Spent freaking long hours trying to understand some freaking equations while scanning through the index of my freaking textbook for definitions. Those freaking page turnings, frenzied tugging of hair trying to make myself understand and flipping through the freaking idiotic notes whereby the lecturer typed 'heteronuclear' when it's supposed to be 'homonuclear' and made me agonise over it for freaking long time because i couldn't understand...
there's a huge difference between 'homo' and 'hetero' ok!!
Try calling a healthy living breathing muscular guy 'homosexual'. See whether you end up with a nose bleed or not.
Biophysical chemistry... *puke*
Finally, after spending so long trying to understand wth is molecular orbital, valence bond theory, bond energy blah blah , i could finally see light rays that travel at the speed of 2.997x10^8 m/s.
Wanted to proceed to the next lecture when i saw the term 'boltzmann distribution' and all the explanations. It's going to be another round of pulling hair and flipping through my textbook, pasting post-its all over the place and puking of blood trying to understand...
Tomorrow will be another round of waking up, breakfast, study, shower, commute to changi airport, study somemore, go home, eat, watch tv, study, sleep.
My mundane monotonous life...
Anyway, i was looking through my cupboard when i found my o lvls cert. I got A2 for physics!! This is like so so so shocking... All these years, i thought i had gotten B3/B4 for o lvls physics. Maybe it's a sign... I don't suck hopelessly in physics after all...
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