Birthday is just like any other day. what makes it different is the numerous birthday wishes that i'd received from my friends that make me feel aww... so loved and fuzzy in my tummy...
My handphone went on a vibration frenzy cause my friends and family started smsing me to wish me happy birthday. Oh boy!! I'm touched... *sniff..sniff...* Cause u guys remember my birthday!! whee!! Wah!!
There are some funny smses like telling me to grow up intellectually since i'm 18 which is quite old, be less fierce, don't tickle people, find my prince charming soon, stay funky, watch M18 movie with my darling and many more...
me and cousin eunice
Now that i'm 18! i can do alot of things.. i can officially go clubbing, buy booze and drink myself to merryland, swing my way into the shop named 'Condom House', watch M18 movies etc...
But on the other hand, 18 sounds so old. which means i can't watch spongebob squarepants brazenly without worrying people will look and laugh at me. That means in future, no starting from tomorrow, i must hide at one corner of the house, my room perhaps, lock the door, draw the curtains, sit close to the tv, discreetly switch it on, make sure the volume is soft and cannot be heard by people outside before i can watch spongebob. Not to mention being 18 comes with lots more responsibilities...
Thank you qijiemeis for spending the whole of yesterday treating me to swensen's yesterday and buying a pair of shorts for me. Thank you people!! I love everyone who wished me happy birthday which made my day!! cheers!
went out the whole of today as well!!
I'm eyeing her chocolate brownie...
we made a discovery. there are three sakae sushi restaurants around suntec area. one at citylink, 2 at suntec and 3 at marina square. They are located within close proximity anyway...
Had a really FULL lunch cum dinner at sakae sushi. Buffet ma... eat all you can. We lived up to that by walking around, shopping, burning as much calories as we can before heading to sakae to replenish our energy...
Both of us made a scary feat by eating 26 dishes of sushi! plus dessert called strawberry smiles and three slices of watermelon each... we are gluttons! so scary!! felt so damn full after that. I felt like i was 4 months' pregnant like that... nearly puked... wahaha!!
I asked huichan what would happen if i wrote a message 'you suck' and leave it on the conveyor belt at sakae for other patronisers and the kitchen staff to see...
I'm wondering... still wondering...
i still feel sushi swimming in my tummy...
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