while everyone was off to NTU and SMU talks, we chose to boycott them and head for the library...
I went for blood donation today!! Grace was there as well but she was not eligible to donate so i was left alone... i went ahead with it of course...
how it goes...
filled up a form with questions that are ahem! very personal like 'have you had sex before?', 'have you had sex with a homosexual before' blah...
proceeded to the doctor for medical screening and she asked the same old questions for double confirmation i guess.
The was off to test the density of my blood i guess. A staple sort of thing was used to prick my middle finger and blood splurt out ok... erm maybe not that exaggerated la but quite a lot of blood k... the nurse used a straw like thing to collect the blood via capillary action. The straw like thing looks like the straw used to drink yakult. She used that straw like thing to prod at my wound and squeeze my finger so that more blood gushed out...painful k... One drop of my precious blood was placed in a blue solution. Mine sank in the blue solution which means i was alright for blood donation...
waited for few minutes for my turn to donate blood. in the meantime, i was looking at the expressions of people. Some guys looked away and cringed when the needle was inserted into their arms... hehe! some looked wide-eyed with shock. Some obviously looked nervous... of course nervous la! i was nervous too ok.i'm human.
the nurse had a hard time locating my vein. Had to squeeze the stress ball real hard... next was followed by sterilisation blah blah and the humongous fat needle was inserted into my vein and immediately my precious blood gushed up to fill up the bag...
took me less than 5 minutes to fill up the bag. i had to continuously do the squeeze ball actions as the bag was being filled up.
witnessed a girl who fainted or somewhat on the verge of fainting and had to be escorted to i-have -no-idea-where by the paramedics...
in another words, donating blood is such a brave act man! I'm not trying to say i'm brave la... but u see...i went there alone. Grace left since she couldn't donate her blood and there was no one to accompany me... not brave... hahaha!
that was so byl... read between the lines, infer, think, think some more and you'll get what i'm trying to imply...
i wanted a blue bandage with smileys on it was got this instead...
The nurse asked me whether pink was ok. Obviously i had to say it's ok although i hate pink and have allergy to pink frilly stuff... But it's ok...
had free milo after that to replenish energy. Of couse i felt abit weak in my legs. (i'm feeling weak now still...no energy like that)
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