Friday, February 23, 2007

Why can't chinese new year be forever?

The boring school life began on Wednesday... Why can't chinese new year be forever? School life sucks. Really. There was chem test yesterday and maths test today on vectors. Chem test was on organic chem. Tell me how to mug during chinese new year period? The teachers expect me to lug my bloody notes with me even when i go visiting? The notes will make people puke lah can! Needless to say, i screwed up both tests. The maths test today was horrible. I got a mental block due to lack of sleep and a combination of other factors which i still don't know what they are. Honestly, the paper wasn't very difficult. The problem lies in me. I forgot what i had studied and mostly just stoned and couldn't recollect anything i'd read through. Shit! I think Mr Low will be very very very disappointed in me when he marks my paper. Truthfully speaking, i'm disappointed in myself as well...

I shall be a strong girl, learn from my mistakes and not do last minute studying if possible. Endeavour my best to avoid last minute cramming...

I was totally different from the normal me on chu yi... i actually wore a skirt! pretty short one somemore... gosh! Here are some of the photos that i deem fit to the eyes:

My cousin and me!
Me and my cousin again! We were being pretty narcisistic and actually took a picture together at a void deck!


Took a random picture of my cousin counting the number of hongbaos she has

mahjong den at home!

These are the things that make me FAT!! I love love love new yr treats! Love letters, bak kwas, chocolates, prawn rolls etc etc... Roar!

Look at the amount of New Yr goodies!!

I only look like that as shown in the pictures during chinese new year. It's back to the plain tee shirt and jeans me again! Wearing a short skirt is uncomfortable cause i have to be extremely careful when i sit down in case i expose obscene stuff not meant for ppl under 18. Walk also must walk carefully and take be mindful not to take too big steps. I'm starting to wonder whether i'm born with the right gender or not...
A funny conversation over dinner with the rest of the family:
(all of us saw fann wong on tv)
Me: I think she looks plastic. She looks so flawless which is not natural...
Dad: all actresses look like that. This is because they inject 'buttocks' into their faces...
(the rest of us burst out laughing)
My dad meant botox but he pronounced it as 'buttocks'. Very funny can! Couldn't swallow my food properly... Guys will be guys... Totally clueless over cosmetic stuff like this.
An embarrassing incident happened during photo taking today. How i wish i could melt and die on the spot and nobody will know i;ve ever existed... I wish i could kill the person who caused the embarrassment... ARGH!!
How am i going to face the rest of the world again???

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