I'm obsessed with mochis!! I love mochis! I like yam, red bean, PEANUT especially. The rest so so la... The moment i reached home with the mochis, i carefully, took out one box, crept to one corner of the house where no one could see me, glanced here and there for intruders, slowly lifted up the lid of the box, tore away the plastic covering, looked up and scanned around for intruders again, pinched one mochi out of the box, feel the texture, sniff at it before slowly putting it into my mouth, my teeth sank into, felt the softness and sweetness of the mochi, chewed at it, savouring every single moment of it and finally felt it slid down my throat....
OK la!! I think i exaggerated stuff but you can roughly understand how much i'm in love with mochis right? I ate three at one go!!
Happy Mother's Day!! i was relegated the duty to take a bus all the way to Tampines Mall to collect the cake on sunday. No sweat... the problem was i flagged down the bus, wanted to board the bus when i realised that i had forgotten to bring my ez link card. So i had to look at the bus driver sheepishly and apologise cause i wasn't going to take the bus... i looked like a fool... argh!
everyday's a mothers' day so be nice to my mum. I'm broke so i could only afford to give my grandma, aunty and mummy one box of mochis each. HEY!! I gave me favourite mochis away k... Imagine parting with something that you treasure and love so much. That's exactly how i felt. Mochis are so damn precious to me... Nvm, i shall make it up to my mum by saving money to treat the threesome to a meal and of course buy a birthday present for my mum cause her birthday is coming soon...
i shall scrimp and save and be a miser from today onwards...
i'm such a fillial child...
anyway, i don't think i'm weird... but somehow, the people i've asked told me that they think i'm weird... i'm weird ah? opps... is this a good or bad thing? weird? Why not think of it this way...i'm unique!
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