I think im growing fatter after the BBQ yesterday and the hotcakes i ate this morning. It's like piling fats on top layers of fats cause i'm already fat in the first place... The food that i consumed yesterday (BBQ chicken wings, satay, curry, peppered prawns, otahs, sausages, sweet corn, fried chicken wing etc) makes me quilty. Anyway, i'm relying on tjc's PE department to make me lose the excess fats gained over the days. I must lose weight! WHoosh!
Other than the delicious food, the bbq yesterday left me uber irritated and frustrated. I blew my temper at my parents and i don't feel apologetic for it. My dad invited his friends to our house. His friends were horrible gamblers. They do not understand the meaning of 'STOP!'. They played mahjong till very very late. We told them repeatedly to leave cause we were disturbing our neighbours as well. They just nodded their bloody heads and continued to play. It was already twelve plus and i'd been busy for the whole day preparing all the food and doing the sai kang barbequeing for them to eat and can't they just shoo and let me sleep. This is how they expressed their gratitude.
What got my temper boiling was that my grandmother, the supposedly eldest and most respected figure of the family, told them to stop playing mahjong and get out of the house cause it was already 12 plus. They just simply nodded their heads once again and ignored my grandma and continued playing. That was it! I wished i could tell them to fuck off my house. I was on the third floor, in my room, with my door shut, yet i could hear the rattling sound of the mahjong. How to sleep i ask you...
I understand that my parents were put in difficult spots. They tried hard to be good hosts and yet had to placate the already pissed off family. I told my mum to try to tell dad's friends to evacuate the house so that we could clear up and go SLEEP! My mum ignored me. When i tried to tell her in a louder voice, she claimed i was shouting at her... I raised my voice from volume two to four cause she was bloody well ignoring me! It's not as though i enjoy raising my voice. I don't even sing for a living. She added " i tried telling him so many times, they don't listen. what can i do? They are not my friends" I wanted the people downstairs to hear i was fucking pissed off with them and my mum as well. I shouted to my mum "thanks for being so responsible" and ran off to bed before slamming the door shut. Guess what, they still continued playing mahjong from twelve plus to one.
I have no qualms about inviting people to house. In fact i enjoy the fun anf hustle bustle with so many people around. I love parties! However, it'll be a completely different matter when the guests refused to budge even though it was already one plus in the morning and they were making alot of noises by rattling the mahjong tiles and disturbing my sleep. I'm already sleep deprived during normal school days and can't even sleep in peace during weekends. They are bloody selfish. So what if they are guests? I've aready exercised alot of self restraint by not spewing vulgarities at them. I felt indignant for my grandma. An old person like her ignored by the guests and refused to leave even when the hosts are chasing them out. I had the impulse to call the police to complain that our house is bloody noisy. They are not fit to be my guests. They are just butt stickers that stick at a place and refuse to leave.
In the end, they left at 1.40 am. I had to mop the damn floor after they left cause it was dirty. How great was that? I really appreciate them for letting me mop the floor at 1.40 am. It's not like everyday that i'll get to mop the floor at 1 plus right? So i really thank them for what they had done and really appreciate the opportunity given. SO eat shit la!
Guests being guests should know some basic manners. They should exercise responsibility and sensitivity to their hosts. Their hosts are human beings not some robots in disguise and do not need to sleep. Guests need to respect their hosts. When the host says get out means get out. Shoo and disappear! They have to bear in mind that the hosts also need to tidy up and clean their house.
And guess what the man living downstairs said... He asked me whether i was angry with his guests yesterday. I didn't bother to answer cause i wasn't angry. I was fucking angry! He added on by saying that i shouldn't raise my voice at mummy. Plus they were his guests. Fuck la! They are gas to me. STinking freaking ammonia gas! Guess what i did. I ignored my parents and scooted off to my room. It's my way of showing my gratitude to them for ignoring me yesterday. Sweet revenge.
Parents being parents. I don't understand how they work. what i know is that my parents piss me off at times. Really really piss me off...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Why can't chinese new year be forever?
The boring school life began on Wednesday... Why can't chinese new year be forever? School life sucks. Really. There was chem test yesterday and maths test today on vectors. Chem test was on organic chem. Tell me how to mug during chinese new year period? The teachers expect me to lug my bloody notes with me even when i go visiting? The notes will make people puke lah can! Needless to say, i screwed up both tests. The maths test today was horrible. I got a mental block due to lack of sleep and a combination of other factors which i still don't know what they are. Honestly, the paper wasn't very difficult. The problem lies in me. I forgot what i had studied and mostly just stoned and couldn't recollect anything i'd read through. Shit! I think Mr Low will be very very very disappointed in me when he marks my paper. Truthfully speaking, i'm disappointed in myself as well...
I shall be a strong girl, learn from my mistakes and not do last minute studying if possible. Endeavour my best to avoid last minute cramming...
I was totally different from the normal me on chu yi... i actually wore a skirt! pretty short one somemore... gosh! Here are some of the photos that i deem fit to the eyes:
My cousin and me!
Me and my cousin again! We were being pretty narcisistic and actually took a picture together at a void deck!
Took a random picture of my cousin counting the number of hongbaos she has

mahjong den at home!
These are the things that make me FAT!! I love love love new yr treats! Love letters, bak kwas, chocolates, prawn rolls etc etc... Roar!

Look at the amount of New Yr goodies!!
I only look like that as shown in the pictures during chinese new year. It's back to the plain tee shirt and jeans me again! Wearing a short skirt is uncomfortable cause i have to be extremely careful when i sit down in case i expose obscene stuff not meant for ppl under 18. Walk also must walk carefully and take be mindful not to take too big steps. I'm starting to wonder whether i'm born with the right gender or not...
I shall be a strong girl, learn from my mistakes and not do last minute studying if possible. Endeavour my best to avoid last minute cramming...
I was totally different from the normal me on chu yi... i actually wore a skirt! pretty short one somemore... gosh! Here are some of the photos that i deem fit to the eyes:
mahjong den at home!
Look at the amount of New Yr goodies!!
I only look like that as shown in the pictures during chinese new year. It's back to the plain tee shirt and jeans me again! Wearing a short skirt is uncomfortable cause i have to be extremely careful when i sit down in case i expose obscene stuff not meant for ppl under 18. Walk also must walk carefully and take be mindful not to take too big steps. I'm starting to wonder whether i'm born with the right gender or not...
A funny conversation over dinner with the rest of the family:
(all of us saw fann wong on tv)
Me: I think she looks plastic. She looks so flawless which is not natural...
Dad: all actresses look like that. This is because they inject 'buttocks' into their faces...
(the rest of us burst out laughing)
My dad meant botox but he pronounced it as 'buttocks'. Very funny can! Couldn't swallow my food properly... Guys will be guys... Totally clueless over cosmetic stuff like this.
An embarrassing incident happened during photo taking today. How i wish i could melt and die on the spot and nobody will know i;ve ever existed... I wish i could kill the person who caused the embarrassment... ARGH!!
How am i going to face the rest of the world again???
Friday, February 16, 2007
Road Run plus shopping= sheer exhaustion
There's Roadrun today. The much dreaded event... i wasn't in the mood to run cause i was tired and even contemplated walking until i was stuffed with a number tag in my hands as i had to replace a runner who didn't turn up. If i don't, there will be marks deducted and stuff. So, the pressure was on me to complete the whole route by running and not walk. Fortunately, weather was good and i didn't die off halfway and became a mummy... Anyway, the number tag pinned on my shirt really got me going. It's stressful to wear that number tag. At some point during the run, i stopped to walk... whenever, i stared down on the floor, i bound to see the numbe tag on my tummy and the pressure will appear again. I'll walk three steps and start running again... hehehe! I was spurred to do my best so it wasn't a bad thing perhaps...
After the road run, i was damn tired n chao tah... It was hot k! Was high after the run cause i was glad i survived... Decided to take pictures after the run...
That's my lover is class, Sarah!!
Ruying and me! I brought the tkgs towel.The towel was given in 2002 which makes it pretty ancient...
Somehow, i think i look exhausted and tanner...

I was trying to prove my point to HuiChan that my i have alot of fats on my face. So, i started squeezing my face and showed her the fats... I think my face look like tako paochi...
Huichan said i look like the pig i had given her as Valentine's day gift... I'll show a pic of the pic if possible next time... Sad la... Look at me in the pic, was so super unhappy...

Me looking pretty spastic trying on the construction worker hat...
Phua Chu Kang wannabe!
After the road run, i was damn tired n chao tah... It was hot k! Was high after the run cause i was glad i survived... Decided to take pictures after the run...
For your information, i have super unstable hands. The QA my class did yesterday proved this fact, i was shaking badly, causing much laughter when i was filling my test tube with reagents using the dropper...
Right after that picture was taken, a J1 boy sitting beside me burst his ice popsicle and the syrup went spilling onto my hair and shirt! So super duper suay la. I had to wash my hair twice to get rid of the sticky itchy feeling on my scalp. Go eat shit la! Of cause, i didn't scold him that even though i had repeated the sentence in my head countless times... I'm trying to be a nice senior k.. cause i know it was an accident...
Went out with huichan after road run. I had to grab some accessories. Red ones especially cause my clothes are pretty dull (black, brown) . Huichan had to buy another shirt. So we were pretty much doing last minute shopping.
Over at MOS burger...
I was trying to prove my point to HuiChan that my i have alot of fats on my face. So, i started squeezing my face and showed her the fats... I think my face look like tako paochi...
Over at toys'r'us,
Me looking pretty spastic trying on the construction worker hat...
I think i accidentally pulled my ligament yesterday so my left leg felt abit tight and painful since yesterday. The road run and shopping kind of made it worse. I think my left leg is going to disintegrate now...
CNY is finally here!! Hongbaos, love letters, bak guas, pineapple tarts, kueh lapis... here i come!!
Take a look at this. Ultra funny!! Sent to me by Layling:
Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs
Thursday, February 15, 2007
It's Cutie's aka Yanfeng's birthday today!! Yippee!! Bought her a cake during lunch and sang a super loud birthday song for her! I like celebrating birthdays! It makes me happy!! Although i must admit that it can be quite paiseh when your friends start crowding around you and blasting you with the birthday song, nevertheless, i still likeit very much especially when there's alot of people singing birthday song to me. It lifts my spirit and make me happy for the rest of the day. Yay!
Yanfeng (the birthday girl) and me! I kind of forced Yanfeng to take the pic with me. Thankfully, the ever so kind Yanfeng obliged!
This photo was taken on Monday at Vivo City's adidas store. I was trying out my friend's shoulder bag. Alot of people had said that shoulder bags are not suitable for me... Quoting HuiChan, "I'm too man for shoulder bag..." *DOTS* Why like that?
Therefore, i posed and took a photo on purpose to show the rest of the world that i'm suited for shoulder bags!! I think i look ok with it!
Yesterday was Friendship day!! yippee!! Received alot of sweets and chocolates!! I love chocolates! The saddest thing that happened to me was i had a sore throat and didn't dare to risk my life and CNY by gorging myself with the chocolates... Nevermind, i shall stash the chocolates and sweets in my room and eat them when i'm better.
CNY is coming!! I'm getting fired up! I desperately need a break from school. Thankfully, CNY has a long break... BUT, i'll be having chem and maths test after CNY holidays... The school is so horribly mean to us.. They expect us to carry our notes and bury our heads in them even when we go visiting... Can't the school like let us off and have the detestable tests at a later date? Go eat shit lah!! I'm mentally prepared to fail all the tests la! Like how on earth will i have the time to study...
Anyway, i shall just forget about the tests. Put tests at the butt of my brain. Don't think too much and enjoy CNY!! Yay!! Hongbaos, new year goodies, sweets, new clothes...
Friday, February 09, 2007
I made a terrible mistake of telling my angel this " My sixth sense tells me you're a guy... " Anyway, my sixth sense was proven WRONG!! Fortunately, my angel found it amusingly funny... I seriously thought his handwriting belonged to a girl. The point i like to stress is... Do not make sweeping assumptions... Cause it can be pretty maloo at times...
I wrote to my mortal telling him that " I think you won't like chocolates cause i think not alot of guys like them. So, i bought you sweets instead." Guess what?! My mortal replied to me saying that he's that type of guys who prefer chocolates to sweets. I was wrong in my deduction once again... Opps!
This year's Valentine's day will be another sad one for me... Hahaha! I'll have to spend the day stuck in school and with my guitar somemore... I'll try my best not to despair... Anyway, valentine's day is also = friendship day mah... I'm surrounded by friends... hence, i won't be bored or lonely on that day! Yay!! Cheers!
My weekend is going to be so action packed:
Saturday: shopping to buy valentine's day gifts
Sunday: CIP-Collect newpapers and old clothings
Monday: watch movie at Vivo city
I'm so not looking forward to Tuesday cause i have to go to school on that day! Sobs!
I wrote to my mortal telling him that " I think you won't like chocolates cause i think not alot of guys like them. So, i bought you sweets instead." Guess what?! My mortal replied to me saying that he's that type of guys who prefer chocolates to sweets. I was wrong in my deduction once again... Opps!
This year's Valentine's day will be another sad one for me... Hahaha! I'll have to spend the day stuck in school and with my guitar somemore... I'll try my best not to despair... Anyway, valentine's day is also = friendship day mah... I'm surrounded by friends... hence, i won't be bored or lonely on that day! Yay!! Cheers!
My weekend is going to be so action packed:
Saturday: shopping to buy valentine's day gifts
Sunday: CIP-Collect newpapers and old clothings
Monday: watch movie at Vivo city
I'm so not looking forward to Tuesday cause i have to go to school on that day! Sobs!
You Have a Choleric Temperament |
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things. Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life. You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation. You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon. Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall. You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others. At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults. Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion. A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior. |
Wahaha!! i'm narcissistic... zi lian kuang...
You Are 20% Left Brained, 80% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
You Are 36% Vain |
Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all. You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less. |
Phew... im not a vain pot...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
You Follow Your Head |
You're rational, collected, and logical. Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love. In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky. While you're cool, you're not ice cold. You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it. |
You Are 70% Normal |
Otherwise known as the normal amount of normal You're like most people most of the time But you've got those quirks that make you endearing You're unique, yes... but not frighteningly so! |
You Are Somewhat Mature |
You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart. While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later. |
To all my friends, Note: I can act like an adult sometimes...
Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male |
Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
I'm glad my brain is female in nature... Phew!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Stupid blogger
Blogger made me switch my old blogger to a new one using a google account... The bad part is my google account is also used to register my class's blog. In another words, my account is linked to two different blogs namely mine and the class's . What shit is this... Why the hassle?
Anyway, i want to blog about the affinity of seeing butts last week. Last Sunday, i was walking home when i saw this ah pek wore this ultra short pair of running shorts around the waist level. I think he wore it so high on purpose... to make the shorts appear shorter. This is just the beginning of the horror, the dirty old man, bent down with his butt facing us... When he bent down, the shorts rode upwards and there we saw (i was with my aunty and mum) his two soon kuehs playing peek-a-boo with us... So bloody suay. My mum was carrying an umbrella at that time and she had the impulse of using the umbrella to poke his damn butt... Can u imagine how freaking disgusting looking at a 50 plus old man's saggy wrinkled butt? I nearly puked my lunch out and had to rinse my eyes using antiseptic lotion and meditate to cleanse my soul.. How i wish my mum would just poke the umbrella into his butt. I'll give her all my support. Seriously, i think the dirty old ah pek did it on purpose. Why did he had to bend down at the exact moment when we past by... Why did he had to wear his shorts like so high... I think it's possible to sense something amiss the moment he bent down right... felt some kind of cold breeze or something... But he can't be bothered with it... Go eat shit the ah pek!
TJC is erecting a lift just outside LT2... The other day, i saw an indian construction worker working on it. The Indian worker was squatting on the floor when i happened to walk past. Curiousity got the better of me and naturally, i watched what he was trying to do which i immediately regret soon after. Guess what... the indian worker was wearing hipster jeans. I repeat HIPSTER!! So when he squatted down, his butt crack could be seen! F***! Cleanse my soul man... Apparently, i wasn't the only one who saw it. Ruiying saw it and pulled mingyan to see which i found it super funny... As for me, i was too traumatised to say anything cause the butt crack reminded me of the dirty old man's butt... No soon kueh for me ever after...
I related the incident to one classmate of mine... Guess what my classmate said... He told us that we should donate a coin to him by slotting it through the indian worker's butt crack... Wah piang!! Eat shit la!! But still, i find it damn funny.
The point is : DO NOT WEAR HIPSTER NOR HOT SHORTS if u're going to bend down or squat!! I don't care whether you have jennifer lopez's butt or not... Even if you have J lo's butt, that doen't give you the authority to flash your butt crack or soon kuehs to others... Freak!
Anyway, i want to blog about the affinity of seeing butts last week. Last Sunday, i was walking home when i saw this ah pek wore this ultra short pair of running shorts around the waist level. I think he wore it so high on purpose... to make the shorts appear shorter. This is just the beginning of the horror, the dirty old man, bent down with his butt facing us... When he bent down, the shorts rode upwards and there we saw (i was with my aunty and mum) his two soon kuehs playing peek-a-boo with us... So bloody suay. My mum was carrying an umbrella at that time and she had the impulse of using the umbrella to poke his damn butt... Can u imagine how freaking disgusting looking at a 50 plus old man's saggy wrinkled butt? I nearly puked my lunch out and had to rinse my eyes using antiseptic lotion and meditate to cleanse my soul.. How i wish my mum would just poke the umbrella into his butt. I'll give her all my support. Seriously, i think the dirty old ah pek did it on purpose. Why did he had to bend down at the exact moment when we past by... Why did he had to wear his shorts like so high... I think it's possible to sense something amiss the moment he bent down right... felt some kind of cold breeze or something... But he can't be bothered with it... Go eat shit the ah pek!
TJC is erecting a lift just outside LT2... The other day, i saw an indian construction worker working on it. The Indian worker was squatting on the floor when i happened to walk past. Curiousity got the better of me and naturally, i watched what he was trying to do which i immediately regret soon after. Guess what... the indian worker was wearing hipster jeans. I repeat HIPSTER!! So when he squatted down, his butt crack could be seen! F***! Cleanse my soul man... Apparently, i wasn't the only one who saw it. Ruiying saw it and pulled mingyan to see which i found it super funny... As for me, i was too traumatised to say anything cause the butt crack reminded me of the dirty old man's butt... No soon kueh for me ever after...
I related the incident to one classmate of mine... Guess what my classmate said... He told us that we should donate a coin to him by slotting it through the indian worker's butt crack... Wah piang!! Eat shit la!! But still, i find it damn funny.
The point is : DO NOT WEAR HIPSTER NOR HOT SHORTS if u're going to bend down or squat!! I don't care whether you have jennifer lopez's butt or not... Even if you have J lo's butt, that doen't give you the authority to flash your butt crack or soon kuehs to others... Freak!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Mouse woman?
I made a terrible mistake of telling my math teacher that i'm a shu nu... The incident went like this.. Mr Low told me to write my answer to a math question on the board. I was sitting in the middle of the long row and it was difficult for me to get out. Seeing me frowning, Mr Low suggested that i climbed over the table as it's the easiest way to get out...
Me: (shook my head) cannot! I'm a shu nu...
In case for those who do not know what's shu nu, it stands for demure woman (like me)
I ended up pulling out someone's table and squeezed past the gap...
After doing my maths question, i went back to my seat and hesitated cause i had no idea how to get back in again... So, i made the wrong decision of climbing over the table and exposing my green tkgs shorts to the qi jie meis as a result... Mr Low came to the conclusion that i'm a shu nu but the 'shu' stands for mouse in chinese... OMG!
Another embarrassing moment was i met Mr Low once again in the canteen during lunch and he was with a gang of teachers from the maths department. I said hi when i saw him (being the ever friendly me) and he nudged to his colleague sitting beside him and they started to burst out laughing.... Using my 3 brain cells to think, i reckon mr low was telling the teacher about the 'shu nu' incident...
The image that i had painstakingly built up... the shu nu image... oh dear... *sobs*
Lastly, i would like to end off by saying that i predict i'm going to fail my bio test which i had today... Shucks!
Me: (shook my head) cannot! I'm a shu nu...
In case for those who do not know what's shu nu, it stands for demure woman (like me)
I ended up pulling out someone's table and squeezed past the gap...
After doing my maths question, i went back to my seat and hesitated cause i had no idea how to get back in again... So, i made the wrong decision of climbing over the table and exposing my green tkgs shorts to the qi jie meis as a result... Mr Low came to the conclusion that i'm a shu nu but the 'shu' stands for mouse in chinese... OMG!
Another embarrassing moment was i met Mr Low once again in the canteen during lunch and he was with a gang of teachers from the maths department. I said hi when i saw him (being the ever friendly me) and he nudged to his colleague sitting beside him and they started to burst out laughing.... Using my 3 brain cells to think, i reckon mr low was telling the teacher about the 'shu nu' incident...
The image that i had painstakingly built up... the shu nu image... oh dear... *sobs*
Lastly, i would like to end off by saying that i predict i'm going to fail my bio test which i had today... Shucks!
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