Thursday, June 26, 2008

Should i or should i not?

SHOULD i or should i NOT go for the Biological Science Camp?

ARGH!! I'm in a dilemma.

Part of me wants to go because it's good to make some friends. Imagine entering the strange, unfamiliar grounds of Pulau NTU, friendless. That's so saddening...

Another part of me loathes participating in those brainless, stupid, silly, embarrassing games that i'm very sure we'll have to go through during the orientation. The story on the 'pass the potato chip mouth to mouth' game brings shudders all the way down from my head to my toes. I wonder how many people's saliva i'll be tasting. Gross!

My camp starts from the 14th to 18th. Five freaking days. Which means i'll have to sacrifice the precious five days out of the pathetic days left to uni intake. I'm not prepared to go to school yet...

I've suddenly realised that there ARE indeed a lot of things to prepare and bring to the hostel. Having had a room of my own for 1 year or so. I'm accustomed to it. Studying in hostel means having to share my room with my friend means that i have to part with my privacy. Let me get things right, i don't dislike my room mate or anything. She's one of my bestest friends. But, it's naturally to feel protective of one's privacy right? I mean what if i accidentally fart in the room? It used to be just me and i do not have to apologise to myself for farting. My room-mate will be there to hear and worse-still, smell my fart. Sometimes, we can't stand against nature right. Sometimes, the gas just seeps out of the hole before you can run out and release it. I can totally imagine man... It'll be totally embarrassing.

Where am i now? oh ya! The orientation camp. Should i or should i not go? AHHH!!!


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