Breathe Hazel, breathe! I will do fine. No problems. As long as i stay focused, calm down and remember to breathe. everything will be perfect! Whee! as long as i perform my bestest best! I can do it! Hazel is one gung ho ass-kicking woman. Shall go to the SCH tomorrow and kick the judges' asses. I mean make them awed with our performance...
I succeeded in stressing my class! Told them that i had a piece of bad news for them which in fact i had none.It was done in the name of fun as well as to encourage them! I should have used my phone to snap pictures of my classmates looking so serious sia! FUNNY! The bad news was "i won't be in school for the whole of tomorrow!"
I think career talks do not make any difference. It's not as though they give me alot of insight and give me a clear idea of what i want to be in future. I think the school is putting in alot of effort but somehow i don't seem to benefit. Is it only me or what? Somehow i feel that carrer talks will end up like some kind of propagandas to either promote the school/company/institute etc... AH!
I went for the one on life sciences but got so bored that i began to take random pictures.
I met an eccentric lady on the bus... She poked and nudged at anyone who walked past her. I think she was afraid people will bang into her or something. Even though i was one and a half arm's length away from her she still tapped at my bag as though my bag could fly off my shoulders and ram into her nose or something. This is so weird la! Anyway, another guy was standing near her but not close enough to endanger her life kena poked on his leg by her umbrella. That guy got all fired up and the two started exchanging words in hokkien. I was like one arm's length apart from the both of them. My life was really in danger. Anyway, i was thinking that if that chao ah beng goes overboard and starts to hit the old lady or something, i think i'll restrain that chao ah beng. It's not as though i approve of the old lady or something. But she's an old lady! One light punch can leave her in hospital. Although i was scared, i stood at somewhat close proximity to the chao ah beng in case anything happens...
Old people tend to be eccentric. I wonder whether i'll be like them in future... hmm...
EHH!! Better not!
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