after i'd folded my blanket, tidy my bed and brushed my teeth, it was still barking like a berserk dog! If this is going to carry on forever,i'll make sure the dog is a goner. Wah lao!! People sleep late one leh. Of course i won't wake up so early what... WTH!! Can't the owner just do something? I'm thinking of buying super sticky masking tape and give it to the owner. It's for the dog...to shut it up!
Ai yo! I sound so evil/cruel/brutal... I don't hate dogs lah. I like dogs. I understand that sometimes, dogs do bark and it's quite difficult to control them. But, that dog doesn't have to bark continuously for 10 mins non stop right? If that dog were a human, i strongly recommend him to join national choir team. Soprano somemore. Excessive barkings really do get on one's nerves. The dog next dog which my cousins totally idolise it, is so obedient lor. I seldom hear ot barking. The crazy dog should emulate the idol dog (JJ) just next to my house.
i received a letter from my bestest girlfriend--layling. I know writing letter these days is totally outdated. Primitive in fact. But i like writng letters cannot ah? (nobody said that though) Paiseh.
I decided to go running today!! it was an impulse kind of thing. It's not as though i adore running. I don't totally hate it either. It's that kind of i'll run only when i'm forced to and i'll curse when i run and feel a sense of achievement after running and i'll be hyper. I hadn't been running for one and a half months. I missed the wind brushing across my skin when i'm running and the feeling of having exercised. I think i should run cause i felt like a lump of fat which hadn't been exercising for ages. I ran even though my back was aching but who cares anyway. i reckon my back is going to hurt till the day that i die. It's not going to recover or it refuses to recover. I can't even find a suitable sitting posture that my back won't hurt. I'll live with the pain i guess. Better don't let the dowager (my mummy) knows. I think she'll skin me alive.
I was running past this house which was only two houses away from mine when i saw this furry white dog and it was barking at me. I recognised that seemingly familiar barks. That stupid bloody dog which screams every morning. It lives two houses away from me. Not right beside my house. Yet i could hear it barking! It really has good vocals man! I ran back to the house again to get back to my house and i glowered at the dog. I glowered at it which can last it for a lifetime. (as if the dog will get my message) I was glaring at it in an attempt to warn it against exercising its vocals early in the morning. If not next time, i'll sing karaoke at 7 am in the morning as well. An eye for an eye. Watch out you damn dog!!
My cousins fought before dinner. Dinner was on the table but they couldn't be bothered and started on a frenzy throwing sofa's cushions at each other. Imagine one cushion landing into the pot of soup or toppling over my food, i'm so gonna kill them for destroying my dinner. I warned them sternly against fighting and tossing the cushions. Maybe i wasn't stern enough cause they carried on with their fight and totally ignored. continued to throw cushions somemore. That was it! I totally lose it and started shouting at them to stop dumping the cushions and stop fighting. This time, they heard me. I manged to salvage our dinner. I managed to catch a glimpse of my aunt looking pretty wide eyed at me cause i lost my temper. I couldn't take it anymore, i don't want to jeopardise my dinner.
I kind of wonder whether the neighbours could hear my rantings and hollerings at my cousins. Gosh they will think "wah lao! The house next to us got tigress leh! Super fierce one sia... Don't play play..."
Oh man... my reputation will be tarnished by that hollering! What will the neighbours think of me? I heard from my aunty that she ever saw a handsome guy which lives pretty near us. He was walking his dog at that time... What if he heard?
Hahaha!! Who cares anyway? *shrug* :P
Sunday, September 03, 2006

I like walt disney's cartoons. Walt disney is a genius! His cartoons are totally brilliant. I like pooh and friends. Pooh is so orange, huggeable and adorable. Eeyore is forever so blur and cute. Roo is so jumpy and pinchable. Tigger is bouncy and energetic. Honestly, i think that piglet is gay but nevertheless, he's still cute. I like them!! (do i sound childish?) But who cares anyway. I like them cannot ah?
Just very random stuff. Walt disney's cartoons remind me of my childhood. My childhood spent indulging in Disney cartoons.
I had dinner with my two aunts and my dad at a hawker centre at bendemeer. The hawker centre was darn packed and we only got the seat at the designated smoking place. WTH!! I hate the smell of cigarettes! I loathe it!! I think smoking is totally uncool. Even though it's a designated smoking area, can't the ah peks just be more mindful of people around them and smoke elsewhere?? WTH!! I couldn't enjoy my dinner in peace without inhaling the disgusting smoke. One fine day, i'm going to get lung cancer and it will be those damn smokers' fault! One criteria that my future boyfriend must have is does not smoke. hahaha!
You know one thing about hawker centre is that it isn't very clean, hygienic and people there are normally less civilised and such... (but the food is delicious) Halfway into my dinner, i bent my head down trying to devour a bowl of piping hot lor mee, when i heard someone behind our table making that crackling sound in the throat and then what i heard next was POOI+ spat+Piack! Oh bloody hell. i think i nearly puked. I burst out laughing anyway. The rest of my family pretended that nothing happened at first but upon hearing me laughed, they burst out laughing as well.
Funny matters aside, can't the ah pek just open his damn eyes and look at us?? We innocent patrons are just trying to fill out stomachs to stay alive? Imagine he's eating his dinner and there i go spitting my phlegm and whatsoever nonsense next to him. ARGH!! What if he had SARS? Oh gosh!! I hope that the environmental officials will catch him and teach him some etiquette. Plus he was using his index finger and rubbing in between his toes while eating. Oh dear!! It doesn't matter much to me cause ultimately, those rubbish he picked up from between his toes will go into his stomach not mine but it still makes people around uncomfortable and nauseous.
There was this group of people sitting two tables away from us. From their distinctive accent, i could pick up that they were from China, our motherland (since our ancestors were from there). They were chatting when the waitress came and shooed them away. This is an perfect example of discrimination. Just because they were from China, that doesn't mean that they aren't customers. They ordered quite alot of dishes from the stall as well what. They paid for their food. The waitress didn't have the right to do that!! Even though it's none of my business, i can't help but feel ashamed and indignant for what the lady had done. Discrimination is bad!! Without those people from motherland, how can she find a stable house? Those workers toil and sweat to build our houses. How can she find Singapore's streets so clean? It's not as though Singapore has typhoon or hurricane which can blow the rubbish across the causeway (nobody's gonna care about that). I feel so disconcerted by what she had done cause it didn't reflect well of Singapore's image. Foreigners will think that we are proud, arrogant and look down on others. Hai~Maybe instead of teaching people how to smile, the government should teach people some basic table manners first so that the delegates won't die of shock looking at how we eat... :P
If only people are considerate and understand, the world will be a much happier place. Oh my!! I feel that i've learnt alot after the dinner.
Although the dining out at the hawker centre wasn't a pleasant one, i was exposed to many things that are obscured from me most of the time.Like discrimination and picking nose in public. My friends do not do that, neither do my family members (Oh...maybe sometimes they do) ... However, i think i should go for such dine outs at the hawker centre more often cause it's economical, delicious and cheap. Just cover one eye and everything will be fine....
Another random thing i want to declare is... I feel like going on a roller coaster ride!! Just some random feeling. Oh...could it be impulse? Have the zest to go on 10 rollie rides.
ARGH!! Gotta go to school tomorrow. Teachers just do not understand the term 'holidays'. WTH!!
Tomorrow's biology mock spa. Pray that i won't dream of the ants. Bio spa always involve sucrose solution which attracts the ants. I'm always the unfortunate one who gets alot of ants in my drawer, more than my friends'. Go to hell those ants! Ants just give me the creeps. Just looking at them is enough to make my hair stand,goosebumps pop and i'll start to have this unexplainable itch all over my body. It's some psychology thing i know but i can't help it. Hai!
Nothing to type... Byebye!!