was at parkway parade and guess who i saw...
hold your breath
Ho ho ho!! I watched pirates of the caribbean!! Whee!! Did i mention that i'm still in love with johnny depp? well... jack sparrow still rocks in the movie. Oh ya!! Something interesting... i'm starting to take a liking to will turner. Orlando bloom is all of a sudden, hot to me. I guess it's very much due to the fact that he became a pirate at the end of the movie. And lil hazel has this unexplainable attraction to young, good looking, melt hearts pirates. I didn't pay much attention to his character, i'm referring to will turner of course in POC 1 and 2. It just a sudden will tuner-has-caught-my attention kind of thing. Finally! But of course, jack sparrow will always be number ONE in lil hazel's heart... ...
it wasn't as bad as what the reviews made it out to be la... the reviews for POC 3 were like very very bad kind of thing... Maybe they had high expectations of POC 3 and when expectations aren't met, people become critical of it... come on! There has gotta be a loss of inspiration what... three sequels leh... can't possibly be fresh and exciting every time right... give it a break la... i admit the movie was a tad confusing. I couldn't catch why things turn out this way or that way. But at the end of the movie just forget all the queries right? movies are meant to be enjoyed. It's (sad to say) a passive activity whereby you just sit-and-absorb. No use bogging your mind with all the details or trying to pin point every single loopholes or waste brain juice trying to analyse the movie. If you want to do these, go watch a documentary/historical film/news/debate instead...
I find it especially funny when jack sparrow imagines more of jack sparrows and the jack sparrows squabble. One's a devil's advocate, the other an angel's. Oh ya!! I made an important discovery. Jack sparrow likes peanuts. I like peanuts too! We share a common trait. woo hoo!! I feel so happy thinking about it...
as for the ending. I think it's sad if one only gets to see your loved one once every ten years. It's heart-renching k... I reckon will turner's son will grow up resenting him for being a pirate who is constantly away...
Back to the fat ass' story, there're still more pigging out sessions to go... my mum promised a treat a hard rock's cafe and another at tony ribs... whee!! can't wait. I'm dead serious this time round in revamping my wardrobe...