Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sick of BBQ
The point is, i think my fats going to spill out from my pores soon with all the bbq stuff that i had eaten... I'll most probably drown in my own fats or something...
I helped with the BBQ at home yesterday. I think i was given the most horrendously disgusting task...
I had to cut the whickers and the legs off the prawns cause we intended to barbeque those poor prawns. The prawns felt gooey, slippery and the worst of it stank like hell! I had to use my bare hands to hold onto the prawns and trim away their legs and whiskers. Eeyeew! i felt so evil... I felt a sense of remorse towards the prawns... i silently muttered to the prawns not to haunt me in my dreams at night...
The horror doesn't just end there. there's horror part 2. I had to use a toothpick, prick into the body of the prawn and dig out the string of black stuff in it... The black stuff is none other than the prawn's shit... sometimes, the shit did get stuck and refused to come out from the prawn's body and i actually had to gently pull it out in case the shit breaks halfway... I was totally grossed from inside out... Plus the fingernails on my right hand were long. A perfect hiding place for the prawn's shit! Wonderful! *puke*
The horror continues...
I had to poke a satay stick through the prawns' bodies so that they are straight and easier to barbeque. Imagine using the satay stick to poke through the already limbless/whiskerless/shitless prawns... I felt so barbaric doing that... In the name of my family, so that they can enjoy savouring the barbequed prawns, i told myself i had to do it... I simply love my family too much... So, i had no choice but to do the brutal task. And, i got poked by satay stick as retribution...
I'm so going to abstain from prawns for some time but not for long since i'm a foodie... No more bbq after tomorrow as well. i'm scared!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
I opened my window super wide yesterday, hoping that Santa Claus would come into my room through it and leave a humongous pretty present beside my bed... Apparently, my window wasn't big enough to fit Santa's butt so i didn't wake up to see a beautifully wrapped present beside me this morning... *sad*
Christmas is not a time for slimming. It's a time to get fat...
Had a BBQ at my house on Sunday... so many many delicious food that i nearly gorged myself to death. Fortunately, i didn't. If not, i won't be able to type this entry with the fats on my stomach. My tummy fats is so much that it covers the entire keyboard and it can type the keys. Cool huh?
Had BBQ chicken wings, otahs, sausages, beehoon dripping with fragrant and thick golden curry sauce, satays and prawns. On the healthier side, we had fruit salad and my all time favourite fruit--watermelon!! BBQ food is said to be heaty, hence, my aunt made gui ling gao--a black jelly that helps to get rid of heatiness. i like gui ling gao...
At the end of the day, i felt like a pig. Correction: a happy and satisfied pig!
Sunday: Party 2. My gugu (father's sister) invited us to her house for gorge-myself-to-death-part2. She cooked lovely food. Had popiah, honey roasted chicken, spagetti, fried rice. The popiah was supposed to be made by ourselves. Popiahs made by ourselves tasted nicer. Haha! So we children had a fun time crowding around the table, grabbing all the ingredients and stuffed it into our popiahs. My popiahs were quite nicely wrapped man! Too bad i didn't take photos of it. My popiahs were a fine creation of art! :)
Today: Stayed at home. Nowhere to go. I wanted to go shopping but scrapped the idea the moment i imagined the horrendous crowd of people shopping as well. Today's a publis holiday what. I don't want my pretty face to be shoved by others... So i ended up staying at home the whole day with my butt stuck on the sofa and my fingers busy flicking channels on the remote...Watched spongebob! yay! Spongebob's christmas special. That hilarious piece of sponge. Watched powerpuff girls, also christmas special. I love christmas and all the shows that revolve around the theme: christmas. Shows that are based on Christmas tend to be magical, light-heartening, intriguing, funny and have happy endings... I like!
How i wish it's christmas everyday. However, one can't be so greedy right? If it's christmas everyday, Christmas wouldn't be christmas and it'll be just like any other day. People will get sick of christmas and there won't be christmas spirit. The novelty wears off and slowly nobody will give a damn to christmas since it happens every single day... Santa claus will most probably become stick man cause he'll be wear to death. He'll have to send christmas gift to obedient and well-behaved children everyday. Reindeers will be exhausted to death and won't be able to fly as they have to ferry santa claus and the heavy heap of presents to the kids. I'll have to eat turkey everyday... (not that i hate turkey but i'll get sick of it right...). i'll have to spend money buying presents everyday. Wahaha! Hence, there's a reason why christmas happens only once a year. Only then will we be able to appreciate christmas!
Anyway, merry christmas to all my beloved friends! XOXO Hazel
Friday, December 22, 2006
4e2 reunion

An unfortunate thing was Shuyi sat opposite me and she didn't fail to irritate me. She said hi! to me 7 times. She gave the grumpy look when we were still pondering over what to eat... She took a photo with Arthi with one drop of slurpie on her lower lip. She broke a chain that was tied across the road. She wanted this particular flavour of slurpie known as 'Happy feet' but the machine was stuck and she couldn't get any. You won't be bored if you hang out with her cause she's one hilarious person...
Met shanelle at bedok int before proceeding to the cafe cartel. Shanelle was the one who provided directions cause i didn't know how to get there but now i DO! I miss Sha! She and i can share endless conversation...
I miss the whole bunch of sponges...
Our class motto: Outplay, Outlearn, Outsponge!
I was clearing my cupboard when my TK doll rolled out of it...

Monday, December 18, 2006
Mandai Zoo
Must be because of the heavy rain yesterday. I went to Mandai to visit my 'friends' like what Huichan had said... I went to accompany my cousins and aunties from Malaysia... They came here for holiday.
My dad rented a mini bus to ferry us to the zoo...
Pic spam begins!

The moment we reached Mandai, the rain started pitter pattering on us... What an unfortunate weather to begin with... I hate rainy days!
The kids started exclaiming tiger and the next question following up was... 'Why isn't the tiger orange?' It's the white tiger man! A rare tiger! Woo Hoo!!
Do you know that kangaroos do not walk, they hop! Yup they hop! They can jump up to 13 metres in one bound! Hazel: Definitely kena GOLD STAR for standing broad jump.
Elephant!! So cute!!
A big fat and white bird known as a pelican! For once i imagined it on my table for Christmas... a substitute for roast turkey?
My dearest pal... Snake! I think it's name is Cottontail... Hopefully i'm not wrong... I have this vague idea that it has an seemingly innocuous name... Cottontail!
I don't know what this is... It looks like a cross between monkey and racoon...Anyway, it's cute!
One super terrifying fat, long, humongous snake! It's the Anaconda!
Me posing with the Fatty Anaconda!
Then, it started pouring like hell around three pm... The whole gang of us had no choice but to seek shelter at one of the air conditioned shelter with other visitors... Imagine being soaked yet had to endure the freezing air con?
Decided to take some pictures to rid boredom...
Me acting cool...
Cousin and me
I'm trying to imitate Jay Chou... Do i look like him? Haha!! Look at the rain outside... It's damn heavy...
All the fun, excitement, rain made me sick AGAIN!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Niibori Guitar concert
The performer which left the deepest impression on me was LION KING!! That guy had a head of shoulder length golden hair that many girls like me will die for. He was totally into his world while playing the electric guitar and his expressions were darn hilarious. I think i did not even blink while watching him perform.The way he thrust his hair here and there, wow! I wish i can swing my hair like him. Maybe i should grow long hair again! Wahahaha!! Cherylene thought he was cute. I like the texture of his hair. Audrey went 'WHAT?!' when i said i think his hair was nice. Huichan -_-"
This is a rather short post cause i don't know what to add liao... Byebye!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Ice cream pig out

My family had ice cream cravings last night... Needless to say, we succumbed to our cravings and drove to Changi Airport for ice cream
Went to terminal one cause we thought the swensen's there was better. To our dismay, swensen's was gone. It had closed to make way for some office. (so people, if you want to go swensen's at changi airport, go to terminal two)
The whole gang of us took a skytrain to terminal two. I like taking sky train! :)
To our horror, there was a long long dragon of people waiting for seats at swensen's. I volunteered to be part of the dragon. (so noble!) Ice cream is important and worth waiting. So waited for about half an hour till we got seats. Anyway, patience is a vitue and swensens ice cream is worth waiting...
Ordered earthquake, kids' meals, US fries and soup of the day...
I like ice cream! Ice cream tastes good partly because it's meant to be shared. Don't you find it weird that food tastes better when it's shared?
Cool right? Yummy!
Poof! It's gone! It's so clean, i don't think it needs to be washed...
walked around after pigging out in a bid to burn the fats that we had accumulated.
Took random pictures and was chided by Dowager for being a 'mountain tortoise'.
Cannot take pictures meh?
So many human beans!
Aeroplane! Yippie!!
I'm so envious of those pulling their luggage at the airport. They get to go overseas while i don't. Hahaha!! i want to go overseas as well.
Saw pretty SIA stewardess and handsome stewards. Wanted to take pictures of them but before i managed to brandish out my phone, they were gone like a breeze. They sure walk fast. Hehe!! (too bad no eye candies to look at)
Anyway, i want to learn how to roller blade! I'm going to trash my piggy bank to buy rollerblades so that i can learn! lalala!!
*holds onto a hammer*
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Irritating person
Anyway, i had the rare chance to experience being in the same car as an irritating person which proved to be worse than having a constipation... The person was so irritating that i harboured the thoughts of throttling the person to death in order to shut the person up. It was because a relative of us needed his help so we decided to do the relative a favour by punishing ourselves to be stuck for 4 hours with the irritating person... Oh goodness!!
Firstly, my aunty who was driving didn't know directions to the place the irritating person wanted to go... The irritating person was irritated by the fact that my aunty doesn't know her way well. The irritating person (in short let's call the person I.P) would suddenly ask my aunt to take a left turn with no prior warning. This is extremely dangerous. What if the driver behind us is unable to stop in time and slams into us? I.P didn't think of that... If he were the driver, i guarantee you that he would pose a road hazard.
We had lunch at a coffee shop. I forgot to take the utensils and was amazed when i saw my cousin having hers. I asked her how on earth did she manage to get the utensils. She said she had gotten the utensils herself. I.P went off commenting that my cousin is selfish which i agree as well... The problem is that I.P also took the utensils for himself and went off relishing his food without waiting for the rest of us... The moral of the story is... PLEASE look into the mirror, look at yourself before commenting on others... Reflect upon your own behaviour, whether you are fit to comment on others...
It was my aunty's treat. My aunty has nothing against it. She did it out of her own will. The problem was the I.P just sat at the seat as though he's some kind of eqyptian goddess waiting to be served by the slaves. He did not lift a finger to help except for yup you can guess opening his mouth to talk and comment. I.P told my aunt he wanted almond tea. My aunt got one for him and the infuriating part was he didn't finish the drink. It was bottled and wasn't cheap. I.P said that the drink tasted weird to him so he left the bottle 3/4 full.
Such wastage of food really gets on my nerves. I don't like to waste food... I'll try to finish all my food unless of cause my stomach is on the verge of exploding will i stop. However, i'll feel guilty after that for not finishing my food. I'll think of people from poor countried who have to forage for food to survive, die of hunger etc. So, i endeavour my best not to waste food. Hence, I.P really got on my nerves...
I.P is hot tempered. A driver had cut into our lane and he prompted my aunty to horn at him. To me, using a horn is rude. I hate it when drivers use the horn and beep at others. Ok! They are trying to warn the drivers in front of them but did they spare a thought of innocent bystanders like us. We had to endure the full impact of what the horn does to our poor eardrums. The sound of the horn sometimes give us a shock as well and do you know that people can die of shocks... I.P kept airing his opinions of my aunty's driving skills.
In future, if anyone dares to comment my driving skills, i'll throw the person out of the car and run over the person, reverse the car and run over the same person again and again until the person becomes a roti prata. Think it's easy to drive isit?
Never again will i want to go out with I.P. I'll die an earlier death due to high blood pressure.
Anyway, giam chai informed me to take the lead to organise class CIP only during the holidays. I like to write a tribute to Giam Chai for informing me so early that i have to organise a class cip so early. I appreciate your efforts.
*tears my hair out and screams like mad*
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Chao ah bengs n ah lians
But, i shouldn't be complaining right, Sin gapore is pretty much a ...pretty island... ^_^
It'd been a rather tense week for my family. My cousin just gotten back her PSLE results on thursday. I pretty much wish that she could go to the secondary school which is made up of XX chromosomes and all of the XX chromosomes put on light green blouse and a dustbin green pinafore. Unfortunately, she didn't make it to go to that school i wanted her to go and thus, she won't get to have a taste of what it is like stuck with the 'visually appealing' GREEN uniform for four years. That's quite saddening. The school has really fabulous uniform!! ^_^ "
I was waiting anxiously outside my cousin's primary school (used to be mine as well) while she went para-para-ing into the school. I can't remember how i felt when i was receiving my PSLE results. Somehow, it seems to me that PSLE happened a donkey years ago. Anyway, i saw a chao ah beng swaggered past in front of me while i was stoning. That chao ah beng has a cigarette stuck between his lips. The ironic part was he was wearing a t-shirt that has the words 'Greenview Student Council' printed on it. I can't fathom why somelike him can be a student council. That really set me thinking of running president. Since a chao ah beng who smokes can be a student council, why not a siao chao bo like me be a president? wahaha!! OK!! I'm joking... *flashes the innocent smile*
My cousin is going to treat us to dinner today cause he's birthday is coming soon. He's so sweet isn't it? He's only 8 after his brithday and yet he wants to treat us to dinner. Anyway, the money he managed to save came from generous donations from the adults so... Nevertheless, it's the thoughts that count. Japanese food! Here i come!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
decomposing at home
I'm decomposing at home. By right, human body is made up of predominantly water but i think i'm special. My body is made up of 70% fats and the rest is rubbish.
So, if i'm going to decompose, the waste materials that are going to form would most probably be mostly fats... wahaha!!
Had home made fish and chips for dinner. It's good to have an uncle who works as a chef. Although i used to grumble alot about him but i'm starting to see the significance of him despite the little contributions he made to this family.
Too bad, i was too busy polishing my plate of fish and chips clean that i forgot to take a picture of it...
Anyway, my house is attracting alot of insects nowadays.
I wonder is it because of the change in the climate. The weather is getting abit more cooling especially at night. That's why those creepy crawlies come into my house to seek shelter from the cold...
I dreamt that there was a lizard in my room one night. I woke up feeling panicky and grabbed my handphone beside my bed and turned on the torchlight mode and begin shining it on the floor for any trace of lizard. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare and i went back to sleep soon after.
The next night, i went into my room, switched on the light and saw a lizard scurrying across the wall. So, it's a case of premonition. A case of my dream coming true. However, in this matter, i don't want my dream to come true cause it's a bad dream. I screamed for my aunty to help me catch the lizard and fling it out of the window...
Yesterday, a beetle hid in the toilet. The unfortunate victim was my youngest cousin. He was bathing in the toilet when he noticed the presence of the beetle. Of course, he was freaked out by the beetle because the beetle was huge in my opinion. It's big and brown and made buzzing sounds when it flew.
My youngest dashed out of the toilet and wrapped a towel around his hip. He paced up and down screaming for help. Even though i was near him, i was of no help as i'm scared of beetle as well. So, i stood near the door of the toilet and peered surreptiously into the toilet to catch a glimpse of the beetle. yeah! it was huge and gross. The funny part was my cousin wrapped the towel around his waist and clutched the ends of the towel at the back. By clutching the ends of the towel at his back, he left his butt exposed for the whole world to see. (the whole world is just me basically). To add on to the humour, he walked here and there getting help, totally oblivious to the fact that his butt is exposed. I thought if one's butt is exposed, one may feel the chill or something... That indicates that one is exposed.
My aunt managed to catch the ugly beetle while i was left rolling on the floor dying of laughter...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Excitement filled days ...
Thursday 16-11-2006 PowerPDP
I went there feeling abit sceptical at first... I was wondering whether i can survive through the physically intensive actvities awaiting us like a shark waiting to gobble up a victim in scuba diving suit... Hey!! I survived and i had a great time. But the weather played annoying tricks on us. It rained and stopped, rained again and stopped again. So, we had to walk to the audi when it rained, walked to the adventure tower when thne rain stopped. Before we could do anything, it rained again and we had to run to the canteen to seek shelter and crawled all the way to the audi. (Do you know how far it is to walk from the canteen to the audi?) Blah!
I managed to complete the criss cross thing. It involved alot of balancing work. Had to balance yourself while walking across the bridge with nothing to hold onto. The criss cross thing was super scary. It was about three storeys high and i felt my whole life depended on just two strand of ropes. (the ropes weren't very thick in my opinion) There was a criss cross between the two ropes and it was difficult to get past the criss cross. I had to abandon my shu nu image for one day. I followed Cherylene (the clever one!) and did the suckling pig action. (although i reckon i looked more like a half dead worm) The moment i touched ground, i was exhilarated and went into a hugging frenzy. Went around hugging my group mates.
Let me summarise what i thought of my group mates:
Janice: The brave one! She's always the first to attempt all the stuff. She's determined and never gave up! Encouraging person as well.
Jin Chaw: The make-all-the-obstacles-look-so-easy one! I'm envious of the fact that he's blessed with long legs and arms and he's agile. He managed to triumph all the obstacles. I'm awed by him.
Winne: The supportive and encouraging one! She supported a few of our butts while we tried to climb up the wooden pillar! She has high endurance level and stones quite alot. (shares the same hobby as me!)
QiHui: The gungho one. Even though her looks aren't intimidating, it's a completely different story when she was overcoming the obstacles at the adventure tower. She managed to do rock climbing on three flimsy boards. I'm totally impressed!
Cherylene: The brave and clever one. It was obvious she was scared of heights but she perservered and never gave up! Woo! She was the one who invented the suckling pig action which i copied. :P
Had mucleache the next day. i could barely lift up my arms. That proves that i'm lack of exercise!
I went to escape theme park today!! Yippie!!
rainbow: Sounds innocuous but then it's actually quite scary.
Pirate's ship: Personally, i don't find it scary. The person sitting behind was scarier than the ride itself cause the person had powerful screaming powers which threatened to burst my eardrums. Anyway, there was this ahem! pretty handsome guy sitting directly opposite me on board the pirate's ship.
Revolution: Very scary. It turns one upside down 360 degrees. I thought i was going to fly out of my seat any moment. Nevertheless, it was fun. I like!
Go Kart: Fun!! I discover that my driving skills isn't as bad as i expected. I didn't bump into anything.
Superman: I forgot what's the name if this ride. The superman ride requires one to lie flat on the stomach and basically the machine just spins you round and round till you go dizzy. I don't really like this ride cause it made me feel like puking after that.
Wet and wild: i like this the most! Imagine sitting on a boat, plunging down into a pool of water from 15 metres high under a hot sun and the water just goes whoosh! and then the next thing you'll discover, you're drenched. Anyway, just want to share with you a secret, i was soaked all the way to my underwear. My uncle said his butt itched after sitting on the ride cause he believed that the water was dirty! Hahaha!! I was drenched but then it was cooling under a hot sun!
Haunted house: My cousin got a shock when he saw the electrocuted dummy bouncing and writhing in pain on a chair. It was hilarious!
Free popcorn and ice cream: we had free popcorns! The bad thing was we had to wait for super long for the corns to pop as there was only one machine making the popcorns. The free wall's jelly ice cream was wobbly and looked disgusting but then, it was delicious.
Escape ticket fee: $6
cause it promotional period. Quite cheap as compared to original price: $16 plus for adult. Therefore, it's worthwhile.
But then, don't expect the theme park to be something like those of our neighbour's (genting) . remember, s'pore has limited space.
All the excitement is making me wobbly!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Anyway, an interesting conversation popped up during dinner...
Dowager aka my mum: Must eat more veggies (talking to my cousin) Veggies makes you grow fairer.
Cousin: Really meh? How come Hazel jiejie eats so much veggies but then she's still so dark...
Dowager: That's because she didn't eat enough veggies when she was young... That's why she turned out so dark...
Hazel: ... (continued to munch on my kangkong)
Wah piang! That's a personal attack lah! But then, i couldn't do anything but to carry on munching my veggies cause veggies is good for health and i want my cousin to eat veggies. So, i had to make a huge sacrifice by keeping mum while the dowager blabbered on about veggies is good cause it makes one fairer. People, let me, the princess clarify this issue about veggies making one fairer. What dowager said was totally untrue! Oh my goodness!!
Pictures that were taken some time back but i didn;t have the chance to blog...

The next thing i'm gonna introduce plays a significant role in my life... Very important!! *drums roll* Let's put our hands together and welcome...
I named it MOOBIE!! Moobie says Hi! to you!! Isn't Moobie cute?
Moobie and the two bears... So adorable yeah?
Audrey and patrick. I took this pic during the outing with sha, audrey and mel!! I realise that Audrey looks like Patrick. Or rather Patrick looks like audrey. It's the same lah... Works either way...
Christmas decorations!! Featuring the qijiemei!! Wahahaha!!
that's all people!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I'm happily deleting all PW related stuff in my laptop and thumbdrive. All the papers wasted for PW, i'll send them to the garang guni man to recycle.
But then, i think i screwed up my Q&A part for PW... ... My answers generated laughters... I felt like laughing at myself too for crapping so much... Freak!
No use moping over it... It's OVER!! It's time to rejoice...
So, 8 of us: Mingyan, HuiChan, Ruiying, Cherylene, Cheryl, YanFeng, Jieying and me went to Bugis to window shop and pig out... Hahaha!!
HuiChan and i played truth or dare when we were window shopping. Now that i think of it, it's pretty stupid. Just the two of us playing truth or dare... Wahaha!! anyway huichan, i seriously think you know most of my darkest secrets... Hehe!
The high light of the day was... ice cream pigging out at... *drums roll* Swensen's !! Tah dah!! ( all of you pretend to be impressed!)
The 8 of us ordered two regular earthquakes. We had a hard time thinking of what flavours to choose cause we get to choose 8 flavours in total.Four of us dig into one earthquake ice cream... Nevertheless, it was fun!
Anyway, Cherylene's gang got their earthquake first! They were real fast in deciding the flavours while my gang scratched our heads till tiny white flecks of dandruff filled the entire table. (IM JOKING!!)

The four gungho girls managed to devour everything in less than half an hour...
Remnants of the earthquake. We had conquered the earthquake!! We did it!! We are the heroes!!
I love ice cream!!
I wish i can get a boyfriend who owns an ice cream empire. I get to eat all the ice creams i want without forking out any money. Plus, i'll get to be the first to try out any newly invented flavours!! Wow!!
I'm fa hua chi-ing again!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Can't wait for PW to die off
After i've finished with PW, i'll delete all the stuff related to PW in my computer. It's wasting and taking up alot of my disk space. My thumbdrive is filled with PW related stuff even though i seriously think my thumbdrive can be put to better use like saving flattering pictures of me... Isn't it better use? hai~
Then i can burn all my PI, eom, GPP, WR drafts to my ancestors. I'll burn all PW stuff at 12 midnight. I'll put on a wig, powder my face like a geisha, wear a long long white dress and stand outside my house as i BURN all the PW stuff... *giggles* Hopefully, i won't freak my neighbours out...
Neighbour A: Wah piang!! Did you see a long haired woman, dressed in white, burning a whole stack of papers yesterday night?
Neighbour B: Yes i did!! I was totally freaked out...
Neighbour A: not as bad as me...i peed in my pyjamas.
Neighbour B: Do you think it was a...
Neighbour A: Ghost?
Then a wind will blow in their directions and send a chill down their spines...
It's so like primary school essay ah? I like to write narrative essays... It gives room for me to be creative. The essays that i'm writing in school now (GP) is suffocating me and there's barely room for us to expand our creativity. AH!!!
Was bored at home so i decided to take pictures...

I still have other display-ish stuff in my room plus soft toys. I don't buy all the soft toys cause i know i don't seem like a soft toyish sort of person but then... those display bears and soft toys somehow just appear in my room. Shall showcase them next time...
Ok! i' ve nothing else to add...
Au revoir!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Reflections on PW:
-waste of time, paper, printer's ink, brain juice
-shortens one's life span by infuriating one and bursting one's blood vessels as a result
-difficult to manage at times
-super duper BORING
-makes me sacrifice my sleep just to complete stupid pw
On the other hand, i think PW also provides a chance for us to bond with some of our classmates aka group mates. So far, that's the only advantage i could think of...
I wonder why there is a sudden fascination in KFC...
Yesterday during lunch, my family was deciding on where to makan. We finally decided on a Japanese fastfood restaurant and one of my cousins wasn't too happy about it because he wanted to feast at KFC instead. I insisted on having Jap food instead cause i LIKE jap food plus i've heard enough horror stories about KFC that can last for nearly a lifetime. (People, i'm so going to abstain from fastfood.) So,my cousin being a kid, sulked throughout the entire lunch. Kids are terrific in sulking. They score A1 for it. Same applies for throwing tantrums... wahaha!! But, he stopped sulking soon after cause he couldn't resist the delicious food...
The same scenario repeated when i went to a thai restaurant for dinner. One of my cousins (another cousin this time) insisted on having his dinner at KFC!! The adults had decided on pigging out at thai restaurant and it was difficult to change cause adults will always come first before kids. Young adults like me are unheard of... Nobody cares about our opinion most of the time. Anyway, we do not give a heck as well... Just as long as i'm fed... i don't care...
anyway, this cousin of mine started throwing tantrums as well. He whined sulked and walked away from the table only to be pulled back by his mother. His 'throwing tantrums' power was three times better than the cousin i mentioned previously. It took much longer time to pacify him and such...
The point is...what's so great about KFC? Ok.. i like it's coconut pie, cheese fries not bad, chicken very crispy... ai yah! I know... Kids mah...
Friday, November 03, 2006
Spit the trouble out
I'm not trying to be rude but then i witnessed two people spitting in one day...
I was at the bus stop waiting for 12 to come so that i can go to school. There was this passenger whom i thought was going to alight from a bus. He stood at the steps of the exit and then he went kah pooi! He spat his yucky gooey stuff out of the bus and went back to the seat, pretending like nothing had happened. The innocent poor me witnessed the entire disgusting act and i froze, totally grossed out to my core! I nearly puked my large intestines out... (then i'll be more disgusting than him!)
Another spitting incident i witnessed...
Went to the coffee shop opposite tj to accompany my friend for lunch. I walked past this lao ah pek and he spat the similar gooey stuff i had seen earlier out onto the floor. Imagine someone accidentally step on it, slip and fall... That lao ah pek don't spit later... purposely spat when i happened to walk past him! WTH!!
I'm going to organise an Anti-Spit campaign. Those who i caught spitting will have to pay a fine. The money collected from the fines will go to MY account to fund my education so that i'll go to the university and study some psychology thing and find out why humans (especially lao ah peks) have the spit compulsive disorder. Then, i'll write a thesis based on how to stop people (lao ah peks) from spitting.When u graduate, i'll commit myself full time in curing people (lao ah peks) so that they won't spit and dirty the environment. I'll also work hard to promote the anti-spit campaign. Lastly, i envision myself getting a Nobel prize for my commitments in saving the world from being dirtied by spits (what's the noun of it? i dunno...) Then, future generations will study about me from their lower secondary history textbooks. It will be something like this... "Hazel, the modern super hero who had saved the environment from being stained by spits." Thank you!
Back to reality... That's how i envision my life to be in future...
On my way home, two chao ah lians board the bus... I have nothing against chao ah lians lah. They want to be ah lians by all means. It's none of my business anyway. BUT, They were talking super loudly in the bus. It's understandable cause they are chao ah lians but then, every sentences they said either contains a F*** word if not some vulgarities lah... It's corruptive to my well being... I don't mind them talking loudly but it's super unpleasant to hear people vomitting profanities in deafening and whiny voices.
The chao ah lians didn't think they were loud enough and proceeded on to brandish their handphones out... To test out the sound qualities of their handphones, they started blastin heavy metal music until the entire bus had converted into a disco. AND MIND YOU, THERE WERE ONLY TWO CHAO AH LIANS BUT THEN THE NOISE THEY CREATED HAD FILLED THE ENTIRE BUS!
I was already pissed off by the fact that i had wasted my youth in school... was super tired and there were two chao ah lians blasting irritating music at the maximum volume which was giving me a headache. Chao ah lians!
I hate people who blast their handphones in the bus. it's just trying to be hao lian and show off their handphones. Bloody shit! Go to hell with people who blast their phones in public. Hao lian!
Ok! Enough ranting. i was seething with anger in the bus yet i had to control my temper as i was wearing the school uniform and me being the ever docile me, i have my reputation at stake. If not, i would have ripped off the tubetop of the girl since it won't make any difference as she's near to wearing nothing and stuff her handphone into her mouth with the tube top acting as a muffer so that the noise doesn't come out...
Opps! I'm so violent! :P
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Monotonous day
I'm bored again... so i'm going to post some online tests that i've done!!
You Are a Smiley Face Cookie |
You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity. You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out! |
I love cookies!! Chocolate chip cookies especially! Yummy!!
You Are 46% Impulsive |
You're quite impulsive, but you never are reckless. You qualify as a very spontaneous person, but you still know how to honor your commitments. And while responsibility doesn't come easy to you, having fun does! |
You Are Cookie Monster |
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" |
YES!! Very true!! Like what i had mentioned above and maybe in previous posts! I LOVE COOKIES!! oh gosh!! I must have been a cookie monster in my past life...
Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde |
You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog. You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head. Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent. You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content. |
what's 'avant garde'? Really ah?
Everything Pizza |
Diverse and adaptable You enjoy the full buffet of life It's hard to you play favorites with friends... or flavors There's very little that you dislike! |
As long as it's pizza, i won't dislike...
A brazen cat came into my house today. Sneaked off into the kitchen and stole a fish from a plate of fishes placed on the table. OMG!! That stupid cat wasn't successful in dragging the fish out of the house cause my aunty caught it doing that dirty act and chased it away. The cat dropped the fish and left a mess on the floor which i had to clean up!
That's one of the reasons why i do not like cats...
It's TV pigging again!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sad day
Luckily i'm at home so i don't mind if it rains. If i'm out in school or shopping at Orchard, i'll curse and scream till the rain stops. Wahaha!
I sprained my ankle so it hurts whenever i walk. Thankfully, it's just a minor sprain so the pain is still bearable. It only hurts when i walk. The amazing part is... i don't remember how i managed to sprain it... I didn't engage in any vigorous activities. Nor did i walk on uneven grounds. I don't think i jumped down the stairs, at least i didn't yesterday. So, what's wrong with my foot? I mean ankle...
I take it as a sign that i'm lacked of exercise. I'm living a sedentary life which makes my body susceptible to all sorts of funny ailments. My body is prompting me to exercise.
Maybe i should... i think my stamina is declining. I'm not as fit as i was in secondary school even though the physical education in tj is supposedly tougher and more demanding... It's an irony right?
OK!! I shall not bore my fans with the mundane details of whether i should exercise or not... Let's talk about other stuff...
Went back to school yesterday for no-need-to-say-everybody-also-knows. Yup! PW!! *rolls my eyes dramatically upwards* OP rehearsals...
Anyway, during lunch break, we held a farewell party for giam chai. She's retiring... There were pizzas, drinks, chips, sweets and cake. Pretty much all the normal party stuff.
Talking about the pizzas... i'm going to commit suicide... I was the one who ordered the pizzas. I ordered from Canadian pizzas. Buy one get one free. Apparently, there was a miscommunication when i said that i want to order two different pizzas in the hope that we'll get another two free. Four pizzas in total but the person interpreted wrongly so we ended up getting two pizzas only. Luckily, majority of my class are girls with petite appetites so it didn't create a food-snatch. *phew*
Anyway, i waited at school's gate for the pizzaman only to have him driving past me. I shouted and screamed at the pizzaman like a siao zao bo while running after him while he whizzed past on his bike. I screamed real loud in exasperation. So loud that people nearby turned and looked at me and the pizzaman heard my scream even though his ears were covered by the helmet. All stopped in their tracks and stared at the siao zao bo (which is me). I was left feeling bashful. Wanted to dig a hole to bury myself and pretend that i never existed. Oh gosh! Those group of people staring at me consists of year two guys. I repeat--- year two guys! So man i'm gonna faint. I tried hiding behind Cheryl, my innocent classmate... My reputation is gone... they are going to remember me as the siao zao bo who chased like a siao zao bo after the pizzaman... SOBS!!
Guess what i got for giam chai? A cactus! Wahahaha!! It's such an adorable cactus. I'm tempted to buy one for myself as well. She opened up the present in class. She interpreted the gift(cactus) as we were trying to imply that she's pricky. she meant it in joke, i hope. I started to blabber nonsense that the cactus signifies our class spirit. We are very hardy and gungho and stuff... Anyway, it shows that she did some reflections upon herself... She can be pretty thorny at times that's why our class feelings towards her is...
Shall not elaborate. unhappy memories are meant to be erased. We sang the barney song for her during the party so let things remain like what it is in the song...
i love you
you love me
we are happy family
with a great big heart
and a kiss from me to you
won't you say
you love me too!
What a sweet song...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The beach
I like the sparkling sea water! It's seductive enough to entice one to swim in it...
Once upon a time, on a sandy island known as Larby island......
there lived a princess who loves to stare forlornly at the sea. She's pining for her darling Prince Charming to come back from war in Teriyaki chicken island... ...
Everyday, regardless whether it's rain or shine, she'll pace up and down the mighty LONG jetty, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ship which her darling Prince Charming will be in... (Btw, she cycles at times too which explains the existence of the blue bicycle at the bottom right of the picture.)
The cloudy sea water. It seems to me that singapore's sea water is getting abit clearer. *applause*
A majestic view of the sea!!
The story doesn't just end there... ... Princess Ah Chan comes down from the jetty but her sight doesn't leave the sea as she's still anticipating the return of her darling Prince Charming. Tears rolled down her eyes while she stood staring at the sea.... "when will my darling come back?!" she wailed. Her cries are sorrowful enough to generate a tsunami.
Anyway, that's just a joke. Everything that had to do with the princess and her darling are entirely fiction. (wah lao! HC is going to kill me)
I was super suay cause i rented a lao ah ma bike that creaks whenever i paddle. People were staring at me while i was cycling because of the loud creaking sounds the bicycle generated. It was loud and embarrassing. i think there was something very wrong with the gears. Wanted to change another bike but the shopowner of the bicycle rental store reassured me that everything is alright. ass lah! Such an irritating bike. So difficult to cycle plus the brakes were darn loose. What if i cycle down a slope and then cannot brake how? I'll fly off the bike and the entire nation will mourn the premature death of a vivacious young girl with a bright and promising future... ...
After the wonderful time spent baking under the sun at east coast beach, clone and i proceeded to Far East. We wanted to buy some clothes but ended up finding none that is/are suitable to our tastes and preferences. We had lunch at Han's...
My masterpiece! It's a heart made up of ketchup, chilli, pepper and salt....
Another picture of the heart that i'd made. Ain't it cute?
Another amusing incident took place at Orchard Mrt station. One young lady approached and stuffed a namecard into my hand. She claimed she represented some modelling agency and i suspect they were looking for some potential models.
Lady: I would like to have your contact number and name cause i think you're goodlooking.
Hazel: (stunned) No thanks!
Lady: Trust me! You're really good looking. Can i have your number and name?
Hazel: NO thanks!
The lady snatched the namecard away from me and that's it...
I have a mirror at home... The mirror is a honest fellow. It tells me exactly how goodlooking/ugly i look. I know where i rank and i'm not those naive girls who easily fall prey into such things. What model? My foot lah!!
I seriously think the lady wanted my handphone number so she could spam me! Yes! If not give my number to some dubious company then i'll have weird people calling me late at night to request for 'special' service... ...
Me being the ever cynical me... hahaha!!