After i've finished with PW, i'll delete all the stuff related to PW in my computer. It's wasting and taking up alot of my disk space. My thumbdrive is filled with PW related stuff even though i seriously think my thumbdrive can be put to better use like saving flattering pictures of me... Isn't it better use? hai~
Then i can burn all my PI, eom, GPP, WR drafts to my ancestors. I'll burn all PW stuff at 12 midnight. I'll put on a wig, powder my face like a geisha, wear a long long white dress and stand outside my house as i BURN all the PW stuff... *giggles* Hopefully, i won't freak my neighbours out...
Neighbour A: Wah piang!! Did you see a long haired woman, dressed in white, burning a whole stack of papers yesterday night?
Neighbour B: Yes i did!! I was totally freaked out...
Neighbour A: not as bad as me...i peed in my pyjamas.
Neighbour B: Do you think it was a...
Neighbour A: Ghost?
Then a wind will blow in their directions and send a chill down their spines...
It's so like primary school essay ah? I like to write narrative essays... It gives room for me to be creative. The essays that i'm writing in school now (GP) is suffocating me and there's barely room for us to expand our creativity. AH!!!
Was bored at home so i decided to take pictures...

I still have other display-ish stuff in my room plus soft toys. I don't buy all the soft toys cause i know i don't seem like a soft toyish sort of person but then... those display bears and soft toys somehow just appear in my room. Shall showcase them next time...
Ok! i' ve nothing else to add...
Au revoir!
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