After the road run, i was damn tired n chao tah... It was hot k! Was high after the run cause i was glad i survived... Decided to take pictures after the run...
For your information, i have super unstable hands. The QA my class did yesterday proved this fact, i was shaking badly, causing much laughter when i was filling my test tube with reagents using the dropper...
Right after that picture was taken, a J1 boy sitting beside me burst his ice popsicle and the syrup went spilling onto my hair and shirt! So super duper suay la. I had to wash my hair twice to get rid of the sticky itchy feeling on my scalp. Go eat shit la! Of cause, i didn't scold him that even though i had repeated the sentence in my head countless times... I'm trying to be a nice senior k.. cause i know it was an accident...
Went out with huichan after road run. I had to grab some accessories. Red ones especially cause my clothes are pretty dull (black, brown) . Huichan had to buy another shirt. So we were pretty much doing last minute shopping.
Over at MOS burger...
I was trying to prove my point to HuiChan that my i have alot of fats on my face. So, i started squeezing my face and showed her the fats... I think my face look like tako paochi...
Over at toys'r'us,
Me looking pretty spastic trying on the construction worker hat...
I think i accidentally pulled my ligament yesterday so my left leg felt abit tight and painful since yesterday. The road run and shopping kind of made it worse. I think my left leg is going to disintegrate now...
CNY is finally here!! Hongbaos, love letters, bak guas, pineapple tarts, kueh lapis... here i come!!
Take a look at this. Ultra funny!! Sent to me by Layling:
Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs
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