Friday, May 01, 2009

Muahaha!! i watched x men wolverine origins yesterday!! I like it!! HAHAHAHA!! i (heart) action packed movie! yay!!

I think i spent a rather large proportion of time looking at hot guys and their equally hot bods to match.

AND AND AND (sounding breathless) you know who's also in the show??

DANIEL HENNY!!!!!! as agent zero. although i seriously think the
name sounds super cheesy...
Well... his name in the show sounds pretty ominous...
which is pretty true because he died a tragic, gruesome, horrible death in the end.
well... perhaps not to tragic because he totally deserved it in the show...
but the sad thing to the audience was...
with his death,
we have one less eye candy to salivate over... :(

See!! he's really cute...

wah lao! look at his abs...

Ok... i should give credits to other actors as well. Just to be fair. Hugh jackman also looked hot in the show. high protein diet, work outs, 5 meals a day to maintain such a body... no easy feat. haha!

while i was rambling about daniel henney in the show, nga said he totally had no idea who's daniel henney. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT KNOW WHO'S DANIEL HENNEY?? Ok... nga's a guy... so he can be pardoned right? i don't want nga to be gay...

Oh god... i should keep my over-passionate feelings for daniel henney more discreet. In case... nga hides at one corner and sobs his eyes out... he feels like his heart has been stabbed a million times. His mind brimming with jealousy. I must be discreet, i must be discreet...

Anyway, it's time for me to get fit. Shall go jogging tonight. i need to shed my fats. No matter how much i love them, they have to go away still... I need to get fit so that H1N1 has lower chance of intruding upon my body.

Everyone, let's get fit!!

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