Guess what... i'm missing guitar practice already. Since concert is over, it kind of signify an end to guitar practice. Since i'm in yr two and pdp will officially end after june holidays so that we can focus on the hideous a levels. *sad*
today's entry serves as a reflection of my time in guitar symphony...
My first performance was guitar concert 2006. Played 'under the sea' and 'close to you'. I remember cong yi was the CI for junior ensemble and i can't help laughing at him because he's a big stoner... i remembered sitting at the front row at the extreme right corner of the stage. Boy it was nerve wrecking man..
June camp was horrible. Did alot of PT and i couldn;t have survived without encouragements from my group members. It was then that i realised the 'power' of what twinkies can do... oh ya!! i gotta mention this ... urban hike was KILLING! we hiked nearly the whole of singapore on our two legs carrying bottles of water which was quickly depleted under rain and shine amd whatsoever shit we stepped on on our way... left a deep impression on me really!
Powerpdp: i remembered stepping on jinchaw's legs many times cause i was too short to even reach for the lowest metal bar. I know qihui rocks as she managed to complete all the obstacles. hahaha!
Oh ya! and we sqautted at one spot under lt2 to play el choclo for TJ open house. It was somebody's fault for not informing the people to go to the audi to watch us perform. The audi was damn empty. Instead of performing to imaginary audience aka air molecules. The quick thinking president thought of performing under the lt2 where there were more people. even though it wasn't a glamourous performance and we couldn't be heard clearly but it left funny memories and of course our mistakes couldn't be heard that obviously... wahaha!
SYF: made new friends. got to understand each other better... I remember feeling abit disappointed cause i couldn;t make it in prime 3 and had to change section to prime one. It was like relearning the song once again within a rather short period of time. Of course i felt stressed at that time. Thankfully, i had chan mali, cherylene and others to cheer me on. I surfaced those two especially cause they are my classmates and received the most direct attacks of whining from me... Passed the 'test', could join syf, it was like a big phew! so i ended up joining the big prime 1 family exactly as the same time as eugene chong and pongkui. The time left prior to syf, those two made my time during guitar a mixture of fun yet filled with anguish cause they are fond of bullying me.Pong kui is weird. Just weird. When i first knew him, the first impression i had of him was 'this guy's weird' . After syf and concert, my impression of him still doesn;t change. But, that guy is one funny twalala! who is pretty amusing... eugenie chong likes to boast about his height and makes me feel like tk doll beside him. He has this tendency to cough before performing. A form of showing his jitters? joann is my thirsty partner. Our water bottles are always placed near each other cause both of us are always in need of water. Dessie is the mannequin of our section. He always look pretty... wahaha! zhuang shu is the ever so patient and cute CI and she always talking to the pretty one... wahaha! khoon hiang is the loud one. she plays the guitar very loudly and save the rest of us... audrey is the nice-to-bully-one nicknamed patrick . she looked more like patrick after the sunburn... yikka is the responsible one. always lala-ing here and there opening the guitar cupboards for us...
there are still many people i haven't mentioned but nevertheless, they play an integral part in my life as well... Love guitar loads and there are 101 reasons why we rock and we know...
the course to syf and concert wasn't an easy one for sure. we were very very stressed and tire out but we pulled on. Failing tests was one stress inducing factor. Teachers do not understand, nobody knows the anguish we felt, perhaps we don't even know what anguish was there, teachers blacklisted us, people tell us it's no point focusing so much time on our pdp but yet, we survived by encouraging each other because we understand each other's predicament. And now those teachers who wonder why we bother to devote so much time in our pdps, turn around to tell us that they are proud of us for winning gold with honours. Disgusting! but whatever! i just roll my eyes and continue with my life that's all...
after concert, i felt the same feeling of emptiness like just after syf. My life has lesser purpose without guitar...
but nvm... i shall pia for JCTs. Damn gross but must try my best! study hazel! even though the last thing on my mind is to study but try to study anyway. make my ancestors proud of me...
I was supposed to go to school for bio make up today but guess what... i overslept. This is the first time in my life i've overslept and not go to school. It's going to be one BIG blemish in my life. I'm so disappointed in myself that i going to cry... wahaha!! I woke up only when i banged my lef against the platform. The first thing i said this morning was "oh shit!" wanted to get my uniform but realised that it was 8.17am and there was absolutely no point in going to school. Crawled back to my bed and replied to the smses expressing concern and went back to snooze for 10 more minutes...
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