Sunday, July 30, 2006
I detest eating medicine. Honestly, i'm pretty freaked out with eating medicine especially those gigantic spherical/oval tablets. I have a phobia of swallowing tablets. I'm scared the tablets will end up in the wrong tube=windpipe and i'll just choke to death on the spot. I know that's a pretty stupid phobia but i just can't thinking of choking whenever i'm eating medicine. Plus, medicine tastes eeyeew! Horrible!! *puke*
However, i need to finish the medicine in order to get well i guess. I hope the cells near my back bone will carry out mitosis fast, and recover.
Because of the darn backpain, my mum forbid me to go for the walkathon on Sat. She refused to let me out. So, i had to miss guitar's CIP. Argh!
I dreamt of my secondary class yesterday's night. Oh man!! I miss 4e2!! *weep* i miss having my own personalised table and chair. (i used to doodle on my table. :P) I miss my classmates and crapping partner= Jasmine and wanyee. I miss the windown right beside me which i can stare out of it and stone in between lessons. If i'm lucky/unfortunate, (depends on how u perceive it), i get to see someone bathing at the hostel opposite out school.I miss sleeping on my table before and after school. Sad to say, i actually miss the creaky old metal cupboard which we used to stuff all our books inside. I miss my teachers as well. I miss seeing greenies. I miss the circular block. I miss canteen. N of cos, i miss the abundance of toilets in TKGS!
I was sitting at my living room, looking outside and stoning at the same time. My gate wasn't closed at that time and my neighbour, an old man, walked through my front gate and stood at my car porch and was doing some stuff to the fence that separates our house from his. Ehh... Apparently, he was untying some string which he had tied to the fence. BUT, untying string from the fence doesn't give him the right to just barge into our house without asking us for permission first. Plus, we've just moced here for 3 weeks. It's not as though we know him very well. BASIC COURTESY!! Doesn't he know what the hell is basic courtesy to ask people for permission before entering the house?! He gave me a rude shock. i thought he was some burglar and i actually wanted to run into the kitchen and grab a chopper. On closer look then i realised that he was my neighbour. Phew~
Friday, July 28, 2006
I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight
And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve doneNo I can’t
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
I've been feeling rotten for the past few days. Getting stressed n stuff. Grouchy n complaint incessantly. I haf to apologise to those who got affected by me... I sincerely apologise. At the same time, i like to thank those who showed their concern for me. Even during a dull period like this, i get to see a rainbow. The rainbow is there somewhere, it's jus hidden behind the black clouds. Once i blow the clouds away, the rainbow can be seen again. Haha!!
My frens' concerns made me feel much better and touched. I felt loved! Wahahaha!!
I got stressed up cos of PW, the damn shitty subject that i shan't elaborate on it anymore cause it's going to make me puke and vomit blood.
Tao Suan. Darn irritating and demanding tutor i've ever came across. She's damn sarcastic. Did i mention wat she said to a classmate of mine? My classmate had a sore throat. Yet, she made the effort to answer a question posted by none other than Tao Suan despite sounding different. Tao Suan said "hu is this person? She sounds so umfamiliar?" (sarcasm) "i tot u went for a sex change" Tao suan was quick to add, "i meant it as a joke." Like which sane person will make a joke out of such things? cant she jus tink thru wat she wanna say first before talking. I remembered rolling my eyes.
I was stressed cos of the new hse n stuff. there was alot of things to be done and i haf to get used to the fact with living with someones. Even though the someones are my parents, tt doesn't stop the fact that they anger and irritate me. ARGH!!
Oh ya!! My back is giving me hell. If i sit for too long, it'll start to hurt. So, a word of advice, take good care of urself while exercising if not u'll end up like me... ...
I stressed for someone who isn't the least bit stressed even though she is having PSLE in like two months time or something. I haf to be stressed for her cause she isn't progressing up to expectations and it doesn't help when she's lazy and dreads doing the pile of assessment books. Furthermore, im stressed cause im supposed to help tutor her and yet im struggling myself. I don't even haf time to go thru and mark the things she has done. Like wat shitty tutor am i? Im stressed... ...
The stress management talk on wed make me even more stressed cos initially i din noe tt i was feeling stressed up until after the talk, i realised i was feeling actually feeling stressed. Not the signals of an imminent heart attack (chest tightness, headache, tiredness etc).
Many tests will be popping up nxt wk. Like who has the time to study? I hate tests. Y cant we jus study without tests? Tests are supposed to help pace us in learning but in the end i feel that i din learn much since i dun haf time to study properly. so wat's the point?
Y cant i haf another week long of holidays. Holidays holidays! I nid a break frm studying.
Kk. Im gg to drift off soon...
But no worries! I'll be able to recover from the stress soon. Stress won't be ingrained into me. Stress won't hurt me . It serves to make me stronger...
off to lalaland.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I suspected i sprained my back. Apparently, chinese doctors are more adept at fixing bones and sprains. So, much to my consternation, my mum decided to bring me to see the chinese doctor! I din wanna go visit the chinese doctor cos i've heard alot of scary rumours abt it. It's super painful n stuff. Moreover, media as in TV programmes always portray such acupuncture and ficing bones stuff (i dunno wat's the correct term) as very painful. I've seen actors/actresses grimacing in pain n stuff. I tink they exaggerated but nevertheless, they still made an impact in me...
I had to wait for super duper long. The clinic was swarmed wif lotsa toddlers n babies. Many parents think massages, acupunctures, all the TCM are good for young kiddos. I saw a young boy wif needles poked all over his head. Geex! I was worried that my mum will be fascinated by it and recommend the doc to do the same thing to me. poke needles all ard my head to stimulate the multiplication of brain cells.
Went into the room wif a cute old male doc. Cute fuzzy old man. He suspected i sprained my back earlier and becos i din treat it, it sort of became sth like rheumatism. Wahaha!! Old ppl's illness. he referred me to a female chinese sinseh.
Over at the female sinseh. One of the nurses, pulled up my shirt, fiddled wif my bra strap but din take out n pulled down my shorts up rite to the middle of my butt. In another words, my butt was subjected to the scrutiny of one doctor, another nurse and my mum hu accompanied me into the examination room. Wow! four ppl saw Hazey's big butt in one day. They mus be feeling pretty honoured by now. :P
To make matters worse, the air con was rather freezing. Cold air of air con brushed across my butt and my butt shivered. I lied still on the bed while my back was being electrocuted. (they had sum sticky circular things stuck to my back which generates a numb and electrifying sensation). I got a shock at first!
Nxt, i was pulled, pushed, stretched, tugged, shoved in all sorts of manner by the doc. I heard my back went CRACK!! Wow!!
I was given tablets. I haf to eat like four tablets each time, three different types of medicine, one spoonful of black liqid which i suspect will taste horrible. Simple mathematics calculations, i haf to eat 12 tablets n one spoonful of black liquid each time after meal for two times a day.One day= 24 tablets plus two spoonfuls of black liquid. geex! i'm gg to faint. I din noe one has to eat so many tablets for back pain. I hate eating medicine. I hate swallowing tablets. I'm scared of swallowing tablets. i rather haf my medicine in the blackish murky disgusting foul form then to eat tablets. Pooi!
I dunno whether to rejoice or sulk... im being exempted frm pe for two weeks. But napfa is cummin n i cant train for two weeks in this case. In another words, i most prob expect myself to die for napfa... ...
Monday, July 24, 2006

This is me, stoning i suppose? Or was i looking at sth?
I had the sudden temptation to go shopping. Perhaps i was totally screwed up by my 'favourite teacher' and the darn shitty PW. I was very in need of shopping to relieve stress.
Im going to blog fast as this concerns my life.
Yup! So kind HuiChan came to my rescue by valliantly volunteering to accompany me to go shopping at her own risk. If wasn't of her strong resilience, i think she would have died under my crappiness and nonsense and irritating whines and demands. As it goes, i'm a problematic kid. Even my family thinks so... It is because i'm difficult to please? Hahaha!!
Orchard was teeming with maids and teenagers. Not forgetting other random people. Since TJC has a serious lack of eye candies, i strongly recommend girls to go to Orchard on Sundays as there will be alot of eye candies. The only regrettable thing is that most eye candies have a shadow. the 'shadow' refers to their their girlfriends. So, you can try oogling at the guys at your own risks. I think their 'shadows' will glower at you till you turn into stones. But at least, i got to see some eye candies nevertheless.
We were walking through an underpass to go to Far East. The underpass had advertisements that can change by themselves automatically. One of the advertisements include picture of Johnny Depp (pirates of the carribean) I went berserk. I think Johnny is cute. Haha!
i saw a guy who was in my opinion disgusting. He was shrugging his shoulders from left to right. Like what kids normally do when they are begging their mums to buy lollies. Like what girls normally do to seek the attention of their boyfriends or to flirt. He did just that to another girl dressed like a guy. So, i wonder what's wrong with the world nowadays. He was talking in a gay-ish voice which made my hair salute to attention. Oh gosh! if i were the girl, i would give him two tight slaps across his face and warn him not to act cute cos it made me puke!
Im gg to blog fast now...
I was dead not once but twice. First, a beetle flew into my face trying to get fresh with me. It's super disgusting. I died. Im scared of beetles after the P6 incident. It's as though i didn't die well enough or something... A humongous flying cockroach decided to pay a visit to my room. i though it was a gigantic moth at first but on closer look, i realised it was my most feared organism on the whole wide world.
i dashed out of my room, closed the door behind me, screamed as i jumped down the stairs, woke my cousins up from dreamland, screamed some more till i reached my grannie and mummie, screamed at them for help, screamed louder when they were reluctant to help me, screamed until they gave into my screams and decided to help me eliminate the darn cockroach.
Armed with NTUC plastic bags, my grannie and mummie went up to catch the bloody cockroach. They also agreed with me that the cockroach was humongous. They succeeded in catching it but i was already dead by then. Totally freaked out.
I swear the cockroach was as long as my middle finger.
I wonder what the insects eat over here. They are many times bigger in size compared to the insects in my previous. The lizards, houseflies, beetle are so much bigger and fatter. Now, even the cockroach is bigger. When a cockroach is big, fat and flies, i'll die straight on the spot if i see it.
Fortunately, the cockroach didn't follow what mr beetle did. Kissed me on my face. If it did so, i won't die, i'll be reincarnated straight.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Pardon for my language but really, i need a channel to vent my frustrations and resentment.The blog seems like a good channel for me to do so. Last time, i had neutral feelings towards her. Elaborations: I neither like nor hate her. As the day goes by, i can feel myself suddenly cannot stand her and is irritated by her insensitive comments and sarcasm. She said something so motivational today. First she scolded us for doing EOM for the sake of doing EOM. Which is a undeniable truth. She said we are doing EOM so that we can linked to WR. Anyway, for WR, the same applies. We ate doing gor the sake of doing it so what exactly what she trying to say? I apologise cause my puny brain isn't bright enough to fully comprehend what she's trying to tell us... She added on by saying a motivational sentence " I'm going to see what rubbish you all are going to hand in to me next week." WoW!! I feel so inspired to write rubbish for my EOM man. Even before we started writing or submitting our EOMs, she already started demoralising us. Since she thinks it'll be rubbish in the first place, why bothering to mark? Why bother to become a teacher and antagonise us further like our lives aren't tiring enough? If you don't like rubbish, go work in a health plant where everything has to be sterilised, cleaned, sanitised and of course, NO RUBBISH!! We'll be glad for her as well... We'll promise to send her a resounding farewell. While we were discussing our PW stuff, she had to interrupt us and kind of reprimanded us for not discussing and we looked like we were packing up ready to leave the classroom. I looked at our group's table, it was strewn with notes and papers. We were flipping through our points here and there and she said we weren't discussing. I did a quick glance at other groups' tables, their tables were more or less the samd conditions as us. Messy with notes. Yet, she claimed that we weren't discussing. After she said that, Jieying nudged at me to look at her cause i was doing what i was best at, ignoring her and play a deaf ear to what she was ranting. Jieying observed that she was packing her bag and files. So, who's the one dying to leave the class room in this case?
But i think i should feel lucky already. The rest of our teachers are very nice. Only she's an exception. In life, we bound to meet someone whom we don't like. I must admit i am no saint either. That's why i'm bitching over here. But, seriously, i think welling your emotions up in ypu is detrimental to health. Hence, my blog serves to let me bitch (freedom of expressions/speech). Afterwhich, i'll feel better.
I wanna get a pet. So i'm on a lookout for one. Hahaha!! A pet that can satisfy my family members' requirements. 1) Doesn't bark 2) Doesn't shed fur 3) Doesn't need to devote alot of care and attention 4) Doesn't die easily 5) Has to be of small size . Hmm...sounds like mission impossible 4. Nvm. I'll still be on a lookout for it. Any suggestions?
I slept for abt 15 mins b4 guitar started. I really fell into a deep slumber oblivious to what's going on around me. Hahaha!! I got a shock when i woke up cause i had i thought i had fallen asleep during lessons and to my amazement, i found that i was in the canteen. Hahaha!! That's how tired i've been these few days...
I feel like eating chocolate mint pretzel! Yummy!
Lessons ended at 12.50 todae n i had to wait for 3 ++ freaking hrs for the econs feedback session on our jct to start. Oh gosh!! I had to waste my youth again! Fortunately, i was occupied wif crapping n ya...indulged in my frens. Hahaha! We had a fun time toking (gossiping to be exact). Hahaha!! Time passes very very fast when u r crapping n doing nth. Y does PE period pass so super duper slowly??
Oh man... The relationship btw my CT n class is getting worse as the day passes. We cant stand her n i believe she knows tt we cant stand her n therefore, she cant stand us as well. So, it's like a vicious cycle. Dun like her n she doesn't like us. She was quite sarcastic wif her comment for progress reports. She wrote for one of my fren " She's a very very quiet girl and is hardly heard during lessons." Note: She had to repeat the word 'very' two times. Wat does she mean by 'hardly heard'? It's as though my fren is non existent or sth? Another fren of mine got this "She shldn't depend on others to give comments" For ur backgrd info, she eva told us tt our class is selfish n lazy cos we r reluctant to give opinions. I tink i've mentioned before...we r hesitant in giving our comments/opinions cos she darn critical n literally 'shoots' us... In this case, which sane soul wld be 'motivated' to give his/her comments?
At the LT(during GP feedback session), she was ultra sarcastic again. She said tt she felt tt she was toking to chairs cos nobody responded. She flashed sum answers n calling them 'brilliant'. She din forget to insert the sentence "even P6 students can do betta than this". Ain't she sarcastic?We haf so many nice GP teachers surrounding the sch but we r so lucky to haf her... Most of us dun like her n i tink she noes that we dun like her n tt's y she doesn't like us now i tink. It can be clearly inferred frm her attitude towards us. She was disappointed wif our jct scores n our reluctance to share our opinions/comments during lessons thus labelling us 'selfish' n 'lazy'...
So, frm todae onwards, i'll try to tok alot during her lessons. Be it in the form of crap or not crap. I cant be bothered. At most i'll don on bulletproof vest n helmet n be prepared to be shot by her.
During econs, lecturer was arrowing on us again. Said tt we got the highest L1R5 for econs h2 classes n is expected to score highest for econs as well. Wat nonsense? It's so humiliating, at leats it applies to me... Picking on us n stuff... OK! I admit, i was the damn stupid one hu dragged the marks of our class down... Happy? Y cant the teachers jus understand this simple fact tt success isn't forever n failure isn't fatal? Pls dun compare us n stuff. We haf our ups n downs. So wat if we r the best? We r still humans btw... It reminds me of sec sch... History repeated itself. The teachers also like to arrow my class then n harbour high expectations frm us. It's so sickening n tiring to hear their comments n stuff... ...
Shld go visit lala land now. Im deprived of sleep which explains y im filled up frustrations... Go slp till alarm goes off at 5.50 am n it's off to the dreaded sch again!
Au revoir!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I had two periods of GP todae!! WTH! Let me make things clear. I dun dislike nor hate the subject. I haf sth against the person teaching it. Coffee Powder wasn't in a good mood todae. I tink it was becos our classroom was occupied by teachers n she had to conduct her lessons in the library's cafe. Seriously, i tink there are many other better places to conduct lessons. Y did she haf to choose the cafe in library? She had to chase ppl away as a result cos she wanted to conduct her lessons. If i were one of those hu got deprived of relaxing myself at the library, i wld be totally pissed off. Wat's so great abt HER conducting her lessons anyway? Those hu tried to step into the cafe were unfortunately shooed off as though they were houseflies. I truly empathise them.
Two periods of GP were spent on lecturing us n an essay. We din visit the matrix n print out the current affairs quiz which i tink she wanted to collect n mark. In the first place, she din even tell us check the matrix. She cant possibly expect everyone to haf internet access every single day or go check up the matrix like we haf nth betta to do... How am i supposed to noe every single details on the matrix? She said tt she put up the top 50 rankings for GP n the results of our class as well... She said sth like "Did u all see ur class rank very high for GP?" she was being a ahem! b**ch i guess. Pardon me for the profanity used. It's not as though we wan to score badly for GP n stuff... She doesn't haf to be so sarcastic rite? *grit my teeth* She mus understand tt we r not jack of all trades. We cant possibly be good for every subjects. Plus, as our subject teacher, doesn't she haf to attribute sum responsibility? She wans us to buy the 1100 word book on vocab which costs like --$19 by tmr.She wanna check i tink. I was procrastinating not to buy at first but it seems like i haf no choice. Hence, i felt i had kinda wasted my money cos i tink there are other betta ways to improve our english. She hopes tt we can retain at least 60% of the words in the book but i doubt my puny brain can even stomach 40%... ...
Life is pretty much a misery if u haf a teacher like her. GP is supposed to be an engaging n interactive lesson. She expects us to contribute sum ideas in class. When we dun, she'll scold us for being lazy n selfish. She doesn't noe that we r put off wif presenting our ideas in class is mainly becos of her. she's critical of everything we say n will tend to 'shoot' our ideas which leave us dumbfounded n sumwat demoralised. Hu will dare to speak up during her lessons like this?
Sumhow, im gg to try. I'll try to speak up during her lessons n wear a bulletproof vest to protect myself frm her 'shootings'. I will try doing this so that perhaps the rest of my buddies will follow n gain the courage to get shoot by her. At most, i'll jus stand in front of them, shielding them wif my bulletproof vest. Bulletproof vest cums in the form of --thick skin. Mayb it'll stop her frm comparing us wif her other classes which is pretty annoying.
Hopefully, Mr Humongous Brown Beetle will be kind enuff n not visit me late at nite...
Im scared of beetles cos they r hard, fly aimlessly, grotesque lookign creatures... When i was in primary sch, a cock eyed beetle flew into my blouse. From that day onwards, im super duper scared of beetles...
I seriously tink i shld cut my hair cos it's getting long, curly, messy, bulky, thick n it curls everywhere. AH!! Makes me look so unkempt but in the first hair is neva neat... Sumone suggested i shld go on a diet to get rid of my chubby face... I rather haf chubby cheeks than be a grouchy, unhappy, sullen beanpole wif no cheeks to brag abt... Food is life!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Went back to sch ytd to perform 'under the sea' for IP open hse. It was the most silent open hse i've eva seen. Mayb becos the open hse was for ip students n many aren't interested or game to try put the newly set up ip programme? For wateva reasons, the ip open hse received lukewarm response. But, i tink the ip students n teachers were pretty enthusisatic. Gave me a arousing welcum the moment i placed my foot in tjc. I had one teacher walking up to me asking me whether i was interested in ip n told me to feel free to look ard the sch. Erm... i dun look tt young rite? I said "im performing" . The teacher went oh! Wahahaha!! Does that mean i can pass off as a secondary kid? Wahaha!!
The song went off pretty okay but... Ya... there was one part when the whole of guitar ones din play. For me, it was becos i ahem! spaced out so i was lost n din noe wat to play. I strained my ears to listen to Janice n Qihui but coincidentally, they weren't playing as well. In another words, the whole of guitar ones i assume, spaced out at the same time. Fortunately,the PA system was pretty horrendous as well. So, we sounded very soft so i guess nobody will notice tt we skipped one part. Hopefully~ Seriously, i cldn't hear myself playing as well.
Once again, i wld like to emphasis the fact tt electric guitar n drums r COOL!! Oh man!! How i wish i can learn the drums n electric guitar... :D Guitar band consisting of IP students were absolutely fabulous!! Yippee!
The rest of us went to Bedok central for lunch wif two seniors tagging along: Xinying n weixiang. He was the only XY chromosomes there. :P Went to KFC. I noticed tt Weixiang had a rather special way of eating his chicken. He dipped his chicken into the whip potato b4 eating. When Xinying told him abt it, he told us he tot ppl always eat like this... In another words, he was oblivious to the fact tt he was a special individual wif weird eating ways. Coincidentally, Vanessa also ate the same way as him n but she said tt she always tot she was the weird one. Scandals flew here n there. We teased WX abt ahem ahem!! N he was stumped for words. Hahaha!! Tt explains y he was walking so far back behind my grp during guitar hike cos he was busy toking to ahem ahem...
Went to TM wif Cherylene where we met HuiChan. Both of us accompanied her to watch the singapore idols. They were having sum meet-the-fans event. It was hell! It was ok at first when there were lesser ppl. Later, the crowd started streming in. The place got stuffier n stuffier. Wheneva i breathed, i caught a whiff of salty sweaty smell of either mine or others. Ppl were screaming like siao! The funnie thing was ppl onli bothered to act enthu by screaming n waving posters only when the camera was focused on them. There was this camera man hu was filming the crowd. He shifted the camera frm left to right n left again. So when the camera was focused on a grp of ppl, they started acting hysterical, after the camera focused other places, they returned back to their dead n sweaty selves. Hahaha!! It was pretty funnie looking at ppl's expressions.
There was a guy standing behind huichan n i. I tot he was the reincarnation of rudolf the red-nosed-reindeer. His nose was red. Apparently, he was having a flu. He was practically blowing his nose every single min n struggling to take fotos of his idols at the same time. I din noe how to describe him... Am i supposed to describe him as ardent fan or a selfish guy? He came to render his support to his idols despite having a bad cold. Howeva, did he spare a tot for those innocent onlookers like me? The place was so compact n ppl were practically breathing in each others' carbon dioxide, it was damn easy for the germs to spread. If i were him, i wld either stand further away frm the crowd, to minimise the chance of spreading my flu germs.If not, i'll jus don a mask. Neway, if i really were ill, i'll jus stay at home n watch the tv. I's filmed on tv rite? U get to be in the comfortable vicinity of ur hse n watch ur idols close up on screen. U can even kiss ur idols on tv n nobody will care. I'd rather do tt then suffer in the crowd.
I saw an ah pek behind us doing sth even worse. He was ahem!! having an enjoyable time digging his nose wif his little finger. OMG!!! I was so afraid tt he'll flick all the gooey stuff to us. I even suspected he was a pervert cos normally, ah pek isn't interested in such teenage stuff rite?? Singapore idols... Ok!! I admit tt's an ageist comment but ya...My GP is so gonna fail since i keep giving biased comments... But, i seriously tot he was jus mingling into the crowd so tt he cld exercise his urge to grope ppl n satisfy himself. It's jus my imagination... To play safe, i threw glances at him every now n then jus to make sure he din flick all the 'gold' frm his nose to us n hanky panky...
In conclusion, idol-ing requires alot of endurance n stamina. Mus be strong enuff to withstand all the adverse conditions. eg heat. I discovered tt i cant. In the first place i dun like squeezing wif the crowd. Mus apologise to Cherylene cos i pang sehed her n left early cos i cldn't stand it anymore. Neway, she was super lucky tt day. Jonathan hugged her n Joakim plastered his face onto hers. Hahaha!!
Was having dinner one day when i tot i heard sumone playing the drums. Tot i was dreaming until i finally succumb to my kaypohness n when to find out. I went to the kitchen n i cld hear sumone playing drums very clearly. I tink it came frm the hse opposite mine. Hahaha!! I ran into the living room telling my parents abt it. Mus haf looked rather suah-ku (mountain tortoise). Hahaha!! My parents were telling me since im learning how to play guitar n the person plays drums. mayb i shld go make frens wif him then can collaborate or sth... I rolled my eyes at my parents but after much pondering, i tink it's a rather feasible idea. Wahaha!! Mayb i shld try stalking the person frm now onwards... Erm...i dun even noe hu's the person yet... Ah!! My first mission will be to unravel the mystery of the guy hu plays drums at the hse opposite mine... ...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Shall not touch on depressing topics tt will do nth but to kill more of my already limited brain cells.
I tink im desperately needing more rest. BUT, i haf things tt nid to be done which explains y i cant sleep early even though im tired n haf panda eye bags. Oh man! Life is a misery. I predict life wld be 2 times,no, make it three times worse when im in J2. So, im not looking forward to promoting to J2. I look up to those J2s hu can survive. For me, i imagine myself to becum a full-fledged zombie.
Had guitar todae n ya...we were learning how to side read (isit like this?). Erm...means no using of pencil to write down the musical notes n play. We haf to look n identify the 'bean sprouts' n play at the same time. Requires lotsa patience, brain cells n coordination to get things done correctly. Hahaha!! My brudder said tt we'll most probably be having a guitar club outing. Go bbq-ing. I was telling Elaine it's quite a good idea. We can make use if the hole in our guitar to put charcoals, set up fire n bbq our food on the strings. Wahaha!! As usual, i was honing my crapping skills. That's wat makes life interesing rite? Or rather, crap makes my life interesting...
I've been walking over the overhead bridge for days n up to todae, i realised tt i din haf to climb up the stupid stairs cos there's a pedestrain crossing up ahead. Wasted my energy climbing up the oh-no horrendously long stairs.
In order to reach my hse, i haf to walk past many houses which haf dogs. i've observed that the barks of smaller dogs r generally of higher pitch compared to larger dogs. Im not scared of small dogs but their shrilly barkings make me cringe n wanna cover my ears wif anything perhaps soil frm the grd. There is this particular hse which i haf to walk past. This hse has three large doggies. The first time i walked past it, i din noe the existence of the three dogs. I tink it was becos i walked too close to the gate of the hse n the dogs started running towards the gate, stuck their paws out of the gate. N NO, they weren't looking at me wif sparkling bright innocet eyes, begging for food. They were barking at me furiously, glaring at me as though telling me to GET LOST, WE BITE!! I hurriedly walked away.
The nxt day, went home taking the same route. I peered into the backyard of the hse n noticed tt the dogs were sleeping. I tried to walk as softly n slowly as i cld so as not to arouse the doggies' attention. However, they still managed to detect my presence. So, at the end of the day wat i wanna say is that im scared of fierce dogs n of cos i tink dogs r clever creatures.
I wanna haf a pet as well. A cute furry little pet. I had two birds before. Quite cute looking creatures. Unfortunately, one of them died. The other soon followed it to grave.If im not wrong, they r called love birds. Wat a touching story. But at that age, i was too young to understand this type of things. The bird might haf been in such an agony after the demise of its partner. Soon, it also gave up the will to live n departed as well to form company wif the bird which was the first to die. Hai~
I had rabbits b4. The female rabbit i had had a pretty foul temper. It used to scratch or bite me even when im jus giving it a friendly pat on its head. The onli time it din bite me was when i was feeding it. It jus hopped towards its food dish n cant be bothered wif my hand. Normally, it'll use my hand to practise its scratching skills.
My grandpa n dad used to rear fishes. I tink fishes r rather boring animals. Cant touch them, play wif them, they cant make ani noise. Basically, wat they do is jus eat, shit n swim gleefully in water. I dun like fishes. Im scared of touching live fishes. They r squeamish, slimy, gooey creatures... Eeewww!!
I wanna haf a dog but the adults in my family r strongly against the idea of having a pet. Let alone a dog. Dogs r loyal n fun loving animals....
I had a chicken. Out of the so many pets i had, i like the chicken the most. I named it Dolly. I reared it frm a chick to an adult chicken. One fine day after sch, i came home n to my utter horror, Dolly was gone. My parents told me tt neighbours complaint it was too noisy and they had to send it away. Howeva, up till now, i believe Dolly went into the chicken soup that nite. I was devastated but gradually accepted the fact tt Dolly wun be seen again...
This childhood memory i had of Dolly was sumwat forgotten until jus now, the memories i had of dolly revived again. Wahahaha!! Isn't it amazing how our brain work. U tot u had forgotten sth but suddenly out of the blue,the memory returns.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Sleepless nites
Naturally, i wld haf to stay up pretty late to pack all my rubbish. Many sleepless nights were also spent counting the number of times the dogs tt live nxt door barked. Im not used to the new environment as well. Not used to the fresh smell of new bedspread. Oh n did i mention tt my bedsheet is GREEN n has winnie-the-pooh bears printed on it. Currently in a green craze n ya..i love winnie-the-pooh!! Yay!! He's so orange, round n cute!
So, i wld like to sincerely apologise if i ~dao~ u in sch cos i was in a zonked out mode. Pardon me if i stone too much n nth tt u said went into me. Be a kind soul n forgive me if i do absolutely nth but to glare at either u or sum innocent passer-bys. Hahaha!!
My hse isn't exactly completed yet. I dun haf a main door. Wahahaha!! I heard frm the adults tt cats actually enter our hse at nite. To forage for food i guess? Kitchen is in a mess as well. Having occasional short circuits n the whole hse will go *zoosh* n black out. Had a rather traumatising experience. I was happily doing my big business in the toilet when the coincidentally a short circuit occurred n i was nearly scared out of my wits. Fortunately, i was able to stay calm n not go hysterical or sth n resumed wif my sh**ting business. By the time i was finished, the lights were back!
I conducted civics todae cos my CT had sum doctor appointment but we were given sum impt issues to discuss... Hahaha!! My frens were responsive n cooperative so din encounter much problems.
All my jct results r back. Rather depressing n i dun feel like touching on such unhappy matters. Life's not all abt attaining good marks. There r plenty more stuff worth fretting abt. So, i'll jus learn frm my mistakes n afterwhich relegate this entire demoralising matter to the butt of my brain...
A happy nut appears again!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Stuck in the mud
Guess mus be the works of my jct results. Got me sumwat dejected n demoralised. I dun wanna get back econs n gp tests nxt wk. Econs is another gone case. I din noe wat i was writing during the test. I rmbed regurgitating n vomitting all the stuff my puny brain had managed to mermorise regardless whether it's correct or wrong. I tink i wrote nth but rubbish. Hopefully, the marker wun bleed or vomit blood while marking my paper.But i tink she will. Mayb i shld go n donate my blood tmr in tjc, paste a note saying 'it's for the teacher for was selfless in sacrificing her blood in order to risk marking my paper. This bag of blood is to express my sincere gratitude n of cos, hopes that it will replenish ur blood so that u can continue to advance in ur career in teaching n donate more blood to ur students in future. Frm the human bean hu made u vomit blood while u were marking her damn script.' That settles it. hopefully~
I dun wanna get back GP too! i rmb i nearly dozed off n stoned a couple of times while doing my comprehension. Summary was crap cos i wrote rubbish. I devoted quite alot of time on deciding which essay question to write cos i wasn't used to the fact tt we r given so many choices. (it used to be a 3/4/5 in sec sch) now is double times the number of questions. No more narrative compos to write. I love narrative stories. Like those we did in lower sec n pri sch. Eg. Imagaine u were kidnapped by Teletubby and write an account of it. Sth like tt. Hahaha!! I rmb i used to be too imaginative tt teacher wld scold me for being out of point. :P Hahahah!! Those days in pri i miss them...
*think wistfully back into the past*
PW is another odious thing happening to me. PW is so bloody confusing. The more i do, the more confused i get, the more i'll lose my sense of direction... Wat bloody hell r we supposed to do? Sumtimes, if we tink too much/tink too far , we get stuck. Howeva, PW requires us dig into our brains n provide a detailed proposals n stuff. So, exactly how far is far do we haf to process n plan for our topic on PW? AH!! *stressed* Neway, i tink i shld rally my grpmates to persevere n work hard. Yesh! Believe in ourselves! We can do it!! Jiayou!!~
I managed to finish storybk 'Pride n prejudice'. Wat a wunder cos i tot i'll take ages to finish classics. I absolutely adore the language used by the author--Jane Austen. How i wish i can possess sophisticated writing skills like hers. Lalalala!! i wish... In order to haf a language like hers, i tink i need to be born n raise in sum total angmoh country like Britain or England as such. Mayb then, i wun haf small hazel eyes nor black hair. I'll be blonde n haf blue eyes instead. WoW!!
If u're unhappie, go eat sum chocolates. This is becos chocolates release sum hormones known as endorphins which will make u happie.
I tink i'll need the whole NTUC of chocolates to keep me lasting till nxt wk since we're getting our results n stuff. I shall write a proposal to Superman to request his help to move all the chocolates frm NTUC to my room. Before tt, i mus let my PW teacher vet the proposal first b4 i can lick the stamp n paste on it n send it to the guy hu has to wear his underpants outside all the time... Cum to tink of that, all of us were supermen/superwomen once cos we wore diapers/nappies before. Wahahaha!! (im gg kooky again)
Watched Spongebob todae. My way to destress by watching the yellow sponge cum up wif all sorts of stupid stuff tt make me laugh. Hehehe!! My mum was appalled when she saw me sitting in front of the telly watching spongebob. She called me childish. I beg to differ, it's childlike!! Wat's wrong wif watching spongebob anyway? It's not as though im committing a crime by watching the sponge? Keeps me young, alive n happie. Y not?
*shakes my butt n walks off*
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Clown Me
Had lunch at Macdonald's todae. The lady serving me din manage to give me my food in 60 sec. Therefore, i was given a complementary ticket entitled to a free vanilla ice cream cone. Hey! That's betta than nth... The funnie thing was, i tot it was jus a random piece of gimmick rubbish n i jus stuffed it into my pocket. I dug into the pocket of my skirt b4 sending it to the laundry, saw the piece of wat i tot was gimmick rubbish at first. Was kinda elated to learn tat i got a free ice cream. Let me repeat, it's better than nth. Neway, i din notice the lady din give me my food in 30 mins time.
As a result, i missed the talk on sum blood donation thing during Contact time. i din noe there was supposed to be a talk during contact time. I heard frm Mimi tt AVT was jus abt one quarter filled. Apparently, many ppl din noe of the fact tt there was a talk on sum bloody issues. Geex! I wunder whether history will repeat itself. Mayb F.Tong will call up all JC ones, lock us up in the hall n reflect by staring into space like wat the yr twos had gone in semester one. The yr 2s din turn up for compulsory talk n were punished as a result. Yikes! I hope tt history doesn't repeat itself. Wat if it's duplicated?
I got back my maths paper... AH!! This is so saddening... I managed to pass but i fall short of the class average... So,pretty upset abt it but let's face it, i din study seriously enuff. So, i onli haf myself to be blamed. Mr Low said he graded our papers while wathing world cup. He wailed/screamed/yelled during the soccer matches not becos a player scored but then ya...he was traumatised by our answers... I tink one of his incessant wails was kindly contributed by me. I wrote sum stupid stuff to prove parametric eqn. I wrote sth like ' t-t+1=1'. Like duh~ he asked me wat was i trying to do... To be frankful, i din noe wat i was trying to do. Exams make me cuckoo...
I got back section B of bio paper. I predict im so gg to fail for bio jus by looking at section B. I failed miserably for section B. I dun tink my heart can tahan further shocks. Mayb i shld eat sum heart strengthening pills so tt i wun collapse when i get back all my bio papers. Bio is supposed to be my most fave subject... ... Imagine getting 0.5 put of a total of 10 marks for one question....This is so demoralising... Chem n econs r gg to be two gone case subjects. So, overall, im gg to die horribly...
There was HC investiture after contact time n this time i ponned it. Went to the library wif huichan n cherylene to waste our youths away n wait for guitar to start. I tink i talked alot of crap n oh-not-so-decent stuff. Mentioned sth abt superman n the tight underwear... *sniggers*
It will be detrimental to my reputation if i were to reveal the every single detail tt i said... Wahahaha!!
Guitar was mostly on admin stuff. I was volunteered by sum person (i cant rmb) to play 'under the sea' again during IP open hse. Hahaha!! N i tot i had reached the land. Apparently, im still struggling underwater. "When can i reach the land? " Screams out...
Every single human bean present in rm 226 had to give one suggestion or comment abt guitar club. Huixian was the first to start off by suggesting tt we shld haf a guitar blog to update members on upcummin guitar events n stuff. Next up was me cos i was sitting beside her. Geex! Din noe wat to say. So i had to fall back on wat im best at... crapping i guess... I suggested tt we shld haf a tagboard in pur blog so tt we can contribute sum comments. I led the rest to tink along tt line i guess. Audrey said shld include links, qihui said add pics blah blah. I seriously din noe wat to suggest or say cos my mind was sumwat empty at tt time.
My brudder n Audrey gave me my belated presents. yippee!! Two pairs of ear-rings frm Audrey n one juggler's hat frm yinteen. ( i dunno how to describe the hat). Mayb i shld take a pic of the hat n post it nxt time. It's a pretty cool hat... Thx Audrey n yinteen!!
Audrey: R u allergic to fake ear-rings?
Me: No.
Me: Im allergic to u.
Hahaha!! I was joking Audrey. Im not allergic to either u or the ear rings. Dun sob n get urself dehydrated...
I read a funnie 'letter' in the straits times:
Letter of apology frm Wayne Rooney
Dear England,
Im very sorry. Im sorry that i stamped on Carvalho in that match against Portugal and got sent off because his privates just came up from behind me and i had to put my feet somewhere. My job after all if to kick balls. It all happened fast and i felt bad abt it until i found out that i had stepped on a chelsea player. Go Man U! But im sorry too for the behaviour of my Man U teammate Cristiano Ronaldo. I bear no ill will against Cristiano but i understand tt there will be a boxing ring installed in the locker room at United when we get back again. I don't tink Sir Alex Ferguson knows abt this. I shall settle Cristiano's unsporting behaviour by gg Mike Tyson on his a** in a most sporting way. We shall remain the best of mates as i wait for him to cum out of coma. Im sorry you will not see Ronnie and me inaction together for a while but don't worry. Five yrs will pass by very quickly.
By Tay Yek Keak frm the Straits times.
I hope England suporters will get sum humour out of it. I cldn't stop laughing while reading the letter. Go England! Whee!!
Monday, July 03, 2006

I played badminton wif Jieying, Cherylene, HuiChan n Sarah 2dae. Yippee!! Haven been playing badminton for ages. I tink i've gotten rusty n stuff... Mmm...Mayb i haf always been rusty in the first place. THankew HuiChan for lending me her badminton racket cos mine is hidden in one of the cardboxes. Sarah is so funnie... she had forgotten to bring her badminton racket. Hahaha!!
Felt invigorated after the exercise. Wahahaha!! Hopefully, i'll get to shed sum of the kilos gained during holidays. Holidays make me fat. Cos i'll tend to laze ard n munch on oh-not-so-healthy food like u noe...tibits, chocolate n other junks... *hopefully* :P
Perhaps i haven been playing badminton nor exercising for a long time. After playing badminton for 2 hrs, my right hand was shivering. I was drinking water frm my bottle when i noticed tt my hand was trembling. WahahahAa!! Met Yinteen at Long John Silver at Century square during lunch. Wat a coincidence!
I gg to die of excessive exposure to screamings, arguments, shoutings n beratings. My cousins haf been fighting non stop for the whole day. Fortunately, june hols r over if not i'll go cuckoo or sth... My ear drums r gg to burst, pus is gg to ooze out of my ears, gg deaf pretty fast... U'll get to experience the same thing if u stuck wif my cousins for too long. They quarrel nonstop. Even if they aren't quarrelling, they r blessed wif powerful vocals n u can still hear them even if u r a few doors away. i tink i gotta buy insurance for my ears. In case they go deaf.
The normal sch curriculum is gg to start tmr... No more common tests (phew!) n no more youth day hol. My boring sch life is returning soon. But, it's up to me to make it interesting! Lalalala!!
ARGH!! Y did Brazil haf to lose. in tt case, i'll lose the bet. My dad said tt he predicts Italy. Being the always-go-against-ppl's-opinion me, i told him tt I tink Brazil will win. Wahaha!! No now... im disappointed cos i do support Brazil n y did they haf to lose to France? AH!!!