My class bought interesting presents for teachers. Jieying, the artistic person, made a test-tube filled with gel with Mr Lim's names immersed in it. We got Mr Low a soccer ball signed with our names on it cause we know he's a soccer fanatic. Mrs Lam was given a joke book to hone her joking skills and an adorable smiley faced cushion with the words 'Don't worry be happy!' sewn onto it. For Mrs beetsma, we gave her a personalised mug. Ms Lam got a cool necklace and Tao Suan got a personalised water bottle. We, being the ever so nice and grateful students, decided to give her a present anyway. Even though on wednesday, she said something like "You don't have to give me anything. I am an old teacher. You should give to younger teachers cause they need some kind of motivation and acknowledgement. For me, i don't need" Any person will be able to sense the implication of what she had said. It's an obvious hint right?
We celebrated Mingyan's bday today. Sang her a birthday song at the audi. It was a sudden impromptu bday song for her which made her kind of turned red with embarrassment. Haha!! Nevertheless, i think she's touched by us! I love to celebrate birthday. Next time, i'll just dunk the bday person into the fish pond in tjc. It'll leave wonderful memories for the person... Hehehe (evil laughter)

Me under tremendous stress! (taken during the performance)
I went back to tkgs!! Yay!! The familiar staircase and building. The only difference is the atrocious paintings. Tkg school building is painted orange and green. Puke! Two contrasting colours together... yuck!
We only stayed in tkgs for a short while afterwhich, we were chased out of the school compound. Received alot of hugs from my dear classmates. up this point in time, i think i'm going to get all teary eyed. *sniff* Oh man... i really miss 4/2. *sniff somemore* I miss my friends.
Met Mr Peh. He still calls me 'Hazelnut' by the way. He insisted that i ponned school which i didn't. Just because i was wearing home clothes... He thought i ponned school. I told him tjc allowed us to wear home clothes. he didn't believe and still insist on his views that i ponned school. I told him i'm a model student. I wouldn't do such a thing. He merely shrugged to show that he didn't believe. :P hahahaha! Anyway, i'm really a model student. Worthy of praises!
Went off to Suntec City with Sha, Audrey, Mel and elise. We waited for eunice and jasmine to join us at cityhall.
I realised that we girls can really eat. Wahahaha!! We had lunch at pasta mania. Shared alot of school related stuff and funny incidents. *sniff again* I'm so going to miss my friends. It's quite difficult to get together and talk since JC life is madness. I really really enjoy today's outing which we got to get together and talk. Let's have another outing like this during dec holidays.
After having pasta, we went to have high tea. It's desserts actually. Ice cream at Ben and Jerry's! Yippee! I'm totally in love with ice cream!! Ice cream makes me happy!! Ice cream!! Ice cream puts me into a state of euphoria!! Lalala!
I had chocolate ice cream with some nuts inside. i forgot the flavour of the ice cream.
I've been indulging in fattening and sinful food these few days. Had dinner at pizza hut with HuiChan yesterday. Pasta and ice cream today. Besides feeling fatter, i feel poorer. But, i think i'll die a blissful contented fat and poor little girl. It's all worth it. When i'm out on this rare occasions with my friends, there's no budget (no limit to my spending). i'll just go and have fun and enjoy the time spent with my friends. I love my girl friends!!
Here are the pictures taken...
Audrey and her funny look at Ben and Jerry's. She's acting dao i guess.
Seven of us and a family at Ben and Jerry's!!(with a family of three behind us)
Elise, Audrey, Shanelle and ME. Somebody mentioned that i look like i have attitude ! (i cant remember who said that though but i have this feeling is jasmine! hahaha! :)
Shanelle, ME, Eunice, Jasmine and Melissa! Yay!
My darlings!! Hahaha!!
one interesting thing which i found out in tkgs. the toilet in tkgs is so much cleaner now. It smells nice too which is pretty amazing as toilets aren't supposed to smell nice in the first place right? I think it attributes to the the 'toilet reminder' pasted on the wall near the entrance. Examples of the reminders include: '1) Please dispose of your sanitary pad properly. 2) Please flush after use 3) Please do not wet the floor... etc' I regret not taking a picture of it as momento. Seriously, i find it pretty intriguing. Hilarious also lah. It's like some kind of propaganda thingy to keep the toilet clean. i wonder which greenie will meticulously abide to the rules. Can't even fling a drop of water onto thr floor after use. Used sanitary pad must fold nicely into a heart shape before disposing. No throwing of wet tissue papers onto the ceiling, which will dry and become white lumps of rubbish stuck on the ceiling. Hehe!!
We met Lina, Khadija and Shirlyn at cityhall mrt when we were heading home. Miss them loads as well. More hugs from them. A pat on my head and three mighty painful slaps on my back by Shirlyn. She's small but she has the strength of King Kong. Scary! Hahaha!! Lina is still the cute old funny Lina!! Haha!! Khadija is pretty much the same. I saw Mastura aka mr ali baba aka my ex husband. She's still as tall as ever. I want to grow taller as well. But, i'll leave it up to fate whether or not i should grow taller or remain as it is.
I'll miss my friends...
I shall go meet sleeping beauty and catch up with her. Au revoir!
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