Friday, May 30, 2008

Burden off my chest

I'm 19!!!

OMG! i sound so old. This will be my last year being a teenager. Must savour and relish every moment. I'm not that enthusiastic with regards to being an adult. I think being an adult is no fun and has a lot of troubles to worry. CPF, Credit card bills, insurances, employment, tax,new house,new car, get married etc.

Anyway, i'd just accepted NTU's biological science course. It's sayonara to NUS. Guess that i'm not fated to be in NUS. However, i like to express my deepest and sincere thanks to NUS for accepting me even though they took ages to send the snail mail to me which at intially kept me clambering onto the edge of my seat as i was worried NUS had despised me and refused to admit me as their student. Anyway, i'm truely glad that NUS did send me an acceptance form in the end. Also, i'm delirious with joy that the agonising period of deciding which school to school is over. It's like a humongous and irritating burden has been lifted off my chest. Whee!! Mingyan is going to suffer being my future hostel-mate. yay!

Thanks to everyone who has sent their wishes. I really had a HAPPY birthday. I like the present from qijiemeis. Thank you very much people!! Love all my friends and family!! Wish you guys all the best too!!

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