Hello Pandas !!
From Mel!!
Apparently, this box of yummylicious biscuits were passed on to quite alot of people before it actually reached me... I'm so touched! I just put that i have craving for hello pandas on my msn nick and she got it for me the following week. Mel, u're so great! Love Mel! It's this little gestures from friends that can leave me feeling all so warm and fuzzy deep down in my heart for the rest of my life. Both of us shall do our best for syf and studies k? All the best to the both of us!
Hello pandas are nice. But, i lost my voice to the dark lord, he who should not be named. It'll take some time for me to regain my beautiful voice that can melt glaciers and further aggravate the repercussions of global warming by raising sea level. My originally beautiful voice... i want it back...
Life hadn't been going around too smoothly for me for the past few days. I was down with really potent flu virus. It once again jolts me awake to the fact that even though i may be strong, i have my limitations as well. I'll succumb to viruses... Health is important. I've been telling alot of my friends to take special care on theor health so as to not follow my foot steps... Anyway, my voice sounds like a frog now and i can actually sing one octave lower than Justin timberlake. I was told my voice is sexy now. I don't talk, i croak. I don't think it's sexy. It's horrible. But then it's better than the oh so painful sore throat i had on sunday and monday. It was like hell man... No voice better than sore throat.
Anyway, i'm not trying to be strong by not seeing a doctor. It's just that i think seeing a doc is quite pointless unless i have some serious illness that's killing half of my life. Ok... What's considered serious illness? Anything except than flu... Am i making sense? Aiyah! If i'm going to dwell on this subject somemore, i'll end up contradicting myself... Basically, i know my limits... I prefer not seeing the doc and wasting money and decide to let my body recover by itself. Gain its own immunity. So to all my dear friends, don't worry too much. Hazel is pretty much like the weed. Nothing kills her...
My CT asked us a question: When a guy asks you out for a date, will you prefer the guy to pay for the dinner or go dutch? I think majority of my female classmates chose the former. Only some chose the latter i guess and that includes me...
I don't think it's right to ask the guy to pay unless it's for some special occasion. Anyway, i don't like to be dependent on others. I like to emphasise that there is no wrong or right answer to this question. I'm just trying to state my view so that next time when i have a boyfriend, i will look back at this blog entry and remind myself to go dutch. I'm like a pro-feminist kind of person. The guy can pay so can i pay for myself. I see no reason why the guy needs to pay for me...
I have noticed a funny phenomenon... At the exit of some SBS buses, there will always be this circular shaped mirror hanging above for the drivers in front to look at the passengers alighting. So far, i had seen quite alot of people staring up at the mirror before they alight. Like take one last look to see whether they are handsome or chio before stepping out of the bus. Some did real drastic stuff like applying lipstick in front of the mirror and for guys, tweaking their hair over and over again. Since their hair is never perfect, must as well snip it off right... That's why i can't stand guys with long hair... The majority of people i'd caught staring at the mirror are guys... So who's exactly the vainer sex now? LAUGH!
I've emerged strong and i'm going to get tougher!
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