While everyone were feeling the jitters waiting for the judges to consolidate the results, i felt bored instead and took out my phone to take pics.
This was the stage where we performed and got our GWHs!
Look at our sleepy barely-opened eyes... There chairs were comfortable man!
After the results:
Smile, smile and more smiles!
I think i'm taking my life for granted. My ceaseless complaints about my mundane life and how my life sucks are getting on my nerves. It't time to sit up and seriously ponder about my life. Be more appreciative with what i have. A family friend went to Cambodia and Myanmar said that he saw children as young as 4/5 begging on the streets for food or money. Worse still, some even forage rubbish dumps in search of food scraps or things to sell. Life is harder for them.
Hence, i'm going to fast so that i'll experience what's like to go hungry and impoverished. This is no laughing matter. I know i'm like the last person on this earth to fast but then i think i have to in order to appreciate life... I'm not going looney. Just do it for tha sake of experiencing... Of course, i'm going to pay close attention to my body and not fast until i faint and die or something. I'll still eat when i'm really really really hungry cause health is important.
Let me emphasise again, Hazel is not going nuts!
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