Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Busy busy life

I'm a caffeine addict.

Caffeine=Legal Drug

Which means I=Legal Drug Addict

Legal Drug Addict-Legal=Drug addict

So to sum it up, i am a drug addict...

Woo la la! I'm supposed to get ready for softball but i'm still stuck in my room. Reluctance compelled me to stay. I'm tired ok...

Quiz this thurs and i've barely touched. It's obvious that i have this urge to give up.

My throat feels weird and i'm praying i'm not going to fall sick. Itchy throat normally will mutate to become sore throat plus fever then flu then cough... It'll suck BIG time if it really happens.

I'm sleep deprived. My eyes resemble a big bear from China.

i'm talking nonsense on a higher frequency and do silly stuff. But then, i've always been talking nonsense.

I want to go NTUC. Shopping spree.

Miss the wondrous feel of wind brushing across my skin and the salty smell wafting from the sea as i cycle down East Coast Beach.

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