My mum has the same symptoms as me. Puking, gastric pains and nauseous. a hell of uncomfortable-ness basically. The doc told her it was mild stomach flu. I guessed correctly! See, i'm so clever. Doc said that it's important to abstain from oily, greasy, fattening, protein laden food and dairy products for a week. Which means no fried stuff, no pizza, no satay, no roti prata, no chocolate. The list goes on... I'm supposed to have the same diet as my mum since we both had about the same symptoms. gosh! I can see my life turning dull... It's like some kind of canvas covering my eyes... Life is so bleak without such food. I'll have to stick to plain tasteless lifeless bland food like porridge, porridge and more porridge. I'm so gonna die...
I didn't see doctor since the dowager went to see one and i see no point in me seeing the doc again since i'll be likely to hear the same stuff which the doc had said to the dowager. What's the point? hahaha!! I know i always kena scolded by friends who are seriously concerned about me and feel that i should see a doctor but i'll just brush them off. I don't like to see the doctor. I'm a coward. I'll only see the doctor when i'm down with damn serious illness or need MC so that i can officially pon school to rest at home. Otherwise, i believe in letting my immune system do the work to restore back my health. I know there are people who feel like throwing their shoes at me and shout into my ears "hazel, go see a doctor since u're unwell!! What's wrong with that?" Hahaha!! i understand your concern but i just don't like to see the doc... I'm sorry. i'm such a pain in the ass.
Anyway, please feel free to label me as a bad girl cause i ponned sports days today... I feel bad but wasn't in the mood to go...
In my normal mode, i don;t mind going cause i actually like watching sports events and cheer feeling the adrenaline rush and stuff. Not as if i'm running but somehow that atmosphere can be quite tense when you witness others run... Hai~
Went to pizzahut after school with the rest of qijiemeis plus yanfeng and cheryl. I could only sit and stare at their mouth-watering pizzas and baked pastas since i couldn't eat... Ah!! But the weird thing was i didn't really feel like eating due to lack of appetite...
Hope that one week with pass with a blink of an eye and so that i'll gorge myself with dunno what fattening, oily, greasy, protein laden and dairy products... I don't care even if i turn into a fat lard...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I feel sick
Never in my entire life will i step into Bedok Library to study again!
Yesterday's incident left me traumatised. Very very traumatised. This incident proves to me that i can't be a doctor nor nurse in future... I know it's real bad of me to behave like this ... but... i can't help it...
Let the nightmare begins...
I was 'enjoying' my thermochemistry when a kooky old man came and talked to the girl beside me. He asked him funny questions like where diod she get her textbook which was placed on the table from, what subject was that, why was she studying that blah blah blah... My nose picked up a malodorous smell which i suspect was from the old man. The old man hurried to the toilet and after he left, the smell disappeared along with him. That confirmed my suspicion and i attributed the smell to the fact that he hadn't bathe for many days.
The old man came back minutes after and sat at the newspaper reading corner. As the time went back, the smell became real bad and i felt nauseated... I don't know why but it seemed like i was the only one who picked up the smell? The smell had pervaded the whole library and no one seemed to notice. Instinctively, i turned to look at the old man who was reading the newspapers. He had taken off his shoes... his toes were black. Black because they were rotting.
Afterwhich, everything happened in fast motion. I packed my table and motioned huichan to leave. My stomach at that point in time was doing 100 times of somersaults and i could feel it forcing my breakfast out.... It's 100 times worse than gory horror movie cause who will expect to study halfway in the library, turn and see a pair of rotting feet?
I'm still traumatised. Yet, i feel bad for the old man. The stench suggests that he need to see a doctor badly and yet... HAI~~
Somehow the image keeps replaying in my mind...
I feel like the unluckiest person on earth because i think i'm down with mild stomach flu. The moment i eat something, i feel queasy or will puke. Even drinking water alone makes me feel like puking...
Why am i so bloody suay?
Yesterday's incident left me traumatised. Very very traumatised. This incident proves to me that i can't be a doctor nor nurse in future... I know it's real bad of me to behave like this ... but... i can't help it...
Let the nightmare begins...
I was 'enjoying' my thermochemistry when a kooky old man came and talked to the girl beside me. He asked him funny questions like where diod she get her textbook which was placed on the table from, what subject was that, why was she studying that blah blah blah... My nose picked up a malodorous smell which i suspect was from the old man. The old man hurried to the toilet and after he left, the smell disappeared along with him. That confirmed my suspicion and i attributed the smell to the fact that he hadn't bathe for many days.
The old man came back minutes after and sat at the newspaper reading corner. As the time went back, the smell became real bad and i felt nauseated... I don't know why but it seemed like i was the only one who picked up the smell? The smell had pervaded the whole library and no one seemed to notice. Instinctively, i turned to look at the old man who was reading the newspapers. He had taken off his shoes... his toes were black. Black because they were rotting.
Afterwhich, everything happened in fast motion. I packed my table and motioned huichan to leave. My stomach at that point in time was doing 100 times of somersaults and i could feel it forcing my breakfast out.... It's 100 times worse than gory horror movie cause who will expect to study halfway in the library, turn and see a pair of rotting feet?
I'm still traumatised. Yet, i feel bad for the old man. The stench suggests that he need to see a doctor badly and yet... HAI~~
Somehow the image keeps replaying in my mind...
I feel like the unluckiest person on earth because i think i'm down with mild stomach flu. The moment i eat something, i feel queasy or will puke. Even drinking water alone makes me feel like puking...
Why am i so bloody suay?
Friday, April 27, 2007
I went to see the dentist with high expectations of him filling up my cavities but guess what, the dentist commented that my teeth were not bad. 0.0!! I'm amazed because i'm a vaccuum cleaner that targets on sweets. I have a sweet tooth. I expect my teeth to be somewhat decaying and the dentist will be standing by my side, staring down at me, deliberately shining the light at me somewhat like the scene commonly seen in movies whereby the police will shine light onto the criminals when they interrogate them. I picture an image of a fuming mad dentist telling me to cut down on my sugars unless of course i want all my teeth to fall out... In another words, i can continue eating all my favourite sweets. Yippee!!
Seeing a dentist was nerve wrecking. shall not elaborate on it...
I'm very very very appalled by how dirty our hands are after bio practice. If you were to lightly touch an agar plate and incubate it, the petri dish will be filled with colonies of bacteria in a few days' time. No matter how many times you wash your hands, the bacteria will still be there. Living on the surface on your skin, clining onto your skin, sleep and settle down on your skin and not to mention propagate to form more bacteria on your skin! This is not a case of me being overly paranoid. Imagine the number of different species of bacteria on your skin. There are times when my eyes will suddenly itch and naturally, i'll use my bare fingers to scratch. From today onwards, after learning how bloody dirty my hands are, i'm not going to poke my eyes with my fingers anymore. I'm going to wash my hands every now and then. I'm terrified of germs. Call it a case of paranoid-ism. I don't care. Shoo bacteria! AHHHH!!!!
Seeing a dentist was nerve wrecking. shall not elaborate on it...
I'm very very very appalled by how dirty our hands are after bio practice. If you were to lightly touch an agar plate and incubate it, the petri dish will be filled with colonies of bacteria in a few days' time. No matter how many times you wash your hands, the bacteria will still be there. Living on the surface on your skin, clining onto your skin, sleep and settle down on your skin and not to mention propagate to form more bacteria on your skin! This is not a case of me being overly paranoid. Imagine the number of different species of bacteria on your skin. There are times when my eyes will suddenly itch and naturally, i'll use my bare fingers to scratch. From today onwards, after learning how bloody dirty my hands are, i'm not going to poke my eyes with my fingers anymore. I'm going to wash my hands every now and then. I'm terrified of germs. Call it a case of paranoid-ism. I don't care. Shoo bacteria! AHHHH!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Blissful thursday!
I like thursdays! It's an early dismissal day for me. lessons ended at 12.30pm and off i went to TM for lunch wif Chan Mali.It's been a long time since i last went lunching at other places beside the vicinity if tj after school on thursday.
I have a colossal amount of things to buy... If i were to pen the things i want on a list, i think it'll fill up the whole of an A4 sized paper... AH!! The problem is, i'm as poor as a churchmouse. AH!!!! This is so beeebebeee frustrating!! AH!! Looking at things you really really want to buy yet you can't afford to cause your wallet is so light that it can float on water and yet the feeling of wanting that thing continues to bite on you... THAT FEELING EXACTLY! AH!! It's the fourth time i'd ah-ed but AH!!! I don't like this feeling...
Do i sound like a spoilt brat?
Anyway, the same applies to my results. it's damn demoralising when i studied yet i flunked the test. It makes me wonder what's the point of studying in the first place. Sacrificing my beauty sleep and stuff... What's the point? The situation gets murkier when the teacher says something like "this shouldn't be the results that you all get in J2." This sentence threw me off the edge and honestly, i'm on the tip of panic.
Like what my GP tutor said the other day... it's ok to fail. Success isn't final and failure isn't fatal. without any sorts of set-back cum failure, it's like having no blemish on your face. It's saddening cause you won't know what's it like to have a pimple. Funny things aside, i find it pretty philosophical...
It's time to revise my study methods and seriously buck up. But then, i'm not going to let my mood be controlled by my results. Anyway, life isn;t about achieving good results man... The most important aspect of life is that i've tried my best and period. It's not as though bawling till my eyes pop out and do somersaults in the air will revert or change anything... Life goes on...
I went to the library. I figured that i haven't been reading for ages. Reading in the sense, books that i like and not some boring sleep inducing GP essays/newspapers/times mag/newsweek. Books that have humour and fun injected into them. Yeah! Managed to find alot of books written by my favourite authors!! Ecstatic!!
Chan Mali went with me as well. It's amazing that she managed to borrow two books without browsing much. I was the one who found the books for her! OMG! Chan Mali! The same applies when we go shopping. she says she wants to go shopping. In the end, she'll just stand at one corner and won't move a finger while i'll be the itchy hands prodding at fiddling with the clothes and other random stuff... Up till this day, i can't fathom how she managed to get her shopping done without moving much...
Time to do GP research! bye!
I have a colossal amount of things to buy... If i were to pen the things i want on a list, i think it'll fill up the whole of an A4 sized paper... AH!! The problem is, i'm as poor as a churchmouse. AH!!!! This is so beeebebeee frustrating!! AH!! Looking at things you really really want to buy yet you can't afford to cause your wallet is so light that it can float on water and yet the feeling of wanting that thing continues to bite on you... THAT FEELING EXACTLY! AH!! It's the fourth time i'd ah-ed but AH!!! I don't like this feeling...
Do i sound like a spoilt brat?
Anyway, the same applies to my results. it's damn demoralising when i studied yet i flunked the test. It makes me wonder what's the point of studying in the first place. Sacrificing my beauty sleep and stuff... What's the point? The situation gets murkier when the teacher says something like "this shouldn't be the results that you all get in J2." This sentence threw me off the edge and honestly, i'm on the tip of panic.
Like what my GP tutor said the other day... it's ok to fail. Success isn't final and failure isn't fatal. without any sorts of set-back cum failure, it's like having no blemish on your face. It's saddening cause you won't know what's it like to have a pimple. Funny things aside, i find it pretty philosophical...
It's time to revise my study methods and seriously buck up. But then, i'm not going to let my mood be controlled by my results. Anyway, life isn;t about achieving good results man... The most important aspect of life is that i've tried my best and period. It's not as though bawling till my eyes pop out and do somersaults in the air will revert or change anything... Life goes on...
I went to the library. I figured that i haven't been reading for ages. Reading in the sense, books that i like and not some boring sleep inducing GP essays/newspapers/times mag/newsweek. Books that have humour and fun injected into them. Yeah! Managed to find alot of books written by my favourite authors!! Ecstatic!!
Chan Mali went with me as well. It's amazing that she managed to borrow two books without browsing much. I was the one who found the books for her! OMG! Chan Mali! The same applies when we go shopping. she says she wants to go shopping. In the end, she'll just stand at one corner and won't move a finger while i'll be the itchy hands prodding at fiddling with the clothes and other random stuff... Up till this day, i can't fathom how she managed to get her shopping done without moving much...
Time to do GP research! bye!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Feel so weird
I felt weird going home after school today. I haven't been able to go home while the sky is still bright. No guitar practice today! Maybe i'm missing the time we had during guitar practice? Maybe i'm used to having guitar prac and when there isn't, the mind finds it difficult to adapt and accept the fact... Anyway, just felt some furry weird sensation in the pits of my tummy...
Guess what i did upon reaching home? SLEEP! Yeah! Afternoon nap is good for health. (i was the one who said this, no scientific proof yet..) I'm an advocate of afternoon nap! Yeah!
Just as expected, i failed the maths class test. That goes without saying since i didn't study for it. It would have taken ten miracles for me to pass... P&C and probability give me headache x 100 times!
I'm craving for roti prata. Haven't been eating it for eons... SAD!
OK! Back to homework! Au revoir!
Guess what i did upon reaching home? SLEEP! Yeah! Afternoon nap is good for health. (i was the one who said this, no scientific proof yet..) I'm an advocate of afternoon nap! Yeah!
Just as expected, i failed the maths class test. That goes without saying since i didn't study for it. It would have taken ten miracles for me to pass... P&C and probability give me headache x 100 times!
I'm craving for roti prata. Haven't been eating it for eons... SAD!
OK! Back to homework! Au revoir!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I think i'm sufferring from post-syf syndrome. Can't stop thinking about it... Haha! Here are some of the random pics i took on that day!
The guys were damn vain can! Some of them even looked chioer than me!
Look at the flowers on our guitars.I bet we were the only school which did that!
The gung-ho brothers!

This was the stage where we performed and got our GWHs!

Look at our sleepy barely-opened eyes... There chairs were comfortable man!
Eugene Lim x3 who will never fail to disappoint us with his lengthy speeches. He's one adorable guy! without his long and lengthy speeches to motivate us,we would be able to get this far... Btw, he kena taupoked afterwards...If eugene limx3 is reading this, just want to tell you that u rock! yay!

Smile, smile and more smiles!
While everyone were feeling the jitters waiting for the judges to consolidate the results, i felt bored instead and took out my phone to take pics.
This was the stage where we performed and got our GWHs!
Look at our sleepy barely-opened eyes... There chairs were comfortable man!
After the results:
Smile, smile and more smiles!
I think i'm taking my life for granted. My ceaseless complaints about my mundane life and how my life sucks are getting on my nerves. It't time to sit up and seriously ponder about my life. Be more appreciative with what i have. A family friend went to Cambodia and Myanmar said that he saw children as young as 4/5 begging on the streets for food or money. Worse still, some even forage rubbish dumps in search of food scraps or things to sell. Life is harder for them.
Hence, i'm going to fast so that i'll experience what's like to go hungry and impoverished. This is no laughing matter. I know i'm like the last person on this earth to fast but then i think i have to in order to appreciate life... I'm not going looney. Just do it for tha sake of experiencing... Of course, i'm going to pay close attention to my body and not fast until i faint and die or something. I'll still eat when i'm really really really hungry cause health is important.
Let me emphasise again, Hazel is not going nuts!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Mixed emotions
Oh man!! I have so so so much stuff to blog about... *take a deep breath* here goes... Prepare to be bored to death. Beware of your eyeballs when you roll your eyes. I'm so proud of the ensemble and myself! Hehe!!
I actually 'feel the music' as what Mr liauw always says when we were up on stage at SCH. I actually bobbed my head and smiled k! I'm so proud of myself for that! This is because i always do not smile and bob my head vigorously enough during practices. Wahaha!! According to Huichan, she was looking at her fretboard and from the corners of her eyes, she had a shock when she saw me smile. Whee! I smiled! Can anyone believe it?!
Let's replay the scene at SCH:
I nearly died at SCH cause my court shoes were too big and i tripped many times with eugenie laughing at me. I was glad that i was wearing like a waitress instead of some funny weird pink gowns or gowns with ostentatious ribbons. I remembered laughing at the guitaron player from Mjc if i'm not wrong cause he was only slightly taller that the guitaron. we had the final practice at the 'tuning room' and didn't tune our guitars. Afterwhich was a mental blank as i was trying to stay focused and dodn;t talk. Next thing i knew, we were whizzed off onto the stage.
I saw my friends among the audience before we bowed. I smiled cause i felt an odd feeling somewhat at ease cause i knew my friends were there looking at and supporting me.Once my butt touched the chair, my vision automatically shrank and i had only Mr liauw in my eyes. (romantic ah?) But i must admit i spent quite a portion of the time staring at his ultra cool tie instead.
Before we sat down, one string of ACS(i) guys purposely plonked their butts on the first row and gave us the 'eye power'. i remembered cringing my eyebrows, frowning at them cause i seriously believed they did that on purpose. Give us stress or something. Too bad i wasn't scared. They looked too cartoon to scare me.
The atmosphere was quite tense after playing cause we knew we screwed up. Shall not go into details on that cause it's over and we got GWH anyway.
Went back to school feeling damn drained after the performance. After that was a dynamo. we quickly grabbed our bags and rushed back to SCH for the results because mr liauw it was important for us to go back. The whole bunch of us took 38 to bedok interchange. I think i pissed the bus driver off cause i deliberately made the bus driver and the passengers waited for me to slowly get up the bus. I pretended to search for my ez link card and stuff cause i knew there were still people behind wanting to board the bus. Had a mini pinic in the bus.
Blast off all the way to tanjong pagar. I knew i acted like a siao za bo when i saw shanelle! I miss that girl!
Sat at the concert hall and waited for the results. i saw eugene turning green like going to vomit that kind because he was really very very nervous. Dearest audrey got influenced by eugene and went banging her head on the seat in front. She even used her shoe bag which contained her court shoes to wham her head. (Btw, she had a blue black the next day) Huichan slept. Huixian looked real calm and listened to her mp3. I told her that she looked composed to me. Apparently, she told me that she listened to her mp3 cause she was tense. No expression. Typical huixian. Up till this day, i still don't know how she looks like when she's nervous. Her expression 24/7 the same. But i like her cool, laid back manner! Woo!
I only felt nervous when the emcee announced the first school got GWH! It was like thunder strike! First school already kena GWH liao... TPJC which was before us also kena GWH. I was telling myself die die man! When i heard that we got GOLD WITH HONOURS,the feeling was like able to shit after three days of constipation. relief! relief! and more relief! We went into a state of euphoria! We were the first school that popped up from our seats to do tj cheers. We were the loudest in the hall. Show the rest of the schools tj is not some mugger school k! I was so proud of ourselves when we were the first to cheer!
Eugene damn funny la! He got sabo-ed by pong and jin chaw to do the kallang wave so that the rest will follow. He popped up from his seat and did the wave while the rest was permanently stuck to our seats and stared back at him. We laughed at him and people sitted at the back laughed at him but laughed with us! During picture-taking, he got taupoked by the guys. Imagine the smallest guy of the entire ensem got taupoked by people twice his size multiply by around 8 or more... poor thing. But still, i couldn't help laughing.
I think we deserve GWH as well... After spending 3 months plus slogging our asses off for it. Seeing the number of practices increase like singapore's shares from two times per week till 6.Didn;t reach home till the sky was dark and had dinner at 8 plus. Having to stay up late to mug for exams and chiong tutorials. Feeling stressed. Having to change section from prime 3 to 1 and to relearn the song again. I felt angry towards some teachers who couldn't understand us and wonder why we were spending so much time on our pdps. The pressure and heat we felt of the expectations on us to get GWH. I always kena for not bobbing my head properly and looking damn stoned.
BUT we survived and emerged victorious from the battle!
Thanks to the encouragement from everyone in the ensemble. The exco for pushing us to do our best! People were like santa clauses giving out comfort food to spur each other on. My fellow prime 1 mates for all the fun and laughter. Shall dedicate one blog entry to thank them some day.
strange but I'm missing SYF.Having some kind of mixed emotions. I feel proud of myself for putting up a great job on thursday. I enjoyed myself on stage.I'm damn damn ecstatic to know that we got what we want and worked for. However, i feel an odd sense of melancholy that syf is over and we'll get to see less of each other. Even though syf pracs, i would admit, weren't kind of enjoyable cause we were constantly stressed and dead tired. But i'll miss the time whereby all of us encouraged each other to go on and all the sweet things. I had fun and laughter with some of my prime mates. The super lame jokes that we shared kept me awake and stayed strong. i'm sad that this is going to be over. It's so unbelieveable that we had been practising for 3 months plus already. time passes very fast come to think of it. During the three months plus, we bonded, we grew, we bloomed and we matured. Oh man.. i feel like crying ...
SYF People, hazel loves you!! and a big thank you to everyone!
Thanks mel for the support we gave each other all these times. U did well too!
xiexie shanelle for reading my complaints through emails...
thx layling for supporting me and listening to the details of my mundane life.
My classmates for tahaning me cause i was an irritant by humming/singing syf songs during lecture, tutorial, lunch, in the toilet, practically everywhere i go.
7 jie meis gang for rushing down all the way from bedok to SCH to support us! Real touched!
Adillia, zheya, shuhui, grace for giving us chocolates.
Friends who wished me luck and gave me hugs!
My family who supported me all the way!
I feel so blissful that i'm going to die.
Oh man!! I have so so so much stuff to blog about... *take a deep breath* here goes... Prepare to be bored to death. Beware of your eyeballs when you roll your eyes. I'm so proud of the ensemble and myself! Hehe!!
I actually 'feel the music' as what Mr liauw always says when we were up on stage at SCH. I actually bobbed my head and smiled k! I'm so proud of myself for that! This is because i always do not smile and bob my head vigorously enough during practices. Wahaha!! According to Huichan, she was looking at her fretboard and from the corners of her eyes, she had a shock when she saw me smile. Whee! I smiled! Can anyone believe it?!
Let's replay the scene at SCH:
I nearly died at SCH cause my court shoes were too big and i tripped many times with eugenie laughing at me. I was glad that i was wearing like a waitress instead of some funny weird pink gowns or gowns with ostentatious ribbons. I remembered laughing at the guitaron player from Mjc if i'm not wrong cause he was only slightly taller that the guitaron. we had the final practice at the 'tuning room' and didn't tune our guitars. Afterwhich was a mental blank as i was trying to stay focused and dodn;t talk. Next thing i knew, we were whizzed off onto the stage.
I saw my friends among the audience before we bowed. I smiled cause i felt an odd feeling somewhat at ease cause i knew my friends were there looking at and supporting me.Once my butt touched the chair, my vision automatically shrank and i had only Mr liauw in my eyes. (romantic ah?) But i must admit i spent quite a portion of the time staring at his ultra cool tie instead.
Before we sat down, one string of ACS(i) guys purposely plonked their butts on the first row and gave us the 'eye power'. i remembered cringing my eyebrows, frowning at them cause i seriously believed they did that on purpose. Give us stress or something. Too bad i wasn't scared. They looked too cartoon to scare me.
The atmosphere was quite tense after playing cause we knew we screwed up. Shall not go into details on that cause it's over and we got GWH anyway.
Went back to school feeling damn drained after the performance. After that was a dynamo. we quickly grabbed our bags and rushed back to SCH for the results because mr liauw it was important for us to go back. The whole bunch of us took 38 to bedok interchange. I think i pissed the bus driver off cause i deliberately made the bus driver and the passengers waited for me to slowly get up the bus. I pretended to search for my ez link card and stuff cause i knew there were still people behind wanting to board the bus. Had a mini pinic in the bus.
Blast off all the way to tanjong pagar. I knew i acted like a siao za bo when i saw shanelle! I miss that girl!
Sat at the concert hall and waited for the results. i saw eugene turning green like going to vomit that kind because he was really very very nervous. Dearest audrey got influenced by eugene and went banging her head on the seat in front. She even used her shoe bag which contained her court shoes to wham her head. (Btw, she had a blue black the next day) Huichan slept. Huixian looked real calm and listened to her mp3. I told her that she looked composed to me. Apparently, she told me that she listened to her mp3 cause she was tense. No expression. Typical huixian. Up till this day, i still don't know how she looks like when she's nervous. Her expression 24/7 the same. But i like her cool, laid back manner! Woo!
I only felt nervous when the emcee announced the first school got GWH! It was like thunder strike! First school already kena GWH liao... TPJC which was before us also kena GWH. I was telling myself die die man! When i heard that we got GOLD WITH HONOURS,the feeling was like able to shit after three days of constipation. relief! relief! and more relief! We went into a state of euphoria! We were the first school that popped up from our seats to do tj cheers. We were the loudest in the hall. Show the rest of the schools tj is not some mugger school k! I was so proud of ourselves when we were the first to cheer!
Eugene damn funny la! He got sabo-ed by pong and jin chaw to do the kallang wave so that the rest will follow. He popped up from his seat and did the wave while the rest was permanently stuck to our seats and stared back at him. We laughed at him and people sitted at the back laughed at him but laughed with us! During picture-taking, he got taupoked by the guys. Imagine the smallest guy of the entire ensem got taupoked by people twice his size multiply by around 8 or more... poor thing. But still, i couldn't help laughing.
I think we deserve GWH as well... After spending 3 months plus slogging our asses off for it. Seeing the number of practices increase like singapore's shares from two times per week till 6.Didn;t reach home till the sky was dark and had dinner at 8 plus. Having to stay up late to mug for exams and chiong tutorials. Feeling stressed. Having to change section from prime 3 to 1 and to relearn the song again. I felt angry towards some teachers who couldn't understand us and wonder why we were spending so much time on our pdps. The pressure and heat we felt of the expectations on us to get GWH. I always kena for not bobbing my head properly and looking damn stoned.
BUT we survived and emerged victorious from the battle!
Thanks to the encouragement from everyone in the ensemble. The exco for pushing us to do our best! People were like santa clauses giving out comfort food to spur each other on. My fellow prime 1 mates for all the fun and laughter. Shall dedicate one blog entry to thank them some day.
strange but I'm missing SYF.Having some kind of mixed emotions. I feel proud of myself for putting up a great job on thursday. I enjoyed myself on stage.I'm damn damn ecstatic to know that we got what we want and worked for. However, i feel an odd sense of melancholy that syf is over and we'll get to see less of each other. Even though syf pracs, i would admit, weren't kind of enjoyable cause we were constantly stressed and dead tired. But i'll miss the time whereby all of us encouraged each other to go on and all the sweet things. I had fun and laughter with some of my prime mates. The super lame jokes that we shared kept me awake and stayed strong. i'm sad that this is going to be over. It's so unbelieveable that we had been practising for 3 months plus already. time passes very fast come to think of it. During the three months plus, we bonded, we grew, we bloomed and we matured. Oh man.. i feel like crying ...
SYF People, hazel loves you!! and a big thank you to everyone!
Thanks mel for the support we gave each other all these times. U did well too!
xiexie shanelle for reading my complaints through emails...
thx layling for supporting me and listening to the details of my mundane life.
My classmates for tahaning me cause i was an irritant by humming/singing syf songs during lecture, tutorial, lunch, in the toilet, practically everywhere i go.
7 jie meis gang for rushing down all the way from bedok to SCH to support us! Real touched!
Adillia, zheya, shuhui, grace for giving us chocolates.
Friends who wished me luck and gave me hugs!
My family who supported me all the way!
I feel so blissful that i'm going to die.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Can you believe it? SYF is like TOMORROW!! *let out a blood curdling scream* I think i'm panicking. Wanted to do all the panicking today so that i'll feel less panicky tomorrow. In less than 20 hours time, our fate will be sealed. The SATU (one) performance will determine how well we fare and not to mention the hard work we had put in. THIS IS SO SCARY!!
Breathe Hazel, breathe! I will do fine. No problems. As long as i stay focused, calm down and remember to breathe. everything will be perfect! Whee! as long as i perform my bestest best! I can do it! Hazel is one gung ho ass-kicking woman. Shall go to the SCH tomorrow and kick the judges' asses. I mean make them awed with our performance...
I succeeded in stressing my class! Told them that i had a piece of bad news for them which in fact i had none.It was done in the name of fun as well as to encourage them! I should have used my phone to snap pictures of my classmates looking so serious sia! FUNNY! The bad news was "i won't be in school for the whole of tomorrow!"
I think career talks do not make any difference. It's not as though they give me alot of insight and give me a clear idea of what i want to be in future. I think the school is putting in alot of effort but somehow i don't seem to benefit. Is it only me or what? Somehow i feel that carrer talks will end up like some kind of propagandas to either promote the school/company/institute etc... AH!
I went for the one on life sciences but got so bored that i began to take random pictures.
Chan Mali Chan and me!
Me acting spastic!
Old people tend to be eccentric. I wonder whether i'll be like them in future... hmm...
EHH!! Better not!
Breathe Hazel, breathe! I will do fine. No problems. As long as i stay focused, calm down and remember to breathe. everything will be perfect! Whee! as long as i perform my bestest best! I can do it! Hazel is one gung ho ass-kicking woman. Shall go to the SCH tomorrow and kick the judges' asses. I mean make them awed with our performance...
I succeeded in stressing my class! Told them that i had a piece of bad news for them which in fact i had none.It was done in the name of fun as well as to encourage them! I should have used my phone to snap pictures of my classmates looking so serious sia! FUNNY! The bad news was "i won't be in school for the whole of tomorrow!"
I think career talks do not make any difference. It's not as though they give me alot of insight and give me a clear idea of what i want to be in future. I think the school is putting in alot of effort but somehow i don't seem to benefit. Is it only me or what? Somehow i feel that carrer talks will end up like some kind of propagandas to either promote the school/company/institute etc... AH!
I went for the one on life sciences but got so bored that i began to take random pictures.
I met an eccentric lady on the bus... She poked and nudged at anyone who walked past her. I think she was afraid people will bang into her or something. Even though i was one and a half arm's length away from her she still tapped at my bag as though my bag could fly off my shoulders and ram into her nose or something. This is so weird la! Anyway, another guy was standing near her but not close enough to endanger her life kena poked on his leg by her umbrella. That guy got all fired up and the two started exchanging words in hokkien. I was like one arm's length apart from the both of them. My life was really in danger. Anyway, i was thinking that if that chao ah beng goes overboard and starts to hit the old lady or something, i think i'll restrain that chao ah beng. It's not as though i approve of the old lady or something. But she's an old lady! One light punch can leave her in hospital. Although i was scared, i stood at somewhat close proximity to the chao ah beng in case anything happens...
Old people tend to be eccentric. I wonder whether i'll be like them in future... hmm...
EHH!! Better not!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I'm having some sort of panic attack! It must be because SYF is coming in Less than 2 days' time!!!! Isn't it horrifying to think about it?
Anyway, i cut my fringe yesterday in case anyone noticed and wondered 'did hazel cut her fringe?'. I went around and apparently, nobody noticed the difference... SOBS! So, i went to cut my fringe for the second time and hopefully, i made a difference... I'm proud to say, my fringe i cut by me! yeah!
Had a mini 4e2 lunch today. It was an impromptu kind of decision. Met Mel at the canteen. she asked me whether i want to join the rest for lunch. I agreed and the six of us :eileen, mel, eunice, wan yee, shuyi and me went to the coffee shop opposite our school to eat. Had a wonderful time catching up with them. shuyi is still as weird as ever. I wonder how her classmates stand her. But honestly, i miss them and the good old crazy days in tkgs where we get to do things that can't be done in a mixed school. Erm... i shall not name what were the things done...
A dog happened to walk past our table. Few of us found it cute. Shuyi, made a meowing sound while everyone was staring at the dog. Someone exclaimed that the dog made a meowing sound leaving the rest super intrigued. As i was sitting directly opposite to Shuyi and i saw her making the meowing sound. I was not fooled! Wahaha!! It was hilarious man!
Chocolate gets me going. i'm addicted to chocolate. I must have chocolate everyday. I accept ice cream as substitute though...
Anyway, i cut my fringe yesterday in case anyone noticed and wondered 'did hazel cut her fringe?'. I went around and apparently, nobody noticed the difference... SOBS! So, i went to cut my fringe for the second time and hopefully, i made a difference... I'm proud to say, my fringe i cut by me! yeah!
Had a mini 4e2 lunch today. It was an impromptu kind of decision. Met Mel at the canteen. she asked me whether i want to join the rest for lunch. I agreed and the six of us :eileen, mel, eunice, wan yee, shuyi and me went to the coffee shop opposite our school to eat. Had a wonderful time catching up with them. shuyi is still as weird as ever. I wonder how her classmates stand her. But honestly, i miss them and the good old crazy days in tkgs where we get to do things that can't be done in a mixed school. Erm... i shall not name what were the things done...
A dog happened to walk past our table. Few of us found it cute. Shuyi, made a meowing sound while everyone was staring at the dog. Someone exclaimed that the dog made a meowing sound leaving the rest super intrigued. As i was sitting directly opposite to Shuyi and i saw her making the meowing sound. I was not fooled! Wahaha!! It was hilarious man!
Chocolate gets me going. i'm addicted to chocolate. I must have chocolate everyday. I accept ice cream as substitute though...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I think im blessed with 'wonderful' parents
I'm slogging my ass off in school, feeling stressed these few days, was down yesterday, feeling totally burnt out so much so that i can fall asleep while walking down the stairs, at least i know i'm still going strong and i believe i can do it as long as there's some encouragement... And guess what, i came home today and to my dismay i was told, my parents had gone to JB.
They made it sound like it was such a last minute decision that was highly regrettable. They going to JB to enjoy themselves was an affair that i ought to sympathise with. I won't deny that i'm jealous of it. Can't they find a better timing to go JB?
I feel vehement thinking about it. Their daughter is struggling to get things going while her parents went lala-ing at JB. I understand that my parents need time on their own. But why now? I just told them i was stressed yesterday and just want their understanding, sympathy and motivation. BUT, the motivation that i want is NOT them going to JB and leaving me in Singapore. I didn't even know about that. I heard it through my aunty. Am i so bloody insignificant in their lives? Maybe i'm just a bloody asshole who enjoy impinging upon my parents' rights to have fun of their own.
I like to thank my parents for bringing me to this world and by showing their encouragement to carry on in life bravely by going to JB and enjoy without informing or bringing me. Thanks parents! FAMILY!
Even those that i inherit DNA from are pushing me over the edge...
They made it sound like it was such a last minute decision that was highly regrettable. They going to JB to enjoy themselves was an affair that i ought to sympathise with. I won't deny that i'm jealous of it. Can't they find a better timing to go JB?
I feel vehement thinking about it. Their daughter is struggling to get things going while her parents went lala-ing at JB. I understand that my parents need time on their own. But why now? I just told them i was stressed yesterday and just want their understanding, sympathy and motivation. BUT, the motivation that i want is NOT them going to JB and leaving me in Singapore. I didn't even know about that. I heard it through my aunty. Am i so bloody insignificant in their lives? Maybe i'm just a bloody asshole who enjoy impinging upon my parents' rights to have fun of their own.
I like to thank my parents for bringing me to this world and by showing their encouragement to carry on in life bravely by going to JB and enjoy without informing or bringing me. Thanks parents! FAMILY!
Even those that i inherit DNA from are pushing me over the edge...
Friday, April 13, 2007
im going to get tougher...
Today's a difficult day for alot of people including me.Honestly, i must admit i was real disappointed in the results. It wasn't what i had expected. I felt bad because i really thought we had put in alot of effort into it. Once again, i was jolted into realisation that life is unfair. Sometimes, luck plays a very crucial matter.
Anyway, i took 45 minutes break from guitar cause i needed to take a breather and have time to cool down on my own.I don't like to show my down side to people...
Anyway, life goes on! when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hazel is all beefed up for more obstacles. I love challenges! Life is more than that. Perhaps the time i had spent in school made me myopic such that i forgot that life is more than just chasing after As. What about the stuff that i really enjoyed doing? Trying my best and having no regrets. Plus i really enjoyed working with my friends. We learnt about things that extend beyond the textbooks which i wouldn't exchange those experiences for anything else.
It's through this, i grow. It's through this i become what i want to be. My life doesn;t revolve around the school.Grades do matter but not to the extent that i should bawl my eyes out over it and forget the more important aspects of my life. As long as i'd done my best nothing matters.
To myself: stay strong!
Anyway, i took 45 minutes break from guitar cause i needed to take a breather and have time to cool down on my own.I don't like to show my down side to people...
Anyway, life goes on! when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hazel is all beefed up for more obstacles. I love challenges! Life is more than that. Perhaps the time i had spent in school made me myopic such that i forgot that life is more than just chasing after As. What about the stuff that i really enjoyed doing? Trying my best and having no regrets. Plus i really enjoyed working with my friends. We learnt about things that extend beyond the textbooks which i wouldn't exchange those experiences for anything else.
It's through this, i grow. It's through this i become what i want to be. My life doesn;t revolve around the school.Grades do matter but not to the extent that i should bawl my eyes out over it and forget the more important aspects of my life. As long as i'd done my best nothing matters.
To myself: stay strong!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i think i'm down with suayness recently...
Yesterday, i was in walking out of tj's canteen after guitar practice when i saw two double decker SBS buses at the bus-stop opposite tjc. I started behaving like a hysterical woman screaming at the top of my voice. Imagine two buses 12 came and left without me!!! Two double deckers!! OH WTH! Does anyone know the anguish i feel whenever i wait for bus 12 to come?! That bus takes a LONG LONG time to come. It doesn't help much when my stomach is rumbling... I knew i was behaving like a siao zao bo only when i noticed a few tjc boys turned to stare at me and Huichan and cherylene trying their best to calm me down by telling me to relax...
So, i thought i should just take 38 since i missed two 12 buses to tanah merah mrt station then take bus 9. On the bus 38, one stupid guy standing beside me(there's a reason why i called him stupid) was glued onto his handphone. He was playing some kind of game i think. Both of his hands were clinging his handphone as if for his dear life. Anyway, the damn bus happened to brake suddenly, that guy lost his balance, still holding onto his handphone, refusing to let go, couldn't grab the metal pole, couldn't find his CG and came crashing into me. I had to grab the metal pole for my dear life... I looked some kind of idiot, grabbing the pole for my dear life, bending down a little to get more stability and became a human stopper for the guy next to me so that he won't roll all the way to the front of the bus... I nearly called out my mother's name cause for your information,the guy was not on the thin side... Anyway, i came to the realisation that i'm strong since i could support that guy of that size... I can join titans... WAHaha!
Came down the bus, i saw bus 9 in front of bus 38 which i had just alighted and the bus just zoomed off right before my eyes while i stook gawking like an idiot. AT the point in time, i really felt like doing jumping jacks... At Tanah Merah station, i saw a woman who was hysterical as well. She was screaming at the top of her voice. It was scary hearing her screamed. Her screams sounded like someone in trouble at first. That was why alot of people gathered to take a look. That woman had some kind of emotional outburst and started sitting on the field, screaming and crying at the same time. I don't know why but i was terrified.
In the end i took bus 12 home after making such a big round...
Went to TM today, was pouring cats and dogs... Even though i had an umbrella, i was still soaked. AH! The bus i took was freezing cold can! I nearly died of frostbite.
WHile we were shopping inside TM, the rain stopped. It wasn't raining. Just as we were heading back to tj for guitar prac, the clouds started peeing again! Peed heavily some more. OH goodness! Even the weather i making a fool out of me... *sobs*
I'm eating alot these days... I don't know why as well. Eating chocolates make me happy. Open the drawer in my room and there're kitkat, pucca, hello pandas, toberones, and pocky pocky. My mum said that my room is going to breed cockroaches. But i don't care. I need to stock up food that make me happy. I'm in need of such comfort food...
Come to think of that, will it really breed cockroaches? i'm terrified of them... Opps!
Yesterday, i was in walking out of tj's canteen after guitar practice when i saw two double decker SBS buses at the bus-stop opposite tjc. I started behaving like a hysterical woman screaming at the top of my voice. Imagine two buses 12 came and left without me!!! Two double deckers!! OH WTH! Does anyone know the anguish i feel whenever i wait for bus 12 to come?! That bus takes a LONG LONG time to come. It doesn't help much when my stomach is rumbling... I knew i was behaving like a siao zao bo only when i noticed a few tjc boys turned to stare at me and Huichan and cherylene trying their best to calm me down by telling me to relax...
So, i thought i should just take 38 since i missed two 12 buses to tanah merah mrt station then take bus 9. On the bus 38, one stupid guy standing beside me(there's a reason why i called him stupid) was glued onto his handphone. He was playing some kind of game i think. Both of his hands were clinging his handphone as if for his dear life. Anyway, the damn bus happened to brake suddenly, that guy lost his balance, still holding onto his handphone, refusing to let go, couldn't grab the metal pole, couldn't find his CG and came crashing into me. I had to grab the metal pole for my dear life... I looked some kind of idiot, grabbing the pole for my dear life, bending down a little to get more stability and became a human stopper for the guy next to me so that he won't roll all the way to the front of the bus... I nearly called out my mother's name cause for your information,the guy was not on the thin side... Anyway, i came to the realisation that i'm strong since i could support that guy of that size... I can join titans... WAHaha!
Came down the bus, i saw bus 9 in front of bus 38 which i had just alighted and the bus just zoomed off right before my eyes while i stook gawking like an idiot. AT the point in time, i really felt like doing jumping jacks... At Tanah Merah station, i saw a woman who was hysterical as well. She was screaming at the top of her voice. It was scary hearing her screamed. Her screams sounded like someone in trouble at first. That was why alot of people gathered to take a look. That woman had some kind of emotional outburst and started sitting on the field, screaming and crying at the same time. I don't know why but i was terrified.
In the end i took bus 12 home after making such a big round...
Went to TM today, was pouring cats and dogs... Even though i had an umbrella, i was still soaked. AH! The bus i took was freezing cold can! I nearly died of frostbite.
WHile we were shopping inside TM, the rain stopped. It wasn't raining. Just as we were heading back to tj for guitar prac, the clouds started peeing again! Peed heavily some more. OH goodness! Even the weather i making a fool out of me... *sobs*
I'm eating alot these days... I don't know why as well. Eating chocolates make me happy. Open the drawer in my room and there're kitkat, pucca, hello pandas, toberones, and pocky pocky. My mum said that my room is going to breed cockroaches. But i don't care. I need to stock up food that make me happy. I'm in need of such comfort food...
Come to think of that, will it really breed cockroaches? i'm terrified of them... Opps!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
How stupid can i get?
i woke up at 6 plus today, thinking it was school day, jolted out of bed, sprinted to my aunty's room to wake her up, announcing to her that we're late for school while dangling my handphone in front of her face in a bid to show her the time.
Ok, the point is, how stupid can i get? I feel like a muddy fuddy biggest idiot on this entire universe... Today's Sunday for goodness sake. No doubt, i got scolded by my aunty... *Sad*
Played badminton today. As a result, i got a damn horribly ugly fugly blister on my index finger. AH! Painful!
Ok, the point is, how stupid can i get? I feel like a muddy fuddy biggest idiot on this entire universe... Today's Sunday for goodness sake. No doubt, i got scolded by my aunty... *Sad*
Played badminton today. As a result, i got a damn horribly ugly fugly blister on my index finger. AH! Painful!
Friday, April 06, 2007
itching to blog
I'm itching to blog... for no apparent reason. Just want to blog. I think i'm weird... My friends told me i'm weird, my family thinks i'm weird, sometimes, i do think myself quite weird as well. But hey! There's nothing wrong in being weird. Sometimes, it's better to be weird. Not be a conformist and do unconventional things... Create some kind of divergence from the normal mundane life...
I'm feeling a tad nostalgic of my childhood. It was short but fun... Life in the past was so happy and stress-free. I love to sing since young. When i was in kindergarden, i will sing after i've come back from school. In those days, my house had all the equipment like microphone, music discs etc for real karaoke session. I had so much fun then. I still sing. (Can confirm that with my friends) But most of my singings are confined to the toilet just outside my room.
When i was a kid, i used to do silly things to scare the wits out of people. I remember one fateful incident, i woke up in the middle of the night to pee. After peeing, i went to my mum's room. I pushed my hair to cover my face (btw, i had long hair then) and tickled my mum's feet in a bid to scare the hell out of her. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and see a figure standing at the foot of your bed, with lustrous long black hair covering her face and tickling your feet at the same time. Anyway, my attempt to scare my mum failed. She thought i had sleep walked and gently led me back to my bed. Up till this day, she still thought i sleep walked and i leave the secret as it is... ...
I like to climb when i was young. Climb the monkey bars and stuff. I miss the carefree feeling of climbing up the monkey bars, swinging here and there, feeling the breeze brushes across your face... wow! Now, i'm too fat to climb the monkey bars. I think i'll dent in or something...
I used to watch lots of cartoons after school. Life in lower primary and kindergarden was so so so fun. Come home everyday and slack. Watch cartoons, snack on pocky pocky biscuits and play with my toys... Sigh~ How i wish i can turn back time.
Does anyone remember the existence of LD? Laser dics. I used to watch alot of cartoons that were recorded on LDs. Imagine at a young age, i had to carry the damn big and heavy LD, clambered up onto a chair and place it in the LD player before i could watch my favourite cartoon. isn't it funny just to reminisce that? Looking back, technology has really developed at a fast speed. We have DVDs now that can fit the whole series of drama serials, MDs that can fit nicely into our palms, VCDs smaller than LDs... wahaha!!
Looking back at my mum's generation. It's even funnier... Have you seen pictures of your parents when they were young? All the retro looking stuff they wore. Bell bottoms were in, many donned square framed spectacles, paded shoulders were considered beautiful and the curry pok hairstyle was the die die thing that you must have... *Burst* So funny...
Once in a while, it's good to relive the past...
I miss my childhood
I'm feeling a tad nostalgic of my childhood. It was short but fun... Life in the past was so happy and stress-free. I love to sing since young. When i was in kindergarden, i will sing after i've come back from school. In those days, my house had all the equipment like microphone, music discs etc for real karaoke session. I had so much fun then. I still sing. (Can confirm that with my friends) But most of my singings are confined to the toilet just outside my room.
When i was a kid, i used to do silly things to scare the wits out of people. I remember one fateful incident, i woke up in the middle of the night to pee. After peeing, i went to my mum's room. I pushed my hair to cover my face (btw, i had long hair then) and tickled my mum's feet in a bid to scare the hell out of her. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and see a figure standing at the foot of your bed, with lustrous long black hair covering her face and tickling your feet at the same time. Anyway, my attempt to scare my mum failed. She thought i had sleep walked and gently led me back to my bed. Up till this day, she still thought i sleep walked and i leave the secret as it is... ...
I like to climb when i was young. Climb the monkey bars and stuff. I miss the carefree feeling of climbing up the monkey bars, swinging here and there, feeling the breeze brushes across your face... wow! Now, i'm too fat to climb the monkey bars. I think i'll dent in or something...
I used to watch lots of cartoons after school. Life in lower primary and kindergarden was so so so fun. Come home everyday and slack. Watch cartoons, snack on pocky pocky biscuits and play with my toys... Sigh~ How i wish i can turn back time.
Does anyone remember the existence of LD? Laser dics. I used to watch alot of cartoons that were recorded on LDs. Imagine at a young age, i had to carry the damn big and heavy LD, clambered up onto a chair and place it in the LD player before i could watch my favourite cartoon. isn't it funny just to reminisce that? Looking back, technology has really developed at a fast speed. We have DVDs now that can fit the whole series of drama serials, MDs that can fit nicely into our palms, VCDs smaller than LDs... wahaha!!
Looking back at my mum's generation. It's even funnier... Have you seen pictures of your parents when they were young? All the retro looking stuff they wore. Bell bottoms were in, many donned square framed spectacles, paded shoulders were considered beautiful and the curry pok hairstyle was the die die thing that you must have... *Burst* So funny...
Once in a while, it's good to relive the past...
I miss my childhood
Thursday, April 05, 2007
No voice
Hello Pandas !!
From Mel!!
Apparently, this box of yummylicious biscuits were passed on to quite alot of people before it actually reached me... I'm so touched! I just put that i have craving for hello pandas on my msn nick and she got it for me the following week. Mel, u're so great! Love Mel! It's this little gestures from friends that can leave me feeling all so warm and fuzzy deep down in my heart for the rest of my life. Both of us shall do our best for syf and studies k? All the best to the both of us!
Hello pandas are nice. But, i lost my voice to the dark lord, he who should not be named. It'll take some time for me to regain my beautiful voice that can melt glaciers and further aggravate the repercussions of global warming by raising sea level. My originally beautiful voice... i want it back...
Life hadn't been going around too smoothly for me for the past few days. I was down with really potent flu virus. It once again jolts me awake to the fact that even though i may be strong, i have my limitations as well. I'll succumb to viruses... Health is important. I've been telling alot of my friends to take special care on theor health so as to not follow my foot steps... Anyway, my voice sounds like a frog now and i can actually sing one octave lower than Justin timberlake. I was told my voice is sexy now. I don't talk, i croak. I don't think it's sexy. It's horrible. But then it's better than the oh so painful sore throat i had on sunday and monday. It was like hell man... No voice better than sore throat.
Anyway, i'm not trying to be strong by not seeing a doctor. It's just that i think seeing a doc is quite pointless unless i have some serious illness that's killing half of my life. Ok... What's considered serious illness? Anything except than flu... Am i making sense? Aiyah! If i'm going to dwell on this subject somemore, i'll end up contradicting myself... Basically, i know my limits... I prefer not seeing the doc and wasting money and decide to let my body recover by itself. Gain its own immunity. So to all my dear friends, don't worry too much. Hazel is pretty much like the weed. Nothing kills her...
My CT asked us a question: When a guy asks you out for a date, will you prefer the guy to pay for the dinner or go dutch? I think majority of my female classmates chose the former. Only some chose the latter i guess and that includes me...
I don't think it's right to ask the guy to pay unless it's for some special occasion. Anyway, i don't like to be dependent on others. I like to emphasise that there is no wrong or right answer to this question. I'm just trying to state my view so that next time when i have a boyfriend, i will look back at this blog entry and remind myself to go dutch. I'm like a pro-feminist kind of person. The guy can pay so can i pay for myself. I see no reason why the guy needs to pay for me...
I have noticed a funny phenomenon... At the exit of some SBS buses, there will always be this circular shaped mirror hanging above for the drivers in front to look at the passengers alighting. So far, i had seen quite alot of people staring up at the mirror before they alight. Like take one last look to see whether they are handsome or chio before stepping out of the bus. Some did real drastic stuff like applying lipstick in front of the mirror and for guys, tweaking their hair over and over again. Since their hair is never perfect, must as well snip it off right... That's why i can't stand guys with long hair... The majority of people i'd caught staring at the mirror are guys... So who's exactly the vainer sex now? LAUGH!
I've emerged strong and i'm going to get tougher!
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