This is me, stoning i suppose? Or was i looking at sth?
I had the sudden temptation to go shopping. Perhaps i was totally screwed up by my 'favourite teacher' and the darn shitty PW. I was very in need of shopping to relieve stress.
Im going to blog fast as this concerns my life.
Yup! So kind HuiChan came to my rescue by valliantly volunteering to accompany me to go shopping at her own risk. If wasn't of her strong resilience, i think she would have died under my crappiness and nonsense and irritating whines and demands. As it goes, i'm a problematic kid. Even my family thinks so... It is because i'm difficult to please? Hahaha!!
Orchard was teeming with maids and teenagers. Not forgetting other random people. Since TJC has a serious lack of eye candies, i strongly recommend girls to go to Orchard on Sundays as there will be alot of eye candies. The only regrettable thing is that most eye candies have a shadow. the 'shadow' refers to their their girlfriends. So, you can try oogling at the guys at your own risks. I think their 'shadows' will glower at you till you turn into stones. But at least, i got to see some eye candies nevertheless.
We were walking through an underpass to go to Far East. The underpass had advertisements that can change by themselves automatically. One of the advertisements include picture of Johnny Depp (pirates of the carribean) I went berserk. I think Johnny is cute. Haha!
i saw a guy who was in my opinion disgusting. He was shrugging his shoulders from left to right. Like what kids normally do when they are begging their mums to buy lollies. Like what girls normally do to seek the attention of their boyfriends or to flirt. He did just that to another girl dressed like a guy. So, i wonder what's wrong with the world nowadays. He was talking in a gay-ish voice which made my hair salute to attention. Oh gosh! if i were the girl, i would give him two tight slaps across his face and warn him not to act cute cos it made me puke!
Im gg to blog fast now...
I was dead not once but twice. First, a beetle flew into my face trying to get fresh with me. It's super disgusting. I died. Im scared of beetles after the P6 incident. It's as though i didn't die well enough or something... A humongous flying cockroach decided to pay a visit to my room. i though it was a gigantic moth at first but on closer look, i realised it was my most feared organism on the whole wide world.
i dashed out of my room, closed the door behind me, screamed as i jumped down the stairs, woke my cousins up from dreamland, screamed some more till i reached my grannie and mummie, screamed at them for help, screamed louder when they were reluctant to help me, screamed until they gave into my screams and decided to help me eliminate the darn cockroach.
Armed with NTUC plastic bags, my grannie and mummie went up to catch the bloody cockroach. They also agreed with me that the cockroach was humongous. They succeeded in catching it but i was already dead by then. Totally freaked out.
I swear the cockroach was as long as my middle finger.
I wonder what the insects eat over here. They are many times bigger in size compared to the insects in my previous. The lizards, houseflies, beetle are so much bigger and fatter. Now, even the cockroach is bigger. When a cockroach is big, fat and flies, i'll die straight on the spot if i see it.
Fortunately, the cockroach didn't follow what mr beetle did. Kissed me on my face. If it did so, i won't die, i'll be reincarnated straight.
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